The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 49 49: Unexpected Outcome

Lancaster roared. His hand suddenly twisted on its own, making Lancaster feel as if his bones were broken.

The other hand and legs soon followed suit. His roars intensified as tears appeared in his eyes.

Light Brown hair had started growing all over his hand and his legs. As his body started getting bigger, his clothes began tearing up. Even his chest was getting covered in hair for some reason.

Lancaster immediately understood that this was the transition into a Werewolf! This attack had made his bloodline wake up, and he was going through his first transition, which was said to be the most painful. He had heard about this in the letter, but even he hadn\'t known it was going to be this painful.

He already felt like he wanted to die!


He started yelling, partly because of the pain his body was suffering because of the transformation but mostly because he was enraged about the things that were happening to him.

He wanted this pain to stop at any cost, but instead of stopping, it only kept increasing. Only a few seconds had passed since it all started, and Lancaster was already feeling like months had passed. Each second was heavy for him in this pain.

His pupils started getting bigger, and so did his face and his entire body.


The scream spread far and wide, albeit not reaching any person. As far as the eyes could see, not even a single soul was visible. Only a single Tiger could be seen, and even that Tiger seemed slightly hesitant in approaching Lancaster. That roar was filling him up in fear.

Without thinking twice, the Tiger started stepping back. He didn\'t want to face whatever this man was!

Lancaster roared even louder as he looked towards the moon as if cursing the moon. He was experiencing a soul-crumbling pain all over his body. It was as if all his bones were disintegrating at a molecular level.

He started growing even bigger as pain gripped his entire body, making him drop to the ground. He started twisting and turning in pain.

He wriggled on the ground in pain, twisting and turning. His tears didn\'t stop for even a second.

His bones started becoming bigger and longer. Claws erupted from his fingers, and his skin started stretching as he started becoming less and less human-like.

His pupils had changed shapes entirely. After a process that seemed like it lasted for an eternity, the Transformation finally ended.

Unfortunately, Lancaster was completely unrecognizable by now. His eyes were blood red, and he looked just like a big and fierce wolf. He didn\'t look human at all.

His height was still the same though, as the wolf was six feet tall when he stood on its four feet. The wolf raised his head towards the sky, glaring at the beautiful moon with his deep red eyes.


The wolf howled, looking at the sky before turning in the direction that Tiger had run in. After his first Transformation, Lancaster had lost his mind in rage. His beastly urges took over, and he didn\'t know how to control them!

The wolf ran behind the Tiger. The prey had become the Hunter, and the Hunter became a prey.

Before long, the wolf disappeared into the forest.


While Lancaster was going through his first awakening, Atlas was still hiding in the bathroom, refusing to get out until Xun answered him about the identity of Lia. Just who was she, and just what was she planning?

"You are really stubborn; you know that?" Lilith asked Atlas, slightly upset. "Fine. I will tell you who she is... Or rather, what she is..."

"I doubted her identity as soon as I heard about the two men who spent the night with her dying the next day, but I wasn\'t sure since it could be a coincidence as well. So I wanted to be more sure. That\'s why I told you to select that girl," she explained.

"The strange feeling that you received when she touched you. It could be because of what she was, but that alone wasn\'t enough for me to be sure either. You are a man, after all, so it\'s not odd for you to get some feeling when a lady touches you. It was the glass which she refused to drink from that made me ninety percent sure that she was right! If I\'m not wrong, the glass didn\'t have wine or Juice."

"What did it have then?" Atlas inquired.

"Bad luck charm!" Lia exclaimed. "She refused to drink the bad luck charm, grandma! I don\'t know what to do now."

Lia sat in a different room as if talking to someone, sitting before a strange formation. Unfortunately, there was no one in the room.

"I don\'t know why. He was so against drinking it. It was as if he knew something was wrong in it. I don\'t know how he could know that. I wonder if he also knows my identity. Something doesn\'t seem right about that man. My identity might be exposed if he dies in this place, but if I don\'t kill him, he might insist on sleeping with me!" Lia further stated as if responding to some questions.

"Last two men drank it without any problem. They even fell asleep right after drinking it and in the morning thought that they slept with me before leaving. The bad luck charm worked perfectly as they died outside. Everything was going so smoothly. My identity was safe, and no one wanted to select me. I could hide in this place for as long as I wanted without being discovered by them! But this man changed everything!"

"Please advise me what I should do?! I only have two options. Either I sleep with him to keep this cover, or I kill him right now! The former would be unacceptable, and this would make more men select me next time! I don\'t want to become a plaything! I want to protect my purity, grandma! But the latter option will blow my cover."

"If he is found dead before leaving, everyone will know something is wrong with me! The Vampires might also come for investigation since he seems like a wealthy and important person! I am stuck between a rock and a hard place!"

"Things are even worse, especially after what happened in the afternoon!"


