The Immortal's Wine Store

Chapter 441: The Chimera

Chapter 441: The Chimera

Valley Master Jiao sneered contemptuously as he stared at the three figures hovering before him. "Three Origin God Realm savage beasts... You think just because you outnumber, you can defeat me? Hahaha! Your meager powers mean nothing to a Void God Realm powerhouse!"

Ice who was in her human form was incredibly incensed. She glared at Valley Master Jiao as she slowly transformed into her true form!

A huge tiger with pristine snow-white fur soon came into everyone\'s view. The aura of Ice also changed and although her cultivation remained the same, the suppressive aura she induced became even more imposing! Even Valley Master Jiao felt slightly perturbed when he stared at this giant white tiger!

"An ugly demon like you thinks you can beat someone of noble birth like me? To tell you the truth, those two guys right there also have ancient bloodlines running in their veins. Any one of us can beat your sorry ass into a pulp despite the difference in our cultivation level! Roar!" Ice voice changed and it became beast-like. It was so different than when she was in her human form!

Long Meili and Aren soon transformed into their true forms.

The other was a dragon, while the other one was a Purple Winged Sword Eagle! Just the mere sight of them flying already startled the onlookers.

The face of Valley Master Jiao changed. This time, he could feel that these three savage beasts were capable of threatening his life even though they were one realm weaker than him! However, Valley Master Jiao didn\'t want to show any weakness. He took out a bottle of poison that was bubbling hideously.

"Since you think you can defeat me, I\'ll show you lowly beings what a real ancient bloodline is! Hahaha!" Valley Master Jiao\'s face was filled with madness as he drank all the contents of the poison bottle. His veins then started protruding as his body slowly expanded.

Valley Master Jiao could no longer be recognized and even those who had close relationships with him would be unable to identify him now.

His demon-like face was sported with crimson eyes and his mouth was filled with long serrated teeth. His body which was only two meters tall earlier had become five meters! His skin was no longer visible since it was now covered by red fish-like scales!

"Scared, aren\'t you? But you can save that for later!" Valley Master Jiao mocked when he saw the shocked faces of the three. He then tapped his foot and dashed towards the three as he raised his arms like a hammer.

Meanwhile, the army of the Bloodfallen Family, the Lycan Family, and the Torgrim Family immediately fled from the scene! They didn\'t want to be sandwiched in the crossfire of those four monsters!

"It seems like that Valley Master Jiao is just all talk! I mean just look at him! He\'s struggling against three Origin God Realm experts from our side. This goes to show that you fools from the Lycan Family and the Torgrim Family are weak! Soldiers of the Bloodfallen Family, heed my command! Kill these weaklings and offer their blood as a sacrifice for the ascension of Her Majesty Cornelia!" Artaurus shouted as he summoned another wave of blazing fire balls.

The army of the Bloodfallen Family shouted their war cries as they charged towards their enemies without a hint of fear! But despite their aggression, they appeared to be in a synchronized formation with no visible weakness!

Looking at this army of fearless soldiers, Bylor felt his scalp tingle, but when he recalled that they still have the undead army and that chimera, he let out a contemptuous smile.

"Release the undead army and that chimera! Let them suffer true chaos! Hahaha!" Bylor issued a command with a savage look on his face.

Following his command, the army of undead became even more bloodthirsty! Then, everyone also heard a series of earthshaking footsteps.

When everyone turned their gazes, they saw a grotesque-looking creature looking at the battlefield like a predator! It then raised its repulsive head above the skies and emitted a terrifying roar that caused a violent tremor!


Balmond and Yue Bo who were fighting with Herald and Stormhoof suddenly shifted their gazes below. Their eyes narrowed simultaneously.

"That is the aura of a late stage Void God Realm! Those kids are in trouble!" Balmond exclaimed in worry.

Yue Bo was also a bit anxious. The strength they felt earlier wasn\'t any weaker than them! In fact, whatever that creature was. It was a bit stronger than them!

"We can only trust them. Demon Empress Ganda should be there any time now." Yue Bo muttered.

"How can you guys lose focus when fighting against us!? Die!" A loud shout came followed by the descent of a huge hammer!

Balmond took out a protective talisman and activated it, while Yue Bo raised his sword and tried to deflect the hammer blow.


Balmond\'s talisman broke apart, while Yue Bo\'s sword ray crumbled into pieces! The two were then sent flying thousands of meters away!


Above the clouds, Jiu Shen and Theia were watching the battle with calm expressions.

"Are you sure that you wouldn\'t help them?" Theia stared at the man beside him.

Jiu Shen remained calm as he looked at the bloody massacre happening below. He then answered in an indifferent tone. "If we always interfere in their fights, how could those little ones grow? They would only feel complacent if they know that we are always there to protect them. Our return to the Primordial God Realm is moving closer and we don\'t need to bring them if they couldn\'t even survive this. They have a lower starting point than those geniuses in the Primordial God Realm, so to make up for this, they need to have a stronger willpower and richer battle experience!"

Hearing this, Theia remained silent. She knew that Jiu Shen was right.

The two continued to spectate the scene in silence.

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