The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 114 - Values

Alfonso sat down next to Susana who was cleaning the tears on her eyes.

"Is he also going to throw me in the face the fact that I am a murderer?" Though Susana with a bitter expression.

"How was your childhood?" Asked Alfonso.

"Eh?" Susana wasn\'t ready fort this kind of question, so she didn\'t know how to answer.

"I asked you, how was your childhood? Did you enjoy it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well…it was pretty normal I think…?" Said Susana with some stiffness.

"I don\'t think that the childhood of a princess is anything but normal" Said Alfonso with a small chuckle.

Susana though for some time.

"I-I used to study a lot, so I didn\'t go out a lot" Said Susana.

"Oh? Why did you study? You liked to study or because Felio force you?" Asked Alfonso.

"N-no I liked to study, in fact, father told me numerous of times that I should experiment more of the real world instead of the paper world" Said Susana.

"I see, in my case I wasn\'t a brilliant nor a very obedient kid, since I was a child, I liked to play a lot and was very nasty, my mom used to reproach a lot because I failed a lot of my courses in the school" Said Alfonso while looking at the moon.

Right now, he wasn\'t Alfonso Lockheart, the lord of Wasteland Valley, he was just a normal old man missing his home. A lot of memories came into his mind.

"Did you know your mother?" Said Susana.

"Yeah, my dad was always away, sometimes was for work, sometimes was for pleasure, but my mom never said anything to him, she dedicated her life to rise me and my sister, of course, my father loved my mother, I don\'t have a single doubt about that, in fact, I remember one time that my mom threat my father to leave him… hehe… that time he almost begged on his knees that she stayed" Said Alfonso.

"The emperor really did that!?" Asked Susana.

"Huh… ah…ah yeah, my father Willian really did that, but keep as a secret ok? Otherwise, my had would roll" Said Alfonso.


"Anyway, I was fortunate that my mom was around, she taught me everything, from how to walk to how to be a good brother, a good son and a good man, for that, I will be eternally grateful" Said Alfonso.

Susana didn\'t say anything she lowered her head, but a image of a man came to his mind. He had a huge smile while calling her.

"Father" Though Susana.

"When I was young, I made a lot of mistakes, I make my mother and father suffer a lot, there is not a single day that I don\'t ask myself, why didn\'t I do this? Or Why did I this that?" Said Alfonso.

Susana felt that the words of Alfonso resonated with her heart, so she couldn\'t help but close her face to Alfonso\'s in expectation.

"But, if live have taught me something, is that there is no "if" in this world, there are no second chances, once you make a decision, is definitive, you can\'t erase it, that\'s why, when you do something, you have to realize what are the consequences of your own actions, and just for you but the people are your side, I am not talking about your friends, I am talking about the people who are always by your side, even in your darkest time" Said Alfonso.

Susana couldn\'t help but grab her chest tightly as is her heart was about to explode.

With some tears on her eyes, she looked at Alfonso and asked.

"Was I… was I wrong?"

Alfonso looked at her and said with seriousness.

"Nobody can\'t tell you if you are wrong or right, in this world, everything is a matter of perception, there is no absolute evil or absolute goodness in this world, the only person who can tell you that, is yourself" Said Alfonso.

"No matter what decision you make, if you think it was the right decision, then…that\'s enough, but remember, no matter what decision you make, is yours and yours alone, you will have to take full responsibility of it, if it was a right decision or not, only time will tell, however, you must live with that, you have to keep moving forward, no matter what you decided" Said Alfonso.

Susana couldn\'t take it anymore and started crying like a baby, Alfonso only made a small sight and patted her back, Susana grabbed Alfonso\'s back and hugged him while crying.

"She is just a child after all" Thought Alfonso.


Artemis was frowning on the carriage, she was alone looking at the full moon.

"Still upset?" Suddenly a voice came from her side.

She turned around and found Alfonso sitting by her side with a small smile on his face.