"Oh right, I didn\'t tell you what happened in the afternoon yet. Someone killed a General of Carlisle Clan, poisoned the woman that Carlisle held dear, and also killed the heads of two great families before escaping!"


"You\'re right. It seems like there\'s someone else who wants to destroy the Carlisle Clan as much as us. It would\'ve been fun to work with them, but I think they already left the city. I don\'t know who did it, but I\'m sure the entire blame of that will fall on me as well if I\'m caught!" Lia let out a sigh.

She didn\'t realize that the man all the Vampires were looking for was right in the next room. It was the same man she was talking about Killing!

"Anyway, we can talk about that later. Please tell me what to do with the man!"


"Huh? Are you sure? But what about my cover....?" Lia seemed shocked hearing the response. It was as if she had expected it at the same time she didn\'t expect it.


"I-i understand. Thank you Grandma!\'


"Bad Luck Charm? One that messes with your luck until you die from it? So this was the reason behind it?!" Atlas exclaimed, hearing the explanation from Lilith.

"Yeah. If I\'m not wrong, it was mixed with the sleeping medicine, so you sleep the entire night while the spell takes effect. If you had drunk it, I am sure you wouldn\'t have died, but your luck would have been really bad tomorrow," Lilith answered.

"What about the invisible wall at the entrance?" Atlas inquired.

"Vampire Warding Spell. It shields the entire room so that no Vampire can step inside the room without the permission of the caster or the permission of the person that the room was assigned to. That\'s why you were able to step on as soon as Lia called you in. I guess she didn\'t know that you were a Vampire because of your eyes. She allowed you in."

"Vampire Warding Spell? Bad Luck Charm that causes death? Just what is this woman?! How made me a guinea pig, sending me to the den of this dangerous woman?" Atlas looked weirdly at the shadow before him.

"I told you that you don\'t have to worry about anything. As long as I\'m with you, no witch can harm you. The tricks that they use now were written by none other than me, after all. They are just kids before me," Lilith proudly stated.


"Why do you look so shocked? I am from a really old-time after all. I made the Vampire Warding Spell after years of hard work to help my people protect themselves from the Vampires so that the day which I faced is never faced by then," Lilith responded. She further continued in a cheeky tone. "As for the Bad Luck Charm, that\'s something I made just for fun."

"You made a charm that can kill people?" Atlas scratched the back of his head, looking at Lilith weirdly. Just how badass was she before?

"If I\'m not wrong, Lia is from one of the Witch Clans. I don\'t know why she came to this city which is the Den of Vampires and why she is killing people. That\'s why I wanted to be sure of her identity before telling you," Lilith continued. "Now that you know, would you please help me get some answers? I promise I won\'t let you be hurt as long as I\'m with you."

"But if you don\'t want to help me, you can leave as well and select another woman. I won\'t stop you with that either, but that can be a really big missed opportunity, you know?"

"Missed opportunity. How?" Atlas inquired.

"You helped Lancaster to have a future Ally, didn\'t you? Even though he hadn\'t even awakened yet. On the other hand, Lia is a proper witch. I don\'t know how strong she is, but I\'m sure she can cast some spells. If you can make her your ally, I promise you she can be more useful than Lancaster in your mission," Lilith answered. "However, you must not let her know that you\'re a Vampire!"

"And why not? You were a Witch, and she is a Witch. Her enemies and my enemies are the same. Why shouldn\'t I tell her that I\'m also a Vampire if she truly becomes an ally?" Atlas asked.

"Because she is a Witch? Witches hate Vampires. They can never trust them or work with one. As soon as she finds out that you are one as well, she will always be suspicious of you. She might even try to kill you, thinking you can be dangerous to her," Lilith explained.

"How about you take the lead and tell her that I\'m on her side? I mean, you\'re her Ancestor! She should listen to you, right?"

"Only you can see me. There is no way for her to see me or hear me, so it\'s impossible. And even if you speak what I want you to speak, she will still think you\'re fooling her. Why take a longer route and make things more complicated when you can make her your ally by simply telling a lie?" Lilith let out.

"Just tell her your real story about what the Vampires did to you. Hide the parts about you becoming a Vampire yourself and killing them. It shouldn\'t be hard for you to portray yourself as a human since you really were one. You understand?"

"I... I get what you\'re trying to say, but... Fine. I\'ll do it." Ultimately, Atlas agreed. If Lia could be helpful to him, he was willing to lie to her about his identity.

He pushed the bathroom door open and stepped out, only to have his expression change as he noticed a shining formation that was covering the entire room.

"Oh god, this stupid girl! She is blowing up this entire place!" Lilith roared in rage. "Atlas, get out of this place now!"

The formation was shining really bright as a strange energy filled the room. Atlas ran towards the door.


Within seconds of the scream of Lilith, the entire room exploded along with the entire building! Terrifying flames spread everywhere, seemingly so fierce that it was impossible for anyone to survive inside them!

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