Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 435: Myla Joins

Chapter 435: Myla Joins

Aegir POV–

As soon as I enter the headquarters where Erich is, I bellow without any preamble.

「Is it true that we’ve been betrayed?」

My voice was louder than I thought and it scared a girl doing chores, making her fall over.

「Details are unknown, however, there is no doubt that three feudal lords colluded with the enemy. According to reports from our information officer, they are raising armies around their mansions.」

If they’re gathering an army at this time, it’s practically certain then.

I help the girl stand up, gently brushing the dust off her ass while checking how plump she is at the same time.

「Although I don’t believe these three households can prepare a large army, South Yuguria may have a hand in helping them. Unfortunately, they are in a bad spot. Our soldiers will panic if they detour and simply threaten to attack the capital. Moreover, they can target your territory by moving south.」

They are starting to retreat in front.

Yet they seem to be fairly aggressive with that earlier offensive.

If we show any kind of weakness, it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t return.

The girl realizes that I wasn’t only brushing dust off and looks downward, her face turning red.

She doesn’t run away, so she doesn’t totally dislike it.

「In any case, if we consider the time needed to transmit the information, we should act right awa ――hey, look at the hill to the southeast!」

A lookout shouts, interrupting Erich in mid-thought.

Coming up from the southwest is an enemy army.

Their numbers total 10 000...... no, not less than 20 000.

「They prepared quite the welcoming party.」

「This is no time for jokes. I didn’t want them to see us in trouble.」

Erich bitterly commands his army to intercept.

However, their reactions to a second consecutive battle immediately following a large battle are slow.

When I was about to ponder our options, Pipi and Luna each tug on my left and right sleeves respectively.

I narrow my eyes to confirm the identity of the new enemy and――

「Wait, halt the attack! Stop.」

I cancel Erich’s order without consulting him.

He glares at me, incredibly upset, but now is not the time.

「That’s a friendly army. Why, that flag is familiar.」

「It is Lord Hardlett’s own flag.」

I ignore Leopolt’s comment.

Who we thought was a new enemy is waving my flag.

The flags of the three feudal lords believed to have colluded with the enemy were torn diagonally and raised on display.

Straining my eyes further, I see that the soldiers wearing simple body armor and wielding spears closely resemble militia.

Only the core group of the army are wearing a nice set of armor that I’ve seen before――oh, they’re the security unit.

「Hey, that’s the squad I assigned to Myla. Why are they here?」

Leopolt shakes his head when I turn to him for an answer.

He doesn’t overreact, but it seemed like he was staring sharply at the security unit.

「Myla, you’ve done it now.」

I smile wryly, picking Pipi up in my arms and stroking the underside of her chin.

Celia, who was in the corner, twitches, but silently keeps her head down.

I ordered Myla to protect my territory.

If Leopolt didn’t overrule me, then Myla must have acted on her own.

「Anyways, let’s hear what she has to say.」

I continue stroking Pipi, not paying attention to Erich as he pats his chest in relief.

Celia stays depressed in the corner, while Sekrit, who came from nowhere, watches with a grin.

「Explain yourself.」

Leopolt urges in his monotonous voice and Myla begins retelling her story.

「I-I completely expelled the enemy from the territory. Results from sending scouts into enemy territory showed no signs of a rearguard or reinforcements...... and I also judged that another invasion would not be strategically possible from the enemy stand point......so instead of letting precious soldiers go to waste, I decided to join the main battle......」

It’s very like her to start off speaking clearly and then gradually become evasive near the end.

Leopolt glances over the report document.

「This is from when you were in the territory to when you were exterminating the enemies――right? There wasn’t a change in orders.」

「W-well...... the situation was fluid and...... I missed the opportunity to exchange reports......」

Myla shrinks more and more.

Seeing her normally dignified self look so uneasy stimulates both my protective instincts and my sadistic impulses.

Leopolt continues to speak in a cold, detached manner.

