The Sage of Einar

Chapter 364 - Creation Of A Weapon That Transcends Time 1

That same day, Einar left the puppy in a cage in the laboratory, as he would need to take care of him for a few days, until the little dog had no fleas.

He also gave the slaves some warnings to wash all the animals for days so that all the vermin they might have would die.

After a few days, the little dog was completely free of vermin, so Einar introduced him to the family.

This caused the children to be happy because it would be their first pet. Einar explained how to train and educate him.

As well as the care they needed to do to their wives, they also liked the idea that the children could train their responsibilities with the puppy a bit.

After this, Einar decided to focus on creating a weapon for himself, because although the mini crossbows were functional, they would not be of any use to him in a real fight.

Well, it could kill a few times, but it couldn\'t reload. That\'s why it had to create a weapon far ahead of its time.

But that he could use effectively on the battlefield and for his personal defense, so after a long time he came to the solution of creating two revolvers that will use lead ammunition and paper cartridges with black powder.

Because of the lack of saltpeter and the complexity of making the steel parts together with the fact that he would need a lathe, he decided to only create three prototypes.

The first would only be a test and would be used until it was destroyed. Based on those tests, he would create his own two revolvers.

Although they would be weapons to kill that could wage asymmetric wars, the lack of saltpeter was something that could not be fixed until conquering the island of Brittany.

At that moment, a trade could begin with the emirate of Córdoba, from whom it could buy saltpeter from the arid regions of the Sahara desert.

At that time, Einar could start directly with the production of firearms and advance the technology of war for a few hundred years.

Although his last intention was to conquer the European continent because there were too many power groups in that place that maintaining control would be difficult.

Not to mention that having to attack Europe meant having to fight Muslims, tribes, and the Eastern Roman Empire.

Without a supply of saltpeter, the war would have to be done with cold weapons. Perhaps the Nordic fire will change the situation of the war, but the population was a problem.

Because the premise of Einar\'s method of government is to integrate migrants into the nation, but it is a process that takes time.

If they are sent to fight a war of aggression in a land where perhaps they were born, the only thing that will cause problems is.

Well, those soldiers will end up deserting or rebelling. That is why the focus of Einar\'s expansion is on the American continent.

Fresh and virgin land where you can create a solid power base, a territory and a population of millions of potential citizens.

Which will be integrated into the empire in order to achieve the conquest of the American continent.

A few days later, in Seren Einar\'s workshop together with Gerd, they were working hard on the construction of a lathe to be able to make the grooves inside the barrel of the revolver as well as the holes inside the barrel.

To build it, Einar spent a few days making drawings of individual pieces of metal which were brought to Seren every day.

So that she and Gerd will begin to create them. When they had everything, Einar simply started with the assembly of the pieces.

Since he did not have a very strong steel, he used the high carbon steel formula to make the parts that will pierce the metal parts of the revolver.

This is why it needed hardness, unfortunately it did not have tungsten or any other material to help harden the steel.

But the parts in charge of making the perforations could be replaced in a simple way.

With the turning machine ready, Einar started and started designing the parts of the revolver, so he would let Ibsen do them because it was a very complicated job.

For this, Ibsen would make the models in wood and with them he will cast steel molten in sand to make all the parts of the revolver.

Because it was a simple revolver, it did not have complicated parts to manufacture, so its assembly would be simple.

While Ibsen worked on making the wooden parts for the revolver mold, Einar began nitrating the paper for the ammunition.

To do this, he dipped sheets of paper in a saltpeter solution to make it more flammable, but that was only the first step.

In order to protect the paper with nitrate, he used seal bait to create a kind of wax paper which would only ignite with a spark but would be resistant to water.

Einar smiled when he saw his creation, but took the opportunity to make the black powder for the cartridges.

To make it, he used a measure of carbon, a measure and three-quarters of sulfur and seven and a half measures of saltpeter.

With this formula he created a perfect powder to fill the cartridges, to carry out some tests on the amount of gunpowder with Gerd. He made a rifled barrel with the shape and size of the revolver.

