The Sage of Einar

Chapter 360 - A Date With Laisa

Einar, who was exercising with his little daughter Norma, watched with joy as his daughter was doing much better since she started eating fenugreek.

That seed had a positive impact on her, not only that, but it improved her life.

Despite this, he did not stop investigating animal insulin. His greatest advance was to obtain from a pig pancreas almost 1 liter of penicillin.

Which after filtering and diluting it with alcohol and distilled water, almost a liter and a half of clean penicillin was obtained.

Although now the problem was to find the perfect measure in a matter of milliliters per kilograms of weight, this to avoid an overdose or a wrong amount that does not help.

Einar reckoned it would take almost another month before he could test it on the two men who had volunteered.

Once he has tried it with them and it has proven to work, little Norma could live a happy and safe life.

Fortunately, obtaining insulin was not something impossible to obtain with the archaic technology that Einar had. Taking advantage of the fact that he was doing that process, he also sought to obtain adrenaline.

Although it was more difficult to find the adrenal glands, they were not as easy to find as the pancreas was.

But that was not of such high importance to Einar because what he intended to use adrenaline for was to keep the airways open in case of an allergy.

After running around for a while, little Norma decided to take a break, so Einar also rested with her daughter.

"Remember to breathe deeply and avoid using your mouth to breathe as you may end up tired faster than normal."

Norma breathed as her father had told her and felt much better, so Einar stroked her back.

"Exercise is hard, but for your health, it should be done always and without excuses. Of course, you don\'t have to force your body more than normal.

Because that is also bad, in your case you only need to have a physical condition in good condition to be able to have a stable and calm life.

Don\'t worry, dad is working on a way so that you can have a normal life without problems. It won\'t be an easy thing, but I\'m sure I will make it.

Now we are going to walk just to finish this training. Later you will have to take a tablespoon of fenugreek.

Your body needs to produce insulin in order to digest the sugars in the body."

Norma smiled and nodded while holding Einar\'s hand lovingly as she felt safe next to her father.

After walking for a while, the two of them entered the palace gym where Laura and Daven were sitting in a pool of their sweat.

"Dad, the training with Mom Laisa is very demanding, but I feel very good after activating my body."

Einar smiled and took two towels, which he gave to his children, who were lying on the wooden floor.

"You have done very well. Remember that a good diet without exercise will cause obesity.

Fat is not bad, but if it accumulates too much, it can bring horrible diseases that will end your life in a painful way.

You should always be careful in that regard. It is not because of how you look physically; it is because of the damage to your bodies, but it is always good to lead by example.

The body that his father has was achieved with a hard training. You should not do such a spartan training because you are growing.

But a sport is always good for you, by the way, where is your mother. "

Laisa sneaked up on her husband and hugged him from behind. "Einar, I want to go out for some fresh air.

I like being inside the palace but I want to go out for some fresh air. You and I can have a date. "

Einar smiled and caressed her wife\'s hands. "Sure, what do you think if the two of us go out tonight, because I\'m sure Kassia and Helmi will also want to have their own date the next few days."

Laisa was glad, so she leaned against Einar\'s back and began to smell the scent on his clothes.

Einar said nothing because he knew that a pregnant woman would have very drastic changes in attitude. It could vary from woman to woman, but in the case of Laisa.

It made her much more sensitive than she normally is, so her demeanor is more like a young girl than a woman she has killed on the battlefield.

After this he did all the work in the house and at night, he got ready with quite casual clothes, this is why Laisa wanted to spend a night alone with them.

Because it was dangerous, Einar placed two mini crossbows between his clothes, which were small enough to be hidden.

But that was not all. Each mini crossbow could fire three consecutive bolts. Einar had not been able to implement it in larger crossbows because of the materials.

To make them, he uses all the aluminum that he had obtained and as long as he does not have more cryolite, it will be impossible to get more aluminum.

In addition, the bolts of the crossbow were special because they had an explosive tip. They contained mercury fulminate and a little dynamite.

This he did to make up for the mini crossbow\'s lack of piercing power. Luckily, the bolts were so well built.

These will not explode just by touching them, they will explode only when the metal tip deforms after being fired.

This will activate the mercury fulminate at the tip which will explode the dynamite in the arrow, undoubtedly an ammunition that can create fear among enemies.

After this he put on a jacket and said goodbye to Helmi, Kassia and their children before reaching the elevator where Laisa was.

She had beautiful casual clothes, black boots, black pants, a black shirt, and a jacket made of white bearskin.

Not only that, her hair was tied up in a beautiful ponytail, Einar could swear that if she were in the future, Laisa should have been a motorcyclist.

"You are more beautiful than normal. I think that kind of look makes you stand out much more.

Remind me to design you a black leather vest and black gloves. I\'ll give you a biker look. "

Laisa started laughing and took Einar\'s arm. "Will I ever be able to see a motorcycle like the one you are talking about?"

Einar sighed and looked at Laisa with a smile. "It\'s a challenge I\'m willing to accept. Maybe I won\'t be able to build you a motorcycle with an internal combustion engine.

But if I can create a steam engine and I can miniaturize it, then creating your motorcycle will not be impossible.

But you can be sure that it will take some time for me to achieve that feat, although I promise you that you will have a beautiful steam motorcycle. "

Laisa looked fondly at Einar and caressed her stomach. "You know with you I think even going to the moon is not impossible."

Einar smiled and turned his head to kiss Laisa. "I don\'t think I can travel to the moon in my entire life, but we can let our descendants do it.

The future of humanity should not be on earth, it should be space. I know that in the future they will be able to put a man or a woman in space.

It will take a long time and thousands of people working at the same time, but they will do it.

In the future, we did it. We put a man on the moon and in space.

It\'s just that the mistake was investing in more weaponry to kill each other than staring into space, our last frontier. "

After saying those words, the two realized that they had already reached the city of Asgard, so they decided to go to the first place.

Which was the central square, as the food businesses and some enthusiastic slaves played music.

Not only that, but there were also bars and some entertainment venues that Einar had allowed to open.

Also, in order to keep a city fully active at night, there were thousands of petroleum distillate grease streetlights operating at night.

The change was made by Einar because he took advantage of the fact that not all oil could be used to make weapons, his population also needed to benefit from oil.

So the petroleum distillate lamps became something that was installed throughout the capital, not to mention the event of the death of Minerva and the other women.

A construction of light poles was started to avoid areas without lighting.

Because of this, the quality of life of the inhabitants increased too much.

Upon reaching the central square, Einar and Laisa enjoyed the food stalls and the great atmosphere of the place.

Because the two were dressed in normal clothes and were not accompanied by anyone, they went unnoticed.

So they could enjoy their date in complete anonymity, because Laisa was pregnant they could not drink in any of the bars, however they could enjoy the atmosphere of the place.

Einar in that outing also noticed that some of his citizens were gaining weight, so he decided to start with the creation of public and compulsory gyms.

It could not allow its population to gain weight, as the world around them was a world of war and death.

Where only the strongest could survive, they were only in a bubble that sooner or later could give them a bad surprise.

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