「In other words, Lady Hyuutia accomplished the order to “recapture the territory”, abandoned the order “defend the territory” and decided to mobilize the army on your own, am I understanding this correctly?」


Myla becomes smaller.

She’s about the same size as Celia now.

「While your actions may be justifiable, why did you not get permission from the main army before moving?」

「I kept sending notices saying the enemy was retreating and there were no signs of a counterattack, yet I always got back messages saying to do as I was ordered! If things continued, my chance to participate in the decisive battle would sli―― ah.」

Myla, who raised her head to rebut, realized she dug her own grave.

By the way, I didn’t see any of those notices. Leopolt was the one who responded to everything.

「In other words, Lady Hyuutia disobeyed orders knowingly――」

Myla has shrunk to about the size of Pipi now.

Erich watches with a strained smile.

Myla’s infraction was evident so he doesn’t try to stop Leopolt from scolding her.

However, he is looking at me like he wants me to do something to progress the conversation.

Actually, Leopolt is giving me a side glance as well.

I guess ceasing his rebuking is my job.

Alright, I’ll offer a helping hand.

「We can save the scolding for later. She went through a battle on the way here, right? Let’s hear the details of that first.」

Myla swells in size.

「Yessir! As I was marching towards the main warfront, south of the capital, an army waving the South Yuguria flag suddenly appeared in a city along the way. If I recall...... their numbers were close to 2000 or 3000. We were numerically superior and the enemy was carelessly marching in a disorderly fashion, so I quickly assaulted from the side and dispatched them.」

「Kukuku, those guys were unlucky.」

Sekrit bursts out laughing. Erich also sighed in relief.

「Afterward, I encountered similar armies in the next two cities. Altogether, they might have had over 10 000 soldiers, though they were excessively flustered and I dealt with them separately, so I didn’t suffer any losses worth mentioning. It was a one-sided affair......」

I’m sure the enemy planned to have the three feudal lords gather somewhere and threaten to flank us from the rear.

They just coincidentally ran into Myla and were defeated before the plan could be executed.

Obviously, the three forces were not combined yet and they were getting ready to leave their city, so they couldn’t have been prepared to fight.

「Anyways, the commander―― the feudal lord, as well as his followers, all surrendered, so I captured and arrested them.」

Myla proudly sticks her chest out.

「Is that the end of the report? Let’s get back on topic then.」

Seemingly dismissed by Leopolt, Myla shrinks again.

That was when help came from an unexpected source.

「From what I heard, there isn’t anything to criticize.」

It was Sekrit, who had been grinning and chuckling by herself.

She looked to Erich and me for approval before resting her feet on top of the table, but when she didn’t get it, she decided to lean against a pole supporting the tent instead.

「Independent actions are flowers on the battlefield. If lucky, it will be overlooked and if unlucky, then it will be punished accordingly.」

Sekrit turns to Leopolt.

「It’s not something a mere staff officer should be stressing about.」

Leopolt gazed back when he was addressed.

Although he maintained his composure, he seemed a little angry. I can tell. Since it’s so rare, I’ll stare a bit longer.

Erich curiously tilts his head.

I hear him mumble, “Where have I heard that before......”

「At the very least, she’s better than a certain battalion commander who got cocky and let their army get isolated, don’t you think?」


Celia flinches and deflates until she’s even smaller than Myla.

「What a thing to say.」

Celia’s depressed as it is, don’t pick on her.

You’re making her shake like a leaf.

「Well, I’m not the one who gave the order so it isn’t like I can say anything.」

Erich, seeing the issue has settled, spoke out.

「Luckily, Lady Hyuutia’s actions have produced a fortuitous result. The enemy was looking for a chance to stand their ground as they were retreating...... but they should have completely given up once they saw the arrival of reinforcements and should back off all the way. We can push the warfront up.」

Erich opens the tent flap and overlooks the situation, beginning with “On top of that-”.

He slowly scanned his surroundings from right to left.

