The Sage of Einar

Chapter 426 - Conquest Of The Kingdom Of Desmond

The soldiers with bows quickly prepared their arrows, which had sticks of dynamite, which they ignited.

Upon receiving the order to shoot from Einar, they fired their arrows, which fell among the enemy soldiers.

It was at that time that enormous explosions occurred among all the enemy troops. The dynamite cartridges were highly loaded so they could easily finish off at least 500 enemies in the first round of shots.

King Chongelt who was running looked in horror at the explosions that had occurred. He couldn\'t believe what was happening.

When the archers reloaded and fired, the arrows fell more widely each time, doing much greater damage than the first time.

King Chongelt, who had been unlucky enough to be near one of the explosions, watched in horror as his army was being mercilessly slaughtered.

What he had thought he went into a simple victory ended up turning into a nightmare. He tried to get up so he could give the order to retreat.

But he realized that one of his legs was no longer with some error. He looked at the sky and saw how other of those arrows fell that seemed to have the fury of God.

Unfortunately, one of them fell next to him, so he watched in horror as the dynamite wick came to an end. At that moment, the dynamite exploded, killing King Chongelt.

The warriors who were nearby shouted that the king had died so the army that seemed powerful ran in retreat because they could do absolutely nothing to win.

Einar, seeing the retreat, gave the order to advance against the rest of the enemy army. The soldiers then ran while firing their crossbows to kill all the enemy warriors.

In just a matter of minutes, the battlefield fell silent, having achieved a complete and overwhelming victory against the army of Desmond\'s kingdom.

Which was a real achievement, then what enemy guide wave could be imposed on them, so she gave the order that the corpses be burned in order to advance towards the capital Tralee.

To end the war in the south once and for all and to start the conquest towards the north to end kingdom by Irish kingdom until the unification of the island is achieved.

After the battle, Einar was tasked with overseeing the search for any enemy soldiers he might see retreating into the swamp.

This he did with the intention of being able to end future rebel problems in the future.

The hunt that took place was quite brutal, but the majority of the enemy troops that had escaped were caught and killed. The use of the vanguard soldiers was very efficient.

Who prevented the vast majority of soldiers from escaping.

After thinking for a few days through the swamps, they reached a fairly clear area where the capital of Tralee was.

Upon reaching the city, which had stone walls almost 4 meters high, the soldiers then surrounded the city.

From inside the walls, the sons of King Chongelt looked with horror at the army outside the city, because some survivors of the battle reported the great defeat that their father had suffered.

At that moment, they knew that they were completely defeated, but they did not want to surrender because they still had the hope that someone would come to their rescue if they could endure the siege long enough.

That is why when a messenger arrived with the request that they surrender they refused and assassinated the messenger as a sign that they will never surrender.

To their surprise no one attacked them. They simply watched as the Nordic soldiers built what appeared to be siege weapons.

That made them feel more confident because they thought it would take days or months to finish the construction, so they relaxed and for two days they started drinking, believing that nothing would happen to them.

On the third day, they all got up from their beds and before they could get ready to say their morning prayer.

They could hear the alarm bells, so they quickly left the battlement tower and climbed the castle walls.

Where they could see some strange machines which threw some things on the castle, when one of those things fell in the castle they realized that a blue fire was created.

Which burned without any kind of restriction, so quite concerned, the warriors tried to put out the fire using water.

But it was completely useless because all they did was make the fire bigger.

In just a matter of minutes, more and more vessels filled with that blue liquid fell, which set fire to everything they touched.

The sons of King Chongelt were so worried that they escaped from the castle, unfortunately when they reached the gates they found that they were already being burned.

So it would be completely impossible for them to leave it like that. In a desperate attempt, they tried to use the tunnels under the castle to escape.

When the sons of King Chongelt went down the tunnels below the castle, they realized that they were completely flooded, so it was not possible to escape.

When trying to return the way they had come, it was impossible because the doors did not move without mentioning that they were quite hot.

What they did not know was that the battlement tower had been completely destroyed, so they could not get out. At that moment, a smoke came out between the cracks in the doors that homed to all of them.

So they had to decide to die from the smoke or try to swim to the exit.

Two of them chose to die by their own hand, so using their daggers they killed their families and later committed suicide.

Only one of them believed that he could swim, so, abandoning his family, he entered the cold water and swam through the dark tunnel, believing that he could get out.

Unfortunately, their father had never told them that those tunnels had no exit because they all connected with an underground river.

The man would discover it very late when while he was swimming a powerful current dragged him towards the main flow of the underground river where he ended up drowning.

Einar who was outside the city proudly looked at his flag waving. "This kingdom is finished.. It is time to go north to eliminate the next one."

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