A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 306: Berserker

Chapter 306: Berserker

"Has there been any other unwilling or higher undead discovered?" Pelaros asked, Katania immediately replying.

"No, all the other discovered lairs are only lower undead."

"Then you do not need me, start the attack. I will handle this one if they stir, else I would like to give Haru all the time he needs."

Katania hesitated a bit, but after a few seconds, she did go to get things started. Now the responsibility was feeling a lot heavier than before when she was just organizing things. However she liked it.

"What are you doing? Don\'t tell me you are actually trying to analyze the aura." Pelaros mumbled as Katania left. He had only jokingly told Eldrian to try and figure it out.

"Shit, I hope he didn\'t try anything reckless," Pelaros mumbled, starting to prepare a few arrays to help him should the revenant come out.

Even with his 3 Tier advantage, he did not wish to fight the revenant on equal grounds. Without divine magic to weaken it, it would be hard to kill.

Not that it would be capable to harm him, however, it might be able to escape if he did not prepare. Naturally, that was not something Pelaros wanted to happen.


Like relentless waves of a sea, hordes of reptilian-like creatures were assaulting staunch stone walls. From which balls of fire and many javelin like projectiles were being launched.

The reptilian creatures seemed to not care for all these projectiles and were climbing the walls with their claws. Determined to kill the dwarves who stood waiting atop the walls.

Down in the waves of these creatures, a dwarf was attacking wildly. His axe had a gleaming blue and purple blade, which seemed to captivate those who save its shine.

The battleaxe cut through groups of Kobolds as if they offered no resistance, their armor parting as if inviting the blade.

Kobolds, reptilian humanoids just slightly taller than the dwarf who had felled them. Normally they would have the advantage in strength and speed. However, this was clearly not the case.

Smiling as their blood covered him, the dwarf rushed forward. Continuing his killing spree, his axe greedy for blood. Any blood...

As it sank into new flesh, and let blood flow, the blade shone brighter and brighter. Never becoming covered in blood. Instead, the blue became more and more prominent, slowly taking over the entire edge. And with it, the blue metals in the right arm of the dwarf glowed in support.

Like a possessed demon he slaughtered, no other dwarf dared come near him. They stayed back and held the wall, watching him venture into the mids of the enemies with fear.

Fear for his safety, and, for his sanity.

No matter what, this dwarf seemed to remain unstoppable. His rage unquenchable. No matter the kobold he faced, they would die within seconds.

"You! Dwarven filth! Face me!" A much large kobold shouted in a tongue lost to all of the surface dwellers.

This one stood close to two meters tall upon a drake. The dwarf turned to face it. Not caring for the dragon-like mount of the kobold that was five times his size.

A branch of the draconic line, drakes are smaller than dragons and wingless. Typically they come from the offspring of fallen dragons; dragons who had betrayed their own essence - a dragon who has fallen to his greed.

This particular drake had pitch-black scales, making it almost invisible in the dark of caves. However, the burning fires on the battlefield brought it to light. Its red eyes glared at the dwarf who seemed unafraid.

"Yaaghhh!" The dwarf shouted, rushing towards this new target. Not even for a moment thinking about the size difference.

As he rushed at a new opponent, the blade started vibrating in joy, sending a blinding blue light into the air. Blinding all those who were looking. When sight returned to everyone they were shocked at the sight.

The battleaxe of the dwarf had cut through the scales, the entire blade stuck in its neck. An impressive feat to any who knew how hard a drake\'s scales were.

Yet this was not the end, the dwarf quickly pulled the axe out and attacked again. The drake this time trying to turn and flee. However before it could, the axe landed again. Its body seemingly refusing to move fast enough.

Landing with the same force, and without the scales to block the attack, the axe cut through its neck. The blade was not large enough to behead the creature, however, part of its neck was torn open.

Crying in pain the drake threw its rider off as it tried to scramble away. The dwarf would not let it get away, with little care he jumped into the air. Shouting in rage he brought the axe down again, this time using the gaping hole to cleave the head from the body.

