Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 356 - Never Fight Alone


An hour later she sat at her parent\'s table under the light of that single lantern and blinked, her head buzzing. She shook it to clear it and refocused.

Her parents sat on either end of the table, her mother doing most of the talking, but her father offering what he knew or could add.

Gar sat directly across from her giving a lot of growled warnings, but he\'d stopped holding back and was answering every question she put to him—or everything he could add to fill in the gaps on her mother\'s information.

And Aaryn sat at her side, holding her hand under the table.

Of them all, he was the one she worried about the most. He was determined, she could feel it in him. She didn\'t doubt that he was capable of taking her across the traverse. But for the first time, as they discussed the impacts it had on an Anima to walk through what sounded like an utter hellhole, she wondered what would happen to Aaryn if something happened to her.

She\'d always feared losing her own family, though she\'d tried not to dwell on it. And she\'d always feared losing Aaryn, even before she knew he was her mate. He was her closest ally and the only Anima who truly understood her.

But she\'d never before had to give thought or worry to what her death would do to him. It had never really occurred to her.

Only now she couldn\'t avoid the question anymore. Because her mother and Gar had made it very clear.

The voices were intelligent, powerful, evil, and they would do anything to get their grips into the Queen once they realized that was who stepped into their realm.

Then, quite aside from that—because it was Aaryn who would navigate her safely through that—once she stepped out of Anima and into the human world, though her body would be considered powerful and intimidating by the humans, she became stripped of position and power.

The Guardians would respect her and serve her as Queen. But to everyone else she would simply be a striking woman.

"You have to understand, El, there\'s freedom in that," Gar said quietly. "But it\'s also really unsettling the first time you realize if you give an order, no one\'s going to follow it. Even if they admire you, even if they want you, they aren\'t saying to themselves, "This is a ruler, I have to listen." You\'re just another female over there—even if you\'re desirable. The minute you step out of the Big House, you\'re living on your wits. And they have technology and things in their world you\'ve never seen. It\'s very intimidating the first time you see it all."

Around and around they went. And the faster Elreth\'s head spun. But she took it in.

When she reached the other side, Kalle and Gahrye should be there. They generally stayed in their own home close to the Big House and were called in whenever anyone crossed. But given that the entire reason for all this urgency was a potential breach of the traverse by a human invasion—and that Kalle was investigating a group of people outside the region who might be aware of the Anima—there was no guarantee.

"I think he\'ll be there, at least," her mother said when Gar raised the point. "He knows things are getting closer. We\'ve both felt it for the past year or more. And I\'m guessing the way this is going, things are escalating for them over there, too. The Creator warned us this was coming. He isn\'t going to leave us to be surprised by it."

Elreth snorted. "Was I the only one who was surprised by the presence of this human—with a weapon—in our world?"

"Well, no, but—"

"So, surprises are part of the journey. Despite the Guardians, despite Gahrye\'s efforts, despite our patrols, a human got through without the help of Anima and is—or has been—in our world with a weapon capable of killing an Anima where they stand. The Creator has allowed us to learn this, but not to find the woman. At least, not yet." Elreth prayed that Tarkyn would have good news for her on that front soon. "So, he\'s only giving us the next step or two. We need to be prepared to find out the worst news—that an entire people of humans knows where we are. Or that there are already humans lining up at the portal.

"I pray that isn\'t what we find when we get over there, but… it\'s only wise to prepare. So, let\'s assume the worst. Let\'s assume that when we cross, Gahrye and Kalle aren\'t there, or they aren\'t the first people we meet. What will happen? How do I navigate that world safely until I\'ve received the information I need?"

Her mother sighed, but held her gaze. "You keep your wits about you. You reveal who you are to no one, unless you\'re certain they\'re a Guardian. And you brace yourself, El. Because that world is going to blow your mind. And you need to be prepared for that. If we\'re facing a potential invasion, it\'s going to seem overwhelming when you meet it. You have to be ready for that."

Elreth nodded and tried to hide the fact that she was swallowing fear.

But it was Aaryn who reached across, put a hand to her thigh and squeezed. And when she looked at him, he signed under the level of the table so no one else would see it, \'You don\'t have to face that alone.\'

Suddenly, tears pinched her throat and made her eyes sting. But she forced herself to smile at him. \'Thank you,\' she signed back quickly.

He squeezed her leg again, and she turned back to her mother, clearing her throat.

"Okay, let\'s take this step by step. What do we need to prepare here? What do I need to take with me? And what steps do I take once I get there?"

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