Everyone waited in silence for a few seconds before Erich continued.

His voice was trembling slightly.

「Such awful...... awful casualties!」

Erich goes silent after squeezing out his sentence.

I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Erich to share his view.

No matter where I looked, the ground was covered with dead bodies.

I bet there are at least 100 000.

It feels like there are more corpses than living, breathing people.

Of course, this also includes the enemy’s casualties......

「Roughly estimating the death count, the ratio of ally deaths to enemy deaths is 3:7 in our favor.」

Leopolt whispers.

Is that so?

「Many who died were the recruits with lack of proper equipment and training. Strategically, the damage isn’t very significant......」

I know what Tristan is trying to say.

The militia are amateurs, in other words, they are farmers, merchants, and hunters.

If this extent of them died, the impact to national power would be greater than if a real soldier died.

「It’s fine for now. It just seems like things will continue.」

I don’t respond to his last remark.


After the enemy fully retreated, we decided to take a break and reorganize our armies.

「Err, so this is the damage report. The 105th army and Aless army are here too.」

Tristan stands beside me and acts as my assistant.

I stare at him dejectedly.

「What’s with that face?」

「Can’t you tell without me spelling it out?」

「It can’t be helped. She’s in that state......yet she kicks me when I try to slack off.」

Celia, who is normally supposed to be my assistant, is sitting in the corner of the room.

I’d like it if she could stop purposely sitting on the ground with her legs crossed when there is an empty chair for her, it’s pitiful to look at.

「Hey, Celia. Do what you always do. I’m losing motivation when this guy’s doing it.」

「You’re so mean...... I don’t like this troublesome job either.」

Celia answers with her shoulders slumped.

「No thanks, Tristan is more suited than someone as incompetent and stupid as me. If I’m by your side, my stupidity might transfer to Aegir-sama. I left a stone on the desk, so please throw it at me if you get annoyed.」

Celia has been humbled.

I’m at fault for leaving her when we charged at the enemy general. She might have thought I abandoned her.

「What do I do?」

「What to do indeed.」

Tristan sighs as he sips his tea.

Politeness isn’t my thing, but I don’t even have water, while this guy has lemon tea. What’s up with that?

「There we go.」

Sekrit sits down on the chair in front of me and props up her feet on the desk, still wearing her dirty shoes.

If Nonna was here, she would boil with rage.

「Hey, the guys from 105 complained so I gave permission for them to rest without standing guard until morning.」


I don’t need them to do anything so I give a simple acknowledgement.


Myla stands up abruptly after hearing that, kicking her chair in the process.

Oh right, Myla is strict on rules and regulations.

She probably got upset at the fact Sekrit gave orders without consulting me first. This could start a fight.


However, Myla doesn’t say anything and sits back down, which causes Sekrit to chuckle.

「......Uuu. I don’t have the right to criticize her when I mobilized the army on my own. Aaah, now that I think about it calmly, how could I do something so outrageous......disregarding orders like that makes me seem like a mercenary...... aah.」

Myla holds her head with both hands and starts hating herself.

Eventually, she gets up from her chair and joins Celia, sitting down on the ground while hugging her knees.

「Lord Hardlett. Rafen’s defense needs to be altered due to Lady Hyuutia’s actions. The independent battalion has also suffered heavy losses and needs to be reorganized. Please give your approval.」

Leopolt, can’t you read the mood?

It can’t be helped. I’ll have to pitch in.

「Fufufu, this is paradise.」

A smile appears on my face as I enter a large tent meant for war councils.

There is no desk or map under the tent, just a single chair and a leather mat.

A barrel full of warm water was also prepared.

「You may begin.」

I sit on the chair in just my underwear.


Answering me are three girls also in their underwear, Luna, Pipi and Irijina.

They slowly ladle out warm water from the barrel and pour it over my body.

「Fufu, the smell of sweat is so strong.」

Luna giggles as she sniffs my neck and armpit.