The battlefield became silent upon this sight. Before anyone could make sense of what had happened the massive kobold was sent flying. The noise of the attack stealing their attention.

The kobold had managed to bring its spear to block the attack. Yet the force was so large that the metal shaft had bent and it itself was sent flying into the ceiling of the massive cave.

Crashing with massive force, the kobold spewed blood from its mouth. Before it could even separate from the ceiling, a follow-up ethereal blade cut it in half.

Shouting triumphantly, the dwarf looked at the others and charged. The kobolds, having seen their leader killed in seconds, fled. However, that just made the slaughter all that much easier.

Finally, over half an hour later, the dwarf came back. Covered head to toe in blood, only the edge of his axe not covered in red.

The dwarves opened up upon his arrival. All of them held respect and fear for this dwarf, and none of them dared to stand in his path. No one dared even come within ten meters of him.

They knew what happened when someone came near him in this state.

As he disappeared, the other dwarves all started discussing what just happened. Until their captain ordered them to be quiet.? Even so, the discussions continued, just softer.

The captains met up, shocked by the last battle.

"He is becoming stronger and stronger." One dwarf with aging white hair and beard said. The latter having many rings holding it together.

"Much much stronger, it reminds me of the legends." Another agreed, this one having auburn hair and beard. Unlike the old dwarf, his bear was only to his neck and had only two rings.

"Do you think we should ask him to step aside?" Another asked this one\'s hair yet black and having four rings.

"No," the white-haired dwarf said, "We would have struggled to kill the drake. It is an ancient beast, of the dragon bloodline. It was also Tier 6. While it was no variant, its scales are truly hard."

"We have no weapon capable of piercing it, apart from our ballistae. However, our lord\'s axe is special, with each battle it seems to grow even sharper."

"But! Our lord is losing his sanity with each fight!" The red-haired dwarf shouted in concern.

"Only on the battlefield, he calms down after a few minutes." The old dwarf replied, "Besides, it is indeed like the legends. How can we consider limiting him?"

"Remember, he had never focused on fighting. Having taken the path of a creator instead. Yet, with each battle, his strength increases massively. It is almost like he is gaining strength from slaughter." The old dwarf said, silence ensuing after.

"Right, let me go talk to him." The old dwarf added after a minute or two of silence. No one else wished to go near their lord at this time. If he had calmed down enough was still unknown.

Exiting the captain\'s tent, the white-haired dwarf looked at the battlefield and sighed. This place held mostly sorrow for the dwarves, but they must keep it.

The town had never been popular, however, it is a key point of security for the rest of the kingdom. So much so that their last lord had even given his life fighting to protect it. Sadly, even that had not been enough. For no kingdom only had one place of entrance.

Moving towards the manor of the town, the old dwarf only needed to follow the trail of blood to know he was on the right track. The town was mostly made up of military buildings, with multiple massive granaries and equipment storages.

It was never designed for civilians, and there were very few here. Only enough to organize the supply of food and weapons. Allowing the soldiers to focus on protecting the walls, walls that normally they would not go past.

Opening the door of the manor, a building resembling a keep more than a manor, the dwarf stepped in. Seeing his lord kneeling with his axe in hand.

"My lord." The dwarf said, swallowing in fear. Waiting nervously the dwarf finally turned to look at him.

"Am I that terrifying, Firhin?" The dwarf, now covered in dried blood, asked. His voice containing sorrow and disappointment.

"No my lord! I mean. It is just." The old dwarf Firhin stumbled over his words.

"I understand. I do become quite... Wild." The blood-covered dwarf said, slowly standing up. "Right, I should go and clean myself. There should be another wave tomorrow."

As the blood-covered dwarf moved to the bathroom he asked, "Firhin, do you think they will send a proper attack this time? Such a weak commander having a drake means there must be plenty more."

Firhin shuddered hearing this, not understanding how this could be considered an improper attack. They would have been hard-pressed if nor for the enemy losing their morale.

"Right, make sure to gather the drake\'s body. I wish to modify my axe." A voice came from deeper in the building, the old dwarf nodding in reply.

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