A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 307: Finishing his talk with the system

Chapter 307: Finishing his talk with the system

Listening to the system explaining to him more what hidden classes are, and what they represent, Eldrian lost track of time. Often asking side questions as he thought of them, which sometimes ended up with no reply.

The system not being willing to explain certain things to him, due to them being too close to the nature of magic. Still, Eldrian felt that he had a much better grasp of his situation now.

He understood what the dangers to him were. He also understood now, at least much better than before, what souls were. Especially the reason why no book seemed to agree on what they were.

The reason is simple, yet unbelievable. Souls differ from person to person, due to their different outlooks on life.

The reason why some groups have similar souls is due to them having a similar outlook. This is most often seen in religion, where people believe their souls are a copy of their bodies.

Hence why many religious books, not for the believers but for the priests, would state that the soul resembles the body. The closer its semblance, the greater your belief and magic.

"Remember," The system said before getting ready to depart, "If you do enter a situation where your soul is damaged beyond repair, then it will be your will determining if you will live or die."

"This has been proven with more than half the game testers surviving back then. Hence if you realize that it is going to happen to you, focus on what you hold most dear."

"That should give you some sort of an edge."

"Thanks," Eldrian replied. His opinion on the system having greatly increased thanks to this impromptu visit.

Just as his voice faded in the abyss, Eldrian suddenly asked, "Wait! Is there a way to link souls?"

A response did not come immediately, however, after a few seconds, the female voice was heard again. "What do you mean?"

Her tone made it clear that she did not like this question, still Eldrian wanted to know. So he started explaining what had happened back in the Avgi forest.

"Interesting, that is quite clever of the Alicorns. Honestly, I do not know if it would work. Nor if you truly would want to go through with it. It is not something as simple as you might be thinking and the benefits are far less for you."

"What do you mean?" Eldrian questioned, never having thought it would be simple.

"The method will likely be that which legends use to safeguard their lives. It is similar to how liches would separate their souls, placing some of it into a phylactery."

"Except, instead of hiding a part of the soul, two souls are merged and then split thereafter. You can only do this once, and it can never be undone. I am sure you have been warned about this."

Eldrian mind nodded, recalling that Zamia had said something like that. However, he could not recall much about it. He mostly just remembered that he needed to reach Tier 3 first. Hopefully, Cephaphyr wouldn\'t advance before he managed.

"The reason it will not be as useful for you is that this is used to enable them to survive when their bodies are destroyed. But not their souls. It also allows their souls to take more damage than normal, and this is likely the only benefit you will gain."

"Seeing as all players can already resurrect, gaining a new avatar in the process. In a way, you can say that this method is an imitation of the resurrection players have."

Hearing this Eldrian wondered if he should still go through with it then. Honestly, he still felt like it was a good option, especially considering that Cephaphyr would then join his party. Or so he believed it would go.

However, it might be better to wait and rather try and do this with Vivian. But Eldrian had no idea how to do this. Nore if she would want to do something, which could be considered one of the most intimate things possible.

"Is there no way to do this with more than one person?" Eldrian asked, causing the system to sigh.

"There has yet to be a successful attempt, and failing is not kind on those who participated. On top of that, during the merger, you will not be able to hide your thoughts. This means the person you are trying to merge with, will come to know that their world was created by your kind."

What?? Eldrian was dazed by this revelation. It certainly made the question of it he should much more complex.

"Think carefully before you decide to do something that cannot be undone." The system warned before leaving. Leaving the dumbfounded Eldrian to his own thoughts.

It took him nearly a minute to calm his thoughts. Eldrian having realized that this process was much much more dangerous than he had thought. If the one he did it with couldn\'t stand knowing that they were but in a virtual simulation, then he did not know what would happen.

The system did not explain how the process could fail, nor what would happen if it did. Making Eldrian all the more apprehensive. He also realized now he had no way to ask to meet, it was fully dependent on her coming when he entered his soul state.

Let\'s just place that at the back of my mind again.? Eldrian mumbled to himself, letting it be forgotten for now.

Turning to his soul, he wanted to attempt a few things. However, he decided against it, while the system had not been against him doing so. He felt Pelaros would not warn him without good reason.

Eldrian didn\'t want to do anything without knowing what it would lead to. While he was curious about it, he\'d rather wait a bit longer.

There was also no reason for him to do anything here, in any case. The system had explained to him that he should not have any more bottlenecks until he tried to reach Tier 5. He only needed to realize what the next steps were.

She was not kind enough to give them to him, however, Eldrian felt she didn\'t actually know. Having constantly said, when he asked, that he had to find his own path.

Even so, this was still better than before. True, he had been busy just learning Tier 2 spells, but he had been bothered by the fact that he had no idea how to advance further. Now he knew he needed to meditate, and find something there.

Meaning all the other paths were not needed. He did not need to learn Tier 3 spells, he did not need to do something with his soul. He simply needed to meditate.

Finally, he exited the magic abyss and quickly called up his stats. The system had also informed him that she had added indicators to measure his soul and auras.

[Soul - The Lonely Heart]

[After taking damage, your soul has regressed into a singular form. Whether it is to stay in this form or transform will depend on you.]

[Curent Affects: (1) Triples resurrection time: from half an hour to an hour and a half.]

[(2) Allows a clearer image of your soul\'s state, as well as your auras. What this will mean to you is uncertain.]

Mmm, well that isn\'t that informative. And I wonder how accurate the resurrection time is,? Eldrian thought, turning to his auras next.

[User has unlocked multiple auras. Currently, they are in balance, however, this may change at any time.]

[Aura of Wrath]

[Normally the aura of a Berserker. It allows you to massively boost your strength and speed. Passively consuming mana for power, in extreme cases also consuming health and stamina.]

[Depending on the strength of the aura, the boost will vary. However, using it comes at the cost of your rationale. The longer you use it, the less you will be able to think. Friends will become foes and fire will become water.]

[To be capable of using this power, you must learn how to use your aura, consciously.]

[Current State: Tier 2]

[Current Possible Boost: 50%]

Impressive, Eldrian commented as he read. Eager to try and figure out how to access his auras, however, he knew he still had plenty of other things also on his plate.

[Aura of Tranquility]

[Normally the aura of a Sage. It allows you to keep your calm -no matter the situation. At the same time, it also enables you to increase the effectiveness of all your magic without any extra cost of mana. However, this will slow down your movements, making you an easy target.]

[To be capable of using this power, you must learn how to use your aura, consciously.]

[Current State: Tier 2]

[Current Possible Boost: 50%]

Reading the description Eldrian looked at the description of his Protector class. It was quite similar, only it had a mana cost attached and the boost was weaker.

Likely due to me not knowing how to use that aura properly. Eldrian thought,? Or this is a completely different boost and has nothing to do with the Protector hidden class.

As he was about to exit his stats screen, he saw there was something else knew. Labeled Unique.

[Due to having two auras, you might be able to circumvent the negatives. Allowing you to keep your mind intact while using the wrath aura, or to keep your movements when using the tranquility aura.]

Isn\'t that handy, A smile formed on Eldrian\'s face as he read this, only to find another discription.

This one the most shocking to him, as the system had refused to talk about it.

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