「I’ve been running all over so it’s only natural. Clean it for me.」

「Of course. But before that......」

Luna, with her face still over my neck, sticks her tongue and drags it across my nape.

She has no problem doing that despite mentioning how sweaty it was?

「The scent of a man’s sweat...... well, it turns me on. Let me wash you with my tongue and body.」

She drops the towel she was holding and rubs me from the neck to my stomach with her tongue and smooth skin.

「I’ll wash your back!」

Irijina exclaims loudly.

She scrubs my back with a towel in a steady 1-2 rhythm almost like she’s doing calisthenics.

Compared to Luna’s seductive way of washing, Irijina washes me in a wholesome manner.

She will certainly achieve the most cleanliness this way, but I’d prefer if she added in a little eroticism.

「Irijina. Don’t use the towel, use your body...... specifically, could you wash me with your breasts?」

「Mu? My boobs? Got it!」

Irijina wraps her arms around my neck from behind, pressing her soft mounds against me and grinding against me.

That’s right. This is what I wanted.

「One, two! One, two!」

She hasn’t changed how she washes me. She’s rubbing me quite diligently.

I’m sure she can remove dirt like this, but something seems off.

「One, two......uuu. One, t-...... agh......」

Gradually, Irijina’s enthusiastic chanting turns into soft moans, and I feel two additional hard nubs against my back. Moreover, they seem to grow bigger every time she rubs against me.

I guess this has its own appeal.

「Pipi will wash too.」

Pipi delightfully strips and clings to my thigh.

Her entire body does not have any deformities and feels very soft to the touch.

After bathing my leg with the water, she lathers her body with an excessive amount of soap until she’s covered in bubbles, then rubs herself against me.

Of course, that is enough to turn me on, except seeing Pipi do what she’s doing in the stature of a small child makes me feel a tinge of immorality.

「Pipi, make sure to wash in between the toes too. If you don’t, it’ll become like Gido’s.」

Pipi replies with a bright “aye” when Luna advises her and proceeds to do as instructed.

What does she mean by “like Gido’s?”

「I don’t know if it’s because he’s been wearing tight shoes lately...... it’s-」

「It’s athlete’s foot! He scratches it a lot!」

I discovered one of his weaknesses.

I’ll set that aside.

「You have to clean it properly.」

I scold the two――Myla and Celia, who were laying on the mat in front of me.

「Yes...... but...... it’s a little weird.」

「Doing it with Myla-san is......」

Both of them are similarly in only their underwear. They look pretty uncomfortable on the extremely wide mat.

「It’s uncomfortable because it’s punishment. Now, do it.」

I speak with a stronger tone.

Celia’s opponent was simply better than her, she did nothing wrong.

Myla clearly disobeyed orders, but produced positive results, so there is no reason to punish her.

However, both of them have serious personalities and wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise.

That’s why I thought of this.

In other words, their punishment is to entertain me with some girl-on-girl action.

「Uuu, here I go.」


Celia and Myla timidly pour warm water over each other’s bodies, then begin to apply soap with towels.

「Wa-! Your chest is hitting!」

「Myla-san is the one moving!」

This nervous washing doesn’t fulfill my request.

「Enough with the towels. Use your bodies. I want to see skin touching skin.」


Both of them couldn’t believe what they heard. This is a punishment, so I won’t hear any complaints.

As they grumble softly to each other, their hands start to crawl.

「This is making me feel a strange way.」

「Why!? Stop it!」

Perhaps due to my lustful stares or their bodies being fondled, both Myla’s and Celia’s faces turn red. Their dull and business-like hand movements gradually become rougher.

That was when an unexpected guest interrupted.

「It looks like something interesting is going on here. Let me join too.」

Her words were accompanied by the clank of something metal.

「There we go.」


My field of view is suddenly obstructed by dark skin.

I guess Sekrit pushed Luna aside and mounted me.

To top it off, she’s totally naked while everyone is still in underwear.

Luna mumbles something to herself before joining Pipi to wash my feet.

