The Sage of Einar

Chapter 295 - The Benefits Of Freedom

All the slaves who had a family watched with joy as the guards and warriors broke the chains of their children.

To which they were taken to a dining room so that they could feed themselves because, although in the city of Carcol, they had been fed.

The boat trip was stressful on their little bodies, so Einar had a seal meat broth made with lots of vegetables.

In order for the children to regain their vitality, he also ordered that the old great hall be prepared so that all the children could sleep in a warm room.

While the children were eating a fairly healthy meal, the other slaves were enjoying a seal meat broth with only salicornias.

This was the treatment for slaves and children, but for free people, things were completely different.

For them, Einar prepared a more complete meal because he wanted to create a good first impression.

As second-class citizens they will have the right to found two villages on the Ansgar road.

This would be a motivation for them and an advantage for Einar, as they would have a place to call home in the northwestern part of the island.

Being the safest area and one of the most mountainous, it was a perfect area to establish a grazing area for animals, such as goats and sheep.

Of course, that would be for those who were only common people, for artisans, artists and anyone with knowledge.

His ultimate destination would be in the city of Asgard.

After they had eaten, Einar stood on a platform and looked at all the free men who had come, although for months he had been training his Anglo-Saxon.

He wasn\'t too good with words, but to one like Konungar, he had an obligation to give a speech to all of them in a language they could understand.

"You are all gathered here because you are looking for a new life away from trouble or simply trying to find an alternative source of life.

Away from the nobles and where your families or you can live in a safe place where no one will harm you.

I can guarantee all of you that from today your lives will change completely, as this Island will become your home.

But first let me introduce myself. I am the Konungar Einar or King Einar.

Unlike the Catholic kings, I do not feel born of the hand of God since I was chosen to guide the Nordic people on their path of salvation.

Which is completely different because when you are born as a noble Christian, you are superior to everyone, but I am like you.

With the only difference that I was born into the ruling family of this place, and that is why I was chosen to guide them all.

But having said that, it is time for me to tell you the advantages of joining the Norse kingdom.

The first is that you will all be second-class citizens for the time being.

When you learn to speak the language and complete a small exam, you will be able to achieve full citizenship.

Being a second-class citizen means you will enjoy a land that will be yours. It will be given to us and we will also create your houses.

When you have your houses ready, stables will be built so that you can raise a couple of goats or sheep.

Which were completely free given to you, as a measure to allow you to have a sustainable source of income.

Of course, you will have to help with the construction of your homes, as villages will be created around an immense highway that is being built.

The Ansgar Road is an important project as it unifies the entire northwestern part of the kingdom.

You can be sure that in this place there are no bandits and if there are, the punishment is worse than death. "

With a signal of his hand, two soldiers brought the corpse of a seal, which was almost intact.

"This is a threat and also a good way of letting you know that in this place, crimes are paid with life.

You do not need to steal because your children will be fed by us and will receive education completely free and compulsory.

The education that they will receive is superior to the education that a nobleman can receive. I want you to remember those words.

I am not lying when I say that their children will be the base of this nation, where I hope they can adapt.

But let\'s talk about the test of power. For those who want to try to create problems, the answer will be painful death.

I am a man who loves peace and even more his family; I am sure that many of you are the same. You would hate that some bastard.

Dares to harm your family. That is why penalties for disturbing public order will be paid in this way. "

With the corpse in position, Einar signaled, and a warrior shot an arrow with a stick of dynamite attached.

The result was an explosion that created fear in everyone present, including Sia, who never imagined an arrow.

It had such a powerful destructive power that it could create a horrible sound.

"What you could see is the fury of Odin. I think you understand very well that if you dare to rebel, a rain of these arrows will fall on their heads.

If a single arrow can destroy an adult seal weighing over 200 kg, your bodies will be destroyed.

That will be the price to pay for betrayal. I am a benevolent man, but I am not an idiot who would let what I build be lost because of the ambition of some.

I hope you have understood that point, but let\'s move on to the most important information.

The Ansgar road has almost 40 kilometers completed, that is why along the way I want them to choose where to found their villages.

Once you have chosen, tents will be given to you where you will be able to rest as of tomorrow.

The creation of your villages will begin. Do not worry, the slaves will do most of it, you have to help supervise.

Just remember that there will be warriors with you at all times so no one will abuse slaves because unlike other places.

Slaves belong to the state and can get their freedom in 5 years of work or in two years if they join the army.

Now that is the treatment for any free man and their families. For those with knowledge, their fate will be much better.

They will have a house in the capital of Asgard and will be assigned a place in the craftsmen\'s guild, where they will have too high pay and a standard of living.

But if money and wealth don\'t motivate you, I\'m sure knowledge will.

I can guarantee you, you will learn from what things live in a drop of water to what minerals are called.

Of course, the more knowledge they have, the more they will learn. Believe me when I tell you that the world is more complicated than it appears.

I\'m not lying.

Since many of the things that you may believe impossible are happening around you.

But let\'s stop talking about those topics and move on to the last part of this little speech.

I want you to know that in this place there is something called the Constitution as well as two religions, one where I am the herald of Odin.

The other is that I am a messiah of God, who is to bring a reform to the rotten church that dominates the word of God.

I know it may sound incredible and you might even think I\'m crazy, but know that everything you can see in this place I built in just one year.

The following year the entire island will be conquered, the following year after that I can guarantee you that this island will be completely occupied and built.

This will be a paradise for all of us where we can investigate without having to fear for the church.

Their businesses will be respected because if someone dares to destroy their property, they will be judged because private property is sacred and immovable.

So I ask all of you if you will be second-class Nordic citizens or want to return to the island where you came from.

The answer will depend on you, and no one will force you to take it. "

After those words, the entire crowd of people screamed.

They were not willing to return to that Island where they had suffered great hardships or they simply had nothing to do there.

Seeing that everyone was very excited to be a population, Einar opened his hands and looked at them all "Since you chose to be citizens, then I hope they can behave up to the task.

Tents will be set up in this place as a registration process will begin for all of you at night.

Those who are fit to be in the capital will stay. Those who are normal people with no knowledge will be separated because tomorrow the construction of their villages will begin.

You will receive food and briquettes, so do not be afraid that you will be without some protection for yourself and your families.

If we all work hard before the strong winter starts in November, your houses will be built.

I hope you remember it because most of the work will depend on you, because the slaves will only build, but if you do not do your part, the construction can be delayed until the harsh winter.

At that time they will be cold but it will be their fault, so they will not be able to blame someone.

Now start helping the soldiers organize the tents. "

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