Chapter 595

The man known as Miao Zi Fong was a different case. As the eldest son of the Miao clan and the brother of one of the most powerful women in the region, Miao Zi Fong had it all. Power, resources, women, there was nothing he couldn’t have.

However, in a world ruled by force, Miao Zi Fong would not have survived this long without possessing his own strength. Although he was not as powerful as his older sister, Miao Zi Fong was still one of the strongest experts in his sect. Almost as powerful as a sect elder despite his young age.

Due to all of the above, Miao Zi Fong was used to having everything he wanted or taking it by force when he didn’t. Miao Zi Fong even enjoyed snatching what he desired, especially women. Seeing them resist only to end up on his bed writhing in pleasure as they begged was Miao Zi Fong’s favorite thing.

Seeing the four women of exquisite and exotic beauty, Miao Zi Fong couldn’t wait to forcefully lead them away. Of course, these women would not go without a fight, and Miao Zi Fong knew it; for him, that was the most exciting part.

Not caring how lost in his fantasies the jerk before her was, Claire released a torrent of arcana. Claire formed several dozen daggers of telekinetic energy, firing them a second later at Miao Zi Fong.

Seeing Claire’s attack, Miao Zi Fong laughed complacently before using the clan’s martial arts on him. “.”

With a single sweep of his spear, a wave of Aura shattered the energy daggers thrown by Claire. Without waiting for Claire’s next move, Miao Zi Fong lashed out simultaneously as the tip of his spear was filled with a blue glow. “.”

Using a variation of Miao Xiauyue’s preferred attack, Miao Zi Fong launched a powerful spear attack. Claire blanched as she realized that her defenses couldn’t stop that attack. Still, Miao Zi Fong’s spearhead fell short as a barrier erected by Cecilia stopped it.


Miao Zi Fong looked surprised to see his powerful spear thrust parried, but he showed adaptability by changing tactics. Despite its absurd defensive power, Cecilia’s barrier had a very obvious weak point. In order to increase its defensive capabilities, the barrier had to be very compact, making it challenging to block certain types of attacks.

Looking excited yet impatient, Miao Zi Fong made his Aura explode as he released a barrage of thrusts. “Nice try; let’s see how you stop this. .”

Even faster than a machine gun, Miao Zi Fong released thrust after thrust, bypassing the barrier of Cecilia, who simply couldn’t keep up. Fortunately, in the brief instant it took Zi Fong to change tactics, Claire had already backed off, barely managing to get out of the air from the barrage of attacks.

Before Zi Fong could retrieve the spear, Revna appeared behind him with a pair of shadow daggers poised to bite like serpentine fangs. Sensing the attack behind him, Zi Fong smiled arrogantly. “I was waiting for you.”

While Revna was still in the air, Zi Fong released the spear and turned around, both palms covered in a slightly pink Aura. Zi Fong released a second .

Unable to react in midair, Revna took the full impact of the barrage of palm strikes. Or so Zi Fong believed until he saw the woman dissipate as if she were made of shadows. At that precise moment, Revna appeared right behind Zi Fong, already brandishing both shadow daggers and slamming them into Zi Fong’s left side.

Revna had relied on a decoy made of shadows to fool Zi Fong, knowing that in the heat of combat Zi Fong would not be able to see through the deception in time. Revna didn’t expect her daggers to meet so much resistance upon impact. It was almost like trying to drive them through a sheet of steel.

Zi Fong felt as if he had been bitten in the side by a huge snake and was very grateful always to wear a piece of soft armor hidden under his robe. If he didn’t bring a piece of armor with him, Zi Fong believed that he would be bleeding to death on the ground, assuming these ladies didn’t deliver the coup de grace.

Seeing her sneak attack missed, Revna tried to retreat, but Zi Fong caught her in time with a kick to the stomach that cracked some of her ribs. Sensing danger, Revna covered her body in a cloak of shadow tendrils and used them to propel herself out of Zi Fong’s spear sweep range.

Before he could continue his attack, Zi Fong had to go on the defensive to block Claire and Cecilia’s joint attacks. Claire unleashed a seemingly endless stream of telekinetic daggers while Cecilia fired a starlight beam.