Sekrit buries my face into her cleavage and gyrates her hips to wash my stomach.

Because she shaved, I only feel the wonderful sensation of her skin.

「Why is she also here......」

「Uuu, Aegir-sama. Please chase this woman away.」

Unhappy about being seen by Sekrit, Celia and Myla complain.

Too bad, I’m a heartless enforcer today.

「You two, take off your underwear too.」


They cry out incredulously. I make sure to speak firmly so they can’t refuse.

With that said, I can’t be taken seriously with girls draped over me, my face buried in boobs and my penis erect.

Celia and Myla glare menacingly at Sekrit as they stand and pull down their underwear.

It’s adorable how Celia slips on some bubbles and ends up revealing herself for all to see.

When they become naked, things start getting dicey and their mumbling also lessen until they are completely silent.

They were using their bodies rather than their hands before they knew it.

It almost appeared as if Myla was embracing the one size smaller Celia.



Occasionally, they would touch certain sensitive parts and both of them would twitch.

Their precious places hidden by the bubbles further heightens my arousal.

「I don’t think I can hold back much longer.」

As I was about to stand up, another intruder appeared.

「Good evening~ Uwa, you’re doing some naughty things.」

It was Annette, who came together with Sekrit.

She gets naked without any hesitation.

Luna looks dubiously at the tattoos decorating Annette’s crotch and ass.

「Mu, should I rub it off?」

Irijina brings out a scrubbing brush. No, if you do that, it’ll be disastrous.

「It’s rock hard...... isn’t that uncomfortable?」

Annette puts the bulge in my underwear into her mouth.

I’m at my limit.

「Everyone, move away for a second.」

The girls give me space in anticipation of me taking off my underwear.

However, I don’t have to pull it down or even stand. I simply have to tense my abs......

The front of my underwear tears and out pops my energetic penis.

While most of the girls cheer, Celia and Myla cry out bitterly.

「I also want to be over there somehow.」

「I have sufficiently reflected on my mistakes. I can accept other forms of punishment, so please......」

No, I am going to be strict today.

I flip over Luna, today’s high achiever, and mount her, stating coldly.

「You two can come after getting each other off once.」

The two of them look at each other after I’ve given them the cruel judgement.

「Listen! This is punishment, so don’t treat this seriously!」

「That goes for you too! I just have to climax once so don’t make any unnecessary movements...... auu!」

I hold Luna steady and swing my hips while watching the silliness of Myla and Celia.

I see Myla lifting one of Celia’s legs and moving rapidly, but some parts of their bodies are covered by bubbles so I can’t see exactly what’s going on, however, I can tell from their expressions that they’re feeling good.

I’m embracing one of my beloved women while watching two other beloved women make love to each other.

Such a paradise doesn’t exist anywhere else.

「Y-you’re bigger than usual! And thicker!」

With just a few thrusts of my enlarged dick, Luna’s insides start to convulse.

Myla and Celia seem to be nearing orgasm as well as they hold each other’s hands and even bring their lips close.

Then, it happened.

「Pardon me for intruding, General. Regarding the page we captured, did you want to have...... a taste......?」

Yakov enters the tent with the sorrowfully crying page over his shoulder.

All the girls except for Sekrit and Annette screamed.

The aroused mood around Celia and Myla was erased in an instant and they sprang apart from each other hastily, covering their precious places.

Sensing bloodlust, Yakov turns around, but Sekrit sticks her foot out to trip him.

「It was an accident!」


「Peeping tom!!」

Celia’s full-powered kick lands on Yakov’s ass while Myla’s kick hits Yakov right in the groin.

「This guy was hard! It’s an intentional crime!」


Yakov wanted to fuck the page together with me so he got himself ready.

The problem was that he was kicked in the crotch while in such a state.


Yakov couldn’t say anything more and simply laid flat on the ground, twitching sporadically.

