Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 235

According to a plan we were supposed to stay in the canyon and hunt for thirty days. We managed to do it, although it wasn\'t easy. My original concern proves to be right, as both Alice and Marting had a really tough time in the end. Their bodies couldn\'t regenerate fast enough, and the fatigue started to accumulate.

We were forced to watch over them, but since I could clear the whole thing by myself, the rest could without issues handle both assisting them and keeping up with me. Still, a few heals here and there, were necessary.

By the last day, we managed to hoard up 46 840 crystals in total. A decent amount, but nothing amazing. It would be great if I had it all for myself, but after splitting, it was barely any progress for me.

This made me start thinking of how to get the canyon for myself and hunt here alone. I had the resources and abilities for that. I also wanted to slaughter the boss multiple times. The only problem was, I wasn\'t sure if I\'m ready.

With one more visit to bear territory, I probably would be able to pull it off, but that was another month, which I really didn\'t want to spend there.

We divided the crystals between ourselves, and started the long journey back, which in total took three more days. By the evening we finally reached the city, and grabbing everybody\'s attention, marched all the way to the city center, to sell our score.

Upon dividing the few more stones we got on our way back I earned 4 700 000 points, since I left myself 10 crystals. With what I already had on my account, it would be enough to level the last Weapon master skill to the fifth level, but since that wouldn\'t allow me to go to the third tier of that class, I decided to go with something else. I invested in the monk class \'Body mastery\' skill and got it to the last, fifth level.

When I did it, I could feel the surge of energy flowing through me, a surge of change. Something was different, but I couldn\'t exactly tell what. The skill itself was improving my own control over my body. For example, I could shut down somewhat my senses, to sharpen a single one of them. I also could move better, had a better balance.

I had this information in my head, although I didn\'t realize it before. I tried to focus on my vision, and suddenly everything became a little quieter, and my vision got sharper. Maybe I even did that before, without realizing it, because the difference was minimal.

After that, I just parked the carts, allowed my shadows to go back to the void, and went to the pub to get a nice, hopefully cold, beer. Will joined me all of a sudden.

- Going to the pub? Me too, so let\'s go together - he said.

- Sure.

- The rest went to Velvet Lotus.

- But not you. Because of Vesa?

- Noo. Maybe she dumped me, but that doesn\'t mean I\'m gonna run away from her from now on.

- So now she dumped you, instead of \'we are having a little argument\'?

- Fuck you.

I laughed.

- I had to put my thoughts in order, and... If she is not backing down, then I\'m out. I wish her the best, but I\'m not gonna sacrifice my own happiness for hers. This is a joint effort, you know? We work together, to ease our own misery.

- I agree, for what it\'s worth.

We entered the pub. It was pretty crowded, so I immediately looked around for a table. The one I sat on previously wasn\'t free. An old man was sitting there, and he noticed me. He looked way better than before. He had some clean clothes on, and the colors returned to his skin. He wasn\'t just skin and bones anymore, but still very lean.

- Evening to you fellows - he said with a smile. - If you are looking for a table, you can join me.

- Evening. Thank you - I responded and took on the offer.

Will nodded politely.

- I know you were the one behind the job I got, and the room, and everything else, so I would like to take this opportunity, and thank you - the old man said looking me straight in the eyes. - Can I buy you guys a beer, as a thank you?

- Sure - Will was faster than me.

- I\'ll be right back then - said the old man, and went straight to the counter.

- Damn it... I just realized I sold all my crystals, and can\'t buy anything here. We are lucky that grandpa was here.

- Learn your lesson. By the way, it\'s good to see him like this. I remember when he was begging on the street - I pointed out at the older fellow.

- Me too.

Grandpa returned with two mugs for us, and we chatted for a bit. He was asking how our hunt went, and if anybody got injured. Standard questions you could expect from somebody his age, who was concern about you.

We didn\'t talk too much though, as we were both pretty tired, and after finishing our beers, we wished him a good night and decided to call it a day.

I swung by the device to buy myself fresh clothes and went to the bathhouse to clean myself up. Then I decided to visit the cafeteria, and have a nice warm meal. Many people were there, but I tried my best to avoid others. I really wanted to rest, at least for a day.

After that, I had to decide what next. Continuing the hunt in the canyon wasn\'t looking so good for my progress, but another month in bear territory seemed like a nightmare to me.

I ended up coming to my room in the barracks and contemplating, but not for long since I just fell asleep.

This period of time came to an end with 3 392 550 points remaining on my account, and forty-two class points.

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