The Sage of Einar

Chapter 321 - The Mythical Nordic Kingdom

In a tavern in the city of Carcol, a bard was singing a song in an inn, using his lute while his wife played the flute.

\'Today I am going to tell you the story of a magical place in a dreamland.

The place calls itself the Norse kingdom, a place where dangerous Vikings settled and civilized.

In that place, there is no hunger, and private property is respected. The nobles have no powers because they are regulated.

Go and start a new life. Do not be afraid, in that place, the mythical king Einar rules.

A king who cares about his people, a king who can do anything and everything he touches, makes it well for his people ... \'

One of the men who were at the bar of the inn looked at the innkeeper, who was enjoying the song.

"That Nordic kingdom, it sounds very exciting, for sure you know more about it."

The innkeeper looked at the man in front of him "I know it is a magical place that has amazing things like glass, salt, and even colored fabrics.

Look, I was able to get this colored fabric with a wing that I made a beautiful handkerchief. "

The innkeeper took out from his bag a red handkerchief that looked beautiful; the man looked at the handkerchief and smiled.

"You know what it takes to go to that mystical land."

The innkeeper frowned, so the man put five copper coins on the table so the innkeeper smiled.

"At the dock, you will find a Jewish man you will have to register with him to give you a place for the next expedition to the Nordic kingdom.

I don\'t know much about what the place is like, but what I do know is that they always return with an enormous amount of goods, so the commerce in the city has increased.

Even the situation improved for us because the substantial amount of things that they bring improve our life like the white salt and nothing bitter that they sell.

It is a mystery how they get it, but its flavor is not astringent and it is white like snow.

I got a chance to get a taste for a nobleman who stayed at the place, but that was a long time ago. "

The man finished drinking his stale beer and left the inn towards the port of the city. On his way, he watched the significant activity of people at night.

\'It is surprising that this city has advanced far enough, just by keeping commerce in such a mythical place as the north.


I doubt if King Einar would be willing to accept a man with as much experience as myself in the arts of espionage.


Since the Duke died in the civil war, maintaining a stable life has become increasingly difficult. \'

After walking for a while, he reached the port where he could see hundreds of people lined up to enter a hut.

With some curiosity, the man approached the crowd of people in line and asked one of them who seemed to have his entire family.

"Excuse me, this is the line to register for the mythical land of the north."

The man turned his head and looked at the guy, who had black clothes and who appeared to be some kind of bandit.

"That\'s right, this is the line to register for the mythical Nordic kingdom, where King Einar lives.

I hope everything they say is true as my children need a stable place to live and spend the winter.

Even if the food they offer you and the place to avoid getting cold is not true, I appreciate it very much because our family lost everything.

In the south, many kingdoms have started warriors to get people. Our people suffered the same fate but fortunately, I and my family managed to escape.

That is why I started my way to this place. It was not easy, but fortunately, I managed to join a caravan of people who came to the same place.

I hope things get better for our family, but you also seem to be looking for a new place to live, right? "

The man just nodded and raised his eyebrow "I see you pay a lot of attention to detail, but I am here for the same reason as you and your family.

A new place to live. I would also appreciate some food and a roof to sleep on. "

The man smiled and began to walk as the line was advancing "I hope we meet again. It was a pleasure talking to a person like you."

The man sighed and began to form because he had to wait his turn to get to the registration area of ​​the dock.

After some time, the man was finally able to enter the hut where he could see a man dressed in merchants\' clothes.

"Come in and sit down."

The man sat in the chair, and the Jewish merchant looked at him.

"Name, place of origin, age, and reason for traveling to the Nordic kingdom?"

"My name is Henry and I come from the Frank empire. I am 26 years old.

My reason for being able to travel to the Nordic kingdom is that I want to offer my services to King Einar, as I have experience in finding and eliminating pests. "

The merchant raised an eyebrow and looked at Henry with some doubt "It is not normal that people come from so far. How do you find out about the Norse kingdom?"

Henry smiled and replied calmly, "In the place where I worked, there were many kinds of gossip and talk about what was happening outside.

That is why I found out about this place, so I decided to leave my past behind and set out on my journey to know the mythical Nordic kingdom.

If I may, how can you see such a special place that the bards never tire of talking and singing about? "

The merchant laughed a little and looked at Henry seriously "It is a place where you can find a new life, but if you want some advice, remember not to try anything funny in the Nordic kingdom.

Spies like you do not survive in that place, but answering your question, it is a cold place but where the slaves smile as well as the population.

Everyone is happy with their ways of life. It is something that not everyone can achieve, but you will have to see for yourself.

For now, leave the hut and head to the dockside barracks. You will be in barrack 15.

Give this token to enter.. You will be living there until the next expedition in January. "

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