While both girls were weaker than Zi Fong, their attacks kept him restrained enough that he couldn’t counterattack. Seizing the opportunity, Sasha, who hadn’t made a move during the entire fight, intervened. “I thought that was enough, don’t you, Mister Miao Zi Fong?”

Who would have expected Miao Zi Fong to be so unreasonable? Instead of taking the easy way out, Miao Zi Fong seemed determined to take the hard route. “Enough, you say; I decide when enough is enough.”

Once again, Zi Fong squeezed the Aura out of him and blasted it to the max before smashing Claire and Cecilia’s offense with a spear sweep which he used to execute another martial art. Seeing Zi Fong’s unreasonable approach, Sasha frowned and took a step forward before asking a simple question. “Who gave you the right to decide?”

It was as if Zi Fong had heard a great joke because he laughed almost hysterically. It is evident that the man was experiencing a lot of anger and emotion for everything that was happening. “That’s a hilarious question you’re asking. You see, I don’t need anyone to give me that right; I am the strongest person here, and now, that’s all I need to take what I want and do what I want.”

Contrary to what Zi Fong expected, Sasha didn’t get angry or frustrated with his response. Instead, she just kept walking toward him with a smile that confused Zi Fong. Feeling the need to express her feelings, Sasha clarified the reason behind her smile. “It’s good to know that Mr. Zi Fong understands such a simple truth. You are right; only the strongest person has the right to take and do what she wants. However, Mr. Zi Fong is also wrong; you are not the strongest person in this room.”

Under the stunned gaze of all present, Sasha revealed her true form, covering her body in liquid flame. At the same time, her hair became a trail of vermilion fire. Sasha’s long horns lent a dangerous tinge to her natural charm, but no one was in the mood to appreciate her beauty.

Seeing Sasha’s transformation, Zi Fong thought of a person he knew, the rumored mistress of her older sister, the Silver Dragon of the Roaming Cloud Sect. Immediately, Zi Fong had a bad feeling.

Ignoring everyone’s reaction, Sasha made her move. A pair of fire whips appeared out of nowhere in Sasha’s hands, and with a twist of her wrist, they ran rampant toward Zi Fong.

Relying on his superior reflexes, Zi Fong blocked Sasha’s attack with his spear, but he did not look pleased with the feat. Not caring that her first attack was blocked, Sasha kept moving her hands and wrists in circular patterns, giving life to her whips that lashed with a murderous frenzy.

Zi Fong was quickly overwhelmed by the strange, unpredictable, and changing attack patterns of the pair of whips. To the martial artist’s despair, Sasha wasn’t giving him any leeway. On the contrary, Sasha’s attack frequency only got faster, and her attack patterns were harder to block.

When Zi Fong thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. Zi Fong’s spear built up so much heat in a matter of seconds that it became painful to hold. Less than five seconds after Sasha joined the fight, Zi Fong was pushed into a corner.

Zi Fong couldn’t defend himself against Sasha without the spear, but the spear had already started to hurt him, and if he kept holding it, he could cripple his hands.

As if she read Zi Fong’s mind, Sasha spoke at that moment as she stopped her barrage of attacks. “Don’t worry; this will be over soon.”

Sasha practically danced when she fought, a style that Desmond found incredibly charming and alluring. Right now, she was about to use a move that Desmond had seen once in the past. As she withdrew her hands and whips, Sasha moved her wrists in circles, causing both whips to coil like snakes to form a huge pair of broad spears.

Before Zi Fong regained his composure and mounted a defense, a pair of fire lotuses bloomed on Sasha’s back, spitting out a flame that propelled her forward. With a double thrust of her huge flaming spears, Sasha smashed the weapon into Zi Fong’s hands and pushed him to the side of the building before smashing through the wall with his body and sending him flying out of the building.

As if all her momentum ran out at that precise moment, Sasha stopped short of getting out of the hole she had thrown Zi Fong through. As she looked down at the man who fell several stories high, now burned and badly injured, Sasha couldn’t help but make a comment that sent chills down everyone who heard it. “For being so arrogant, he wasn’t that strong; I didn’t even have time to have fun.”

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