Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 117

Layton also gained substantial benefits for starters he was already aware of how to solve the problem about Shi Chen’s sacred fire had been and the dilemma he had been facing about how to go about designing and creating his next rune had been resolved, Layton went through his mind once making sure he had kept in his memory every important scene he had just witnessed as the insights gained might be of tremendous help later.

Waking up from his contemplation he lightly glanced around and noticed zero and Lilith a few meters from him apparently waiting for him.

Zero was still in her usual cloak but this time the hood was not up as her short blond hair and crystal blue eyes were in full display, standing next to her was Lilith, her petite figure donning a stylish rose and black coloured gothic style dress, her long wavy red hair complimenting her pale but strangely healthy skin.

Layton saw Lilith smile brightly at him and zero beckon towards him before they turned around and headed for the exit, Layton turned around and saw some wizards were still sitting motionless, although a little sound wouldn’t affect them but it would be considered rude so Layton followed the example of zero and silently headed for the exit.

Stepping out of the door he was transported to the exit of the building, the buildings in school city were special and made deep use of space and teleportation related forces much like the walkways and roads of the school city, so once through any door in any building once you have a specific goal in mind one would be automatically teleported to the entrance of the room. Once out of the wizard department Layton directly saw zero and Lilith sitting in an open air café directly opposite the wizard departmental building, Lilith was waving at him excitedly Layton smiled at her back and quickly walked over taking his seat on their table.

Most wizards have a very minimal need for food and so there were very few restaurants around the department instead a lot of café’s and bars were dotted around. The café they were located in right now was called Ambrosia and like the name the whole café was built around the mythical nectar of the gods of course prepared in a ton of different ways and with a multitude of beneficial effects.

Lilith after seeing take his seat was quickly engrossed in the plate of green jelly-like substance on her plate, one could clearly see the smile of satisfaction on her little face, Zero, on the other hand, was slowly sipping some amber liquid from a teacup, a few seconds later she put down the cup of glowing liquid and slowly spoke in her cold but charming voice. “Have you decided on how to solve your credit problem, I and Lilith would be happy to give you a loan if you want....”

“I am in a research team already.” Layton quickly replied cutting her off a little embarrassed by her words and the pitying look Lilith sent his way when she heard zero’s words.


“Oh, which one.” Zero asked not in the least annoyed by his actions if anything she found it amusing that he was embarrassed.

“It’s a small team at the moment basically creating a new cultivation technique for a martial artist, what about you.” Layton casually replied while scrolling through the projected menu that was displayed on the table.

“I am also in a research team one run by Mage Maya.” Zero replied after taking a sip of her beverage.

“Mage Maya?” Layton asked in curiosity, from the tone in which she said the name it could be inferred that the mage was a popular figure and he was supposed to be aware of her name.

“She’s the blond sister who just finished giving a lecture.” Lilith happily chipped in with her chirpy childish tone.

“it is nominally about space related studies, creation occupation and exploration of special energy dimensions.” Zero concluded lightly.

“what about you, are you in any research team.” Layton asked facing Lilith

“Mm, pantheon.” Lilith murmured in between bites.

“It’s a community of gods, Buddha’s, paladins, basically geniuses that are involved in the path of faith.” Zero elaborated.

Layton was not surprised that Lilith was able to join such an elite community after all in the holy grail plane before he went unconscious he could clearly remember the power and sacredness that was in her voice as her words resounded throughout the plane.

The same sacred and divine temperament was still shown on her body even now just more concealed and controlled.

“So have you decided on your next rune?” Zero suddenly asked Layton

“Yeah it’s slowly coming together but I’m not in a hurry.”

“It seems like I will be the first to break through to legend.” Zero muttered as she heard Layton’s reply.

“mmm Grandpa neitro said I can only breakthrough when we travel the plane.” Lilith said while taking the last spoon of her dish when she noticed the puzzled look Layton sent her way.

“The head of the pantheon.” Zero succinctly stated explaining who neitro was.

Having finished her meal and hearing the topic head towards neitro, Lilith started happily retailing Layton of her numerous stories with the head of the pantheon. A long conversation and a happy meal later zero and Lilith headed back to their shared apartment while Layton was heading back to the wizard department to register and attend some courses that caught his fancy, although he already had some ideas on how to solve his rune and enable Shi Chen to possess a sacred fire, it didn’t hurt to learn more and possess more knowledge to perfect the means to solve them.

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