Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 522

Since I didn\'t have any fights on that day, I took it easy, and spent some time in the morning over a coffee in my room, writing the story. Then I took a long shower and finally went down to have a proper meal.

The hotel was kinda deserted with part of people just gone, on their way to the desert, and the rest glued to the TV screens. In the end, I went to do the same. I put on a random English channel and started listening to the program.

It was a debate between professional athletes, some retired soldiers, and the presenters about what happened yesterday. They were especially keen on Gavriil Semenov\'s performance. Some called him a danger, a killer. Since he cut one guy\'s face, and almost put the other one down.

It was quickly pointed out that accidents happen even in sports, so such a tournament has even higher risks when sharp weapons are being used.

p I listened with only one ear wondering how the fight between the vampier and me will go in few days..

Somehow few hours passed, and the event started. I actually barely watched it, focusing more on writing to relax. Obviously, I paid attention to my friend\'s matches, but since the difference in strength was so overwhelming, all of them were quite boring, so eventually, I just stopped watching at all.

The next day was similar. The first few matches made me so bored, that despite the fact that two Silva\'s were fighting, alongside Adam Silvas and Edward Hill, I just didn\'t watch them. There was no point since they wouldn\'t show anything anyway.

That\'s how the fourth day of the tournament came. I spent most of it on writing, but at some point, I was interrupted by knocking on my door. I went to open it and saw Vikram with a massive bowl full of popcorn.

- Hi! Want to watch THE match together?

- THE match?

- Yeah. Two good teams are fighting in a minute! - he shouted, and just pushed his way into my room. - I already called room service to get us drinks and more food. This is going to be epic.

He stopped and turned to face me, with an index finger pointed out.

- And we are going to win it - he continued, then he just went deeper inside, to find a spot for himself. - You are not even watching?

- It was boring, so I stopped yesterday.

He sighed, as he turned the TV on. I followed him inside, closing the door behind me. He was sitting on my armchair, with the bowl on the smaller table, and already was glued to the screen.

I just shook my head and sat on the bed.

They were still showing the studio, where a bunch of people was discussing the previous match, but I didn\'t pay too much attention to that. Instead, I used \'Telekinesis\' to take some of the popcorn from the bowl, and made it fly straight to my mouth.

- That\'s convenient - started Vikram, but he immediately became silent, as the arena appeared on the screen.

- Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s time for the thirty-eight match of the tournament. The team seventy-five and team seventy-six will clas in front of your eyes, to prove who is stronger! Please welcome Urho, Kagiso Mbeki, and Andy from Arc city, located behind the Indian gate!

The three climbed their way out of the underground bunker and started waving to the audience displayed on the walls.

Urho was wearing only leather pants and heavy shoes. He didn\'t even have a weapon. His naked torso was covered in tattoos. Blue and red lines.

Andy had a long grey robe and a wooden staff in his hands. He looked very calm.

Kagiso on the other hand was smiling really wide. He had nice leather armor and a spear in his hands.

- They will slay - I said.

- Of course, they will - Vikrma replied.

At this moment somebody knocked on my door.

- Room service!

- Ah damn it - escaped my mouth, as I jumped off the bed, to open the door.

A guy with a large cart was waiting in the corridor. He brought several bottles of drinks. Sodas, juices, and water. Plus he had some food. Small sandwiches, potato chips in a bowl, some cheese stabbed to death with toothpicks. A bunch of different fruits, and more.

I waved at him to get inside. He gave me a smile and pushed the cart in. I closed the door and followed.

- The match started? - he asked immediately, as he parked the car.

- Yeah - said Vikram.

He moved to help the poor guy move all the food from the cart. I ended up back on the bed, looking as another team entered the arena, waving to cheering fans displayed on the walls.

The faces were familiar and belonged to Valentin, Lorenzo, and Mai from the Hungarian gate.

Valentin had just normal clothes with a freaking bulletproof vest on. No visible weapons. Lorenzo had a simple full plate armor with subtle engravings here and there. He was carrying a large maul on one of his shoulders, leaving the other hand free to wave.

Mai looked most peculiar, as she had oversized clothes on. Some robes with a hood that completely covered her face.

Bork Vikram and the room service guy had their eyes glued to the screen, as they model the food from the cart. When they finished, the hotel worker didn\'t go, instead, he kept standing, and looking at what was going on in the arena.

I noticed that, and smiled, but didn\'t say a thing.

I just snatched the bowl filled with potato chips using \'Telekinesis\' and also some bottle of juice, then moved myself using the skill, a bit further on the bed, so I could rest my back against the wall.

The match started, as both teams assumed their stances in the middle of the arena. With weapons at the ready, and spells at the ends of their tongues.

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