「Ah, he wet himself!」

「How gross!!」

「T-the worst!!」

「Someone, throw this piece of trash away.」

Yakov, after receiving a blow to his erect penis, lost consciousness and pissed his pants.

He continued to be kicked by the girls, who looked at him like he was garbage, until he was eventually dragged out by soldiers.

I doubt we can resume any kind of sexual activity after Yakov peed in the tent.

Well, at least Myla and Celia seem to have recovered.

As the mess was being cleaned up, a soldier from headquarters came over.

I expected him to relay a message, but he just saluted and stood by the entrance. When the girls gathered their clothes, Erich came personally.

He speaks without any kind of introduction.

「We will start marching south tomorrow morning. This includes the army Lady Hyuutia arrived with.」

「Tomorrow morning?」

I unconsciously ask again to confirm.

My army did not suffer an insignificant amount of losses and I’m sure the Royal army has many partially destroyed squads as well.

It isn’t normal to move out without allocating time to replenish the number of troops and reorganizing the army.

「We might be in shambles, but so is the enemy. Considering the death count though, the one who wants more time is the enemy. That’s why we’ll advance to the front.」

「I see.」

Time is more valuable to them than us.

In a two-party war such as this one, it may often be better to take action when the opponent is at their weakest rather than when we are at our strongest.

「It will be quite the forced march.」

「I’m prepared for stragglers here and there. ......however, I trust that your squad will keep up.」

Erich smiles. I nod back in response.

And then the look in Erich’s eyes seemed to change to a look of disdain.

「I don’t mind that you frolic with girls before battle but...... there is a limit to how vulgar you can get while playing around.」

Erich stares at the ground―― the spot where Yakov fell and peed himself.

There is a yellow puddle on the mat...... which clearly appears to be evidence of someone having urinated.

Then, there are girls who just finished putting their clothes back on and are wiping bubbles out of their hair.

「No, this wasn’t me......」

「Don’t go too overboard with your perverted tendencies. It will be a tough fight tomorrow.」

Erich leaves like the wind.

I clench my teeth angrily, blaming Yakov in my head.

「I-I’m saved. My chastity is safe...... oh, step-brother......Tiesa is...... Tiesa is......」

The words of the neglected page don’t register in my mind.

A fierce battle would begin the next day.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Summer.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.


Myla (acting independently), Sekrit (loafer), Leopolt (staff officer A), Tristan (staff officer B), Celia (battalion commander)

Yakov (incontinence), Irijina (commander), Luna (commander), Gido (escort unit)

Ivanna (on standby), Brynhildr (on standby), Annette (lover)

Mysterious Page (step-sister)

Army – Southern Goldonia

Under Protagonist

Escort Unit: 100 ⇒ 80

Infantry: 10 000 ⇒ 7500

Cavalry: 1050 ⇒ 750

Archers: 1050 ⇒ 900

Cannoneers: 430 ⇒ 430

Bow Cavalry: 8650 ⇒ 7500

Independent Celia Squad: 950 ⇒ 450

Cannons: 50, Large Cannons: 25, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Field Artillery: 20, Chariots: 50

Reinforcements / Allied Forces

Aless Soldiers: 13 950 ⇒ 13 930

105 Army Corps: 4850 ⇒ 4000


Battleship Suvorov (medium damage), Battleship Aless of Aless (heavy damage, reached the bottom)

Large Combat Ships: 2, Small Combat Ships: 8, Transport Ships: 20

Ally Forces: Frontal Warfront – Royal Army: 100 000 ⇒ 80 000

Conscripts: 100 000 ⇒ 60 000

Enemy Force

Frontal Warfront – Regular Soldiers: 60 000 ⇒ 30 000

Conscripts: 190 000 ⇒ 90 000

Cavalry Army: 25 000 ⇒ ???

West Coast of River – Regular Soldiers: 40 000

Magrado Local Army: 30 000

Meldora Fleet: annihilated, only a few small ships remaining

Assets: -10 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 783, children who have been born: 69 + 565

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