Once he had it, he created in the imperial palace a shooting room. To prevent the sound from affecting his family, he filled the entire room with a cardboard lining stuffed with wool.

The cardboard I use was shaped like an egg carton but with more pronounced peaks, this so that the sound could not easily leave the room.

Also, because of the danger of the place, he placed two extinguishers with sodium bicarbonate powder, this so that he could put out possible fires.

The room he set up as a shooting room had a brick wall where a target was located.

In front of it, a few feet away, was a wooden table where the rifled barrel of the revolver with which Einar would test was held by metal clamps.

Because of the danger that the gunpowder rifled barrel would explode, he decided to start small.

As 20 grains of black powder were to begin with, he placed only the tip of the bullet inside the barrel, leaving the paper cartridge on the outside.

Although it was the wrong way to test it, he first wanted to see if the rifled barrel could withstand the accuracy of the first test.

In order to light it, he used a 5 meter long pole with a lit fuse. All this he did from a place that he considered safe and using metal armor.

When he ignited the paper cartridge, it ignited immediately, creating a small explosion that fired the bullet through the rifled barrel.

Upon checking the barrel, he realized that there was no damage to the barrel groove and that the steel tube was not cracked.

But when he checked the target, he realized that the bullet had done little damage.

\'I think the amount of powder grains is terrible. I will make an increase of 20 more grains to see if it has more power.\'

At that time, Einar filled a paper cartridge with 40 grains of black powder, after which he placed the lead bullet with a little pine resin glue.

When the bullet was ready, he placed it back on the rifled barrel and moved far enough away to start the test.

Using the same stick with the fuse, he lit the cartridge, and a known explosion could be heard, unlike the last time.

Einar could hear the classic sound of a bullet hitting partitions.

Upon reviewing the barrel, he realized that it was still in good condition without any mark of damage, when on the way to the target he smiled maliciously because the bullet had completely pierced a few centimeters of the partition.

\'I think this is the correct measure, but just to test, I will do it with 60 grains of gunpowder.\'

Repeating the same process, he made a paper cartridge with 60 grains of gunpowder and later placed the bullet in the barrel.

When he used his wick stick to light the cartridge, this time the tip of the stick was destroyed by the explosion that caused the paper cartridge.

Einar sighed while stroking his mustache "It seems that the correct measurement is 40 grains of black powder. We must avoid overfilling the paper cartridges.

Well, I doubt very much that the cylinder of the revolver can withstand the explosion of 60 grains of gunpowder.

But I already have the ammunition made. I think I will take the opportunity to start creating it and leave it in wooden boxes in a safe place to avoid accidents.

When I have my revolvers, I will have to give the same talk to my children as the one I gave to Erika.

Regarding the danger of firearms, they are easy to use and that makes them a real danger. They are not a toy but a tool to defend or attack.

But the most important thing is that when you have a weapon, you are willing to kill and die, because you cannot doubt at any time.

Because in those seconds, life can be in danger. Thank goodness I was in the military in my past life.

I still remember looking at Erika trying to open the safe where my gun was. "

"Dad, I was just trying to take your gun because I thought I heard a bad person outside the house.


I swear it wasn\'t for playing games. "


Einar just looked at his daughter and leaned down to stroke her hair. "I really appreciate your help daughter, but promise me that you won\'t try to do anything like that again.


Weapons should only be used by people willing to lose their lives. Are you willing to do that? "


Little Erika shook her head and started crying. "Dad, I was a bad girl ..."


Einar hugged his daughter and used his hand to wipe her tears. "No daughter, you are a girl with good intentions.


You will never have to take a weapon in your hands because Dad is willing to die to protect you, as well as the nation and our home.


That is the duty of a soldier and a father. You as a daughter should only enjoy your childhood, but I promise you that I will put security cameras and improve the security of the house.


But if when you grow up you want to use firearms, Dad will teach you how to use them to defend your life.


I can promise you that. "


Erika nodded and continued hugging her father.

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