The Sage of Einar

Chapter 299 - Trawling

Einar, who was in his office, proudly looked at the plane he had in his hand. On it, he could see a special ship design.

Which had some pieces of wood that had pulleys to raise and lower a gigantic fishing net.

What Einar had drawn was a trawler. This because due to the increase in population, it had to be guaranteed that everyone had food.

Because the North Atlantic where they were was a rich place for fishing, a high level of fishing could be guaranteed.

To prevent most of the fish from rotting, Einar also started with an increase in the salt production fields and the salt pans, where salicornias are grown.

This to make dried fish and pickled fish so that they last as long as possible and have guaranteed the entrance of food within the nation.

Another thing that also made Einar happy was the founding of six more towns on the Ansgar road.

He expected each town to have a capacity of 1200 people, so that in this way, a path of towns could begin to be created that would connect the entire island.

All the slaves are working full time to be able to build the houses and materials for everything that was planned to be built before the first snowfall of the year begins.

Einar put down the plan of the trawler and looked proudly at the plan he had been working on for the past few days.

It was the plan of the nation\'s first boarding school, which would have a capacity for 7,000 children.

It would have beautiful yards and classrooms, so that the children could enjoy their classes. It would also have training fields and a large kitchen.

The project was even larger than the second expansion of the imperial palace and worked as strongly if necessary.

\'I would rather spend labor to create a beautiful school that will help thousands of children than a palace full of luxury.


Why prioritize vanity when children can have a truly elite school for them.


With the implementation of the rebar I design, construction should take no more than two years.


But it will be enough to be able to be a symbol of the nation for later centuries, that the Norse look towards the imperial family and see the constructions they made with pride.


A person will feel proud to be able to see a school and not a palace full of luxury where a monarch lives. I also have to instill my children with actions.


That as emperors, we must always seek the welfare of our nation, rather than indulge ourselves just to ease our egocentricity.


It is not about acting with Franciscan poverty, but it must be guaranteed that if a splendid palace is to be built, there are no needs among the population.


When more people arrive, I will also start creating three hospitals and several clinics, but first I need to train more doctors and nurses. \'

Einar sighed and massaged his temples\' Now that I start to have a population I need more trained people, I will talk to the merchants to sell me medical slaves or bring in doctors.


It should be time to use the resources at my fingertips to ensure that I can get everything I need.


Well, it will take a long time for children to grow up and become the engine of the nation.


At least I know that my children will not have the problem that I had with the lack of trained personnel. \'

After this, Einar got up from his chair and took the two plans to take them to Seren, to begin with the construction of a prototype of a trawler.

After three days in port, a prototype ship had been built, although it was not a full trawler.

It could do the same functions, so Einar climbed on it to be able to fish with some experienced sailors.

Since they were already entering winter, they would not get very far into the chaotic waters of the Atlantic.

On the ship, Einar, who was dressed in overalls, long leather boots and a cloth cap, had a typical fisherman\'s outfit, as he would be at sea for perhaps a full day.

Sufficient food and drinks, a solar stove, two compasses, a sextant, and a small drum were prepared for the trip.

Also on the boat would be Lars, the seal hunter who was also an expert in fishing and who volunteered to take part.

On the dock, Einar said goodbye to his children and their wives.

"To test the operation of the trawler and make the pertinent corrections, I must be on the boat.

I know it will only be a day but you should not worry. With the compass and the sextant, it should be returned without problems. "

No one in his family was worried because they knew he would return, so when he got on the ship, the sailors released the ship\'s moorings and it moved along the docks until it left the port.

On the ship Einar was enjoying the salty sea air "I really like the sea, when you can\'t breathe moisture.

The heat and the sea are hard places to live. "

Lars, who had listened to Einar, laughed and patted him "You must have known a beach in Valhalla with those characteristics because you never traveled with your grandfather.

But you are absolutely right about it. When you live near the coast, the heat is unbearable, but even more so is the humidity you breathe.

It seems that you are always breathing heat; I think that we are more used to the cold, and that is why we feel the climate change.

But herald how many fish can we get with this method of fishing? "

Einar smiled and looked at Lars confidently "We will have the boat full in just a few hours about 4 tons of fish on this boat, but we will leave two full catches free because we have to test the operation of the boat.

If there is a design flaw, I can correct it so that it does not affect fishing in the future, since an error in the sea can be fatal or create a food crisis.

Well, the time spent on modifications means that people are without eating, thanks to the fact that we have enough salt and vinegar.

We can always keep the fish fresh and edible, so nothing will go to waste. That is an advantage of being an island we can turn to the sea to live. "

Lars was surprised by the number Einar said "In my best fishing we only got 100 kilograms of fish, but being able to fish in tons is unheard of."

Einar pointed to the wooden mechanism on the boat "What happens is that we take everything that is on the seabed, that\'s why we are not that far from the coast.

If this were the Pacific Ocean, we would need a bar or a bigger one and more kilometers of rope, for our fortune the Atlantic Sea.

It has an always stable depth so it will never be like the Pacific Ocean, where with just walking a few meters, you can be in a sinkhole. "

Lars sighed and looked up at the sky as he sat next to Einar. "Hopefully one day I can get to know that Atlantic Ocean you speak of."

Einar patted Lars on the shoulder "You will. I\'ll see to it that you can meet him in a few years, but first we have a continent to conquer.

Island by island, we will enter and conquer. Later, I will be in charge of creating a foothold on the continent.

Your grandson will be able to enjoy virgin beaches and gigantic farmlands. He will not lack food and he will be able to have all the children he wants to have.

It will be the Nordic dream, of course, that the process of our population will increase with incorporating the natives, who will be treated as citizens.

Well, in the end we are the ones who will take their lands, it is the only thing we can do to compensate them.

That they are treated as citizens and can enjoy a full life with respect to their traditions.

Although to guarantee that we have to put all of Europe in a period of endless war, but that is already a problem that I have to solve. "

Lars laughed at Einar\'s words and looked at the beautiful sea "I am sure Konungar Einar that songs will be sung in his name and he will be remembered as the greatest king of all the Norse people."

Einar did not respond, as although he liked the feeling of power, his realistic goal was simply to create a safe place for his family.

After being at sea for a while, Einar took up the drum and played a quiet rhythm as he sang.

"There once was a ship to out to sea ..."

The catchy song in a strange language made all the sailors sing no matter that they did not understand the lyrics.

But the rhythm of the drum and the voice of Einar allowed them to continue repeating the song, which made the atmosphere of the ship quite happy.

While they continued singing, Einar gave the order by means of signs that the nets will be lowered, the sailors following the orders lowed the fishing nets.

When the song ended, Einar took some herbal liqueur from his canteen and played another song.

"What will do with a drunken sailor ..."

Although no one was looking at them, the image of a group of Norsemen singing sailor songs in English while drinking herbal liqueur would mark history.

Because historians and the imperial family following the memories of the founder and father of the country, Einar, they would make an immortalized picture of that scene with their imagination showing the beginning of a new type of fishing.

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