"I am not upset" Said Artemis with her usual cold face.

"Hehe…I have known you the most since I came to this world, I can already tell that, despite your face, you are quite the emotional person" Said Alfonso.

Artemis made a small "Hmph" and then turned around, giving her back to Alfonso.

Alfonso made a small chuckle and stood there without saying anything.

After some minutes passed, someone finally broke the silence.

"Do you… do you also think like her?" Asked Artemis.

"Think like her about what?" Asked Alfonso with calmness.

"Would you also kill an innocent one just because of someone else mistake?" Asked Artemis.

Alfonso was quiet for some time before opening his mouth.

"I am not on Susana\'s side" Said Alfonso.


"However, I am not at your side either" Said Alfonso before Artemis could continue.

Alfonso grabbed Artemis hand and looked her right into her eyes.

"This is not a matter of who is wrong or who is right, were are individuals with our own ideas and our own values, if she is wrong or not, we don\'t have the right to judge her, yeah, she might be wrong, however, that is her problem, Artemis, I am not telling you to change your values however, you must learn that we can\'t impose our own values to others, because, went we think that we have the right and the duty to make others accept our own values discarding their own, is went we transform into another kind of people, your father, Zeus is a good example of that" Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso and was confused by his speech.

"Why can\'t I force someone to accept what I believe is right? Are you telling me that I have to accept something that goes again my own nature!?" Said Artemis.

"NO! I am not telling you to change, I am telling you that you must use your own values to change others perspective, not forcing them on others!" Said Alfonso "Artemis, if your force people to became like you, then, they will not have a change of heart, they will only act because of fear, if you want to change someone\'s values you must first change their heart and the only way to do that is to talk, don\'t underestimated the word "talk", because talking requires a very simple yet extremely important condition, and that condition is the two sides are willing to listen the other one" Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"Why must I do something like that?" Said Artemis.

Alfonso smiled at her and caress her face.

"Because you are the goddess, Artemis. Be willing to defend your position and inspire others is the quality of a good leader, however, the power to inspire others and yet have the heart to listen and respect other\'s people opinions is the quality of those who stood among the masses, dragons between men, I firmly believe that you are one of the formers ones, Artemis" Said Alfonso.

Artemis stood there for some time, before making a small yet satisfying smile.

"Uhm" Said Artemis while grabbing Alfonso\'s hand.


"Man, I am tired" Said Alfonso while throwing himself to the floor. After staying with Artemis for some time, he headed back to sleep, he was beaten.

"I am impressed"

Before he could close his eyes, a lovely voice came from behind. Alfonso didn\'t need to turn around to knew who the other of the voice was.

"Impressed about what?" Asked Alfonso.

"I heard all of it~ I didn\'t know that you would be able to calm those two, but you pulled it thrown" Said Demeter.

"It\'s nothing really, where I came from, the debate between abortion is hot, nobody has the right answer so this kind of discrepancies are normal between people of different believes, this not only applies to this theme in particular, religion, money, power, politics, every subject on this world has two parts and people defending one part or other" Said Alfonso.

Demeter didn\'t say anything but smiled sweetly and hugged Alfonso from behind.

"So, what\'s your answer? You won\'t tell me that you don\'t have one, do you?" Asked Demeter.

Alfonso stood still for some time before murmuring some words that only Demeter could hear.

"What do you think? Disappointed?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, although is not the answer that I wanted to hear, I think that is a perfect answer" Said Demeter.

Alfonso only chuckle a little before closing his eyes, however he was just about to enter the dream world went a voice made her heart beat faster than ever.

"I am falling more for you, be careful, if you keep like this, one time I will just eat you without warning, don\'t blame me by then okay~" Said Demeter while giving Alfonso a small kiss on his check.

"Please spare me from that, I don\'t want to become food" Said Alfonso with a small sigh.

Then he finally was able to sleep, curiously enough, Susana didn\'t dream with the baby anymore and, after many years, she had very good and peaceful night.

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