The Sage of Einar

Chapter 232 - The Project Of The First Factory On The Island

Einar, who was with Hakoon, watched carefully as he melted the gold to later make it pass through a mold which made it take the shape of a wire.

Later he took out the gold cable and using a tool with holes that had from a large to a small one.

To begin with, he pass the wire through the largest hole there was. This caused the gold wire to begin to thin and increase in length.

By repeating the same process, the gold wire gradually turned into gold wire.

When it was finally over, Hakoon showed the gold thread to Einar.

"It is a laborious process but you get a lot of gold thread from just little gold material."

Einar smiled and walked towards the mold where the gold was poured "To think that the process of making gold thread is so curious.

I think I could improve it quite a bit but I would need a mechanical power source to be able to make it work.

A windmill would not be viable because although there are air currents it is not constant, a watermill is impossible to do because although there are rivers they are far ... "

Einar paused for a moment as a smile formed on his face "I think we will make history, Hakoon I want you to bring Gerd and Ibssen.

I will bring Seren and all the slave artisans that Darían brought. We will meet at your workshop in half an hour.

We are going to build a machine that will revolutionize our tribe. "

When everyone was gathered, Einar looked at them seriously "As you all know, we have numerous animals which need new grazing grounds so they can stay healthy.

The problem is that if we are not careful, the animals could escape and be eaten by white bears or die of cold.

To avoid these problems, I was in charge of creating a unit of explorers who will mark a wide area around our settlement where it is safe for the animals to graze.

The point is that it is not feasible to build wooden fences to delimit the land as it would be an unnecessary and quite expensive expense.

Not to mention that wood is a resource that takes a long time to produce and if we end up with trees. "

Einar shook his head and looked at everyone with some sadness "We will seal our destiny as there will be no way we can create ships or have fuel for all the villages we found.

Nor can we use stone because it would be too expensive and it would take us years to build walls which must be receiving maintenance.

Since otherwise they would end up giving in and all our work would be in vain.

That is why I came to the conclusion that we have to create a real machine that uses the steam from the water from the hot springs to be able to produce mechanical energy.

For this we will build six things, a building near a thermal water pool that serves as a factory, a furnace to melt iron.

A stone mold where we can pour the iron to make iron wire, a stone mold with holes to make the wire thinner.

A gear machine to automate the process to make it easier to produce iron wire, a twist machine to create the barbed wire, and most importantly a Stirling engine.

Which will be in charge of using water vapor to produce mechanical energy so that our factory can function.

I know many of these things sound a bit unreal or you just don\'t understand them, but I will personally see to it that you can understand everything I have told you.

Because the tribe and all the slaves are busier than ever, we can only count on the help of the 50 slaves that I am entering as soldiers.

Together with you, the artisan slaves, they will have the task of building in a month the factory building, the furnace to melt iron, the mold to pour the iron and the mold to make the iron cable thinner. "

Einar pointed to the goldsmith "Hakoon will show you the measures with which the molds must be worked, your duty will be to supervise the construction of the two molds.

Together with Gerd, who will be in charge of supervising the construction of the furnace to melt the iron. "

With a smile Einar looked at Seren "While they are working on it, we are going to work with the Stirling engine and the two gear machines.

I want you to know that what we are going to be is something that transcends time and will be the engine of the development of our tribe, because everything we do can be applied to many jobs.

But for everything we want to do to work, we will have to make the Stirling engine. "

Einar took out of his bag his notebook, in which he had a drawing he had made long ago of how a Stirling engine should be made.

When he showed the draw, all of them swallowed a little saliva because the machine that was drawn on the paper was quite large.

They knew this because on the side of the engine there was a silhouette of a person drawn, which was the same size as the engine.

Seeing their faces, Einar could only form a forced smile "I know it will be a pretty big engine, but you must understand that after many calculations and taking into account our technology.

We cannot create it smaller because we do not have tools and materials to be able to manufacture it that way, even to work with the other machines.

We will require refined seal grease so that the gears can run smoothly.

It will be a festival of aromas inside the factory, but if we wait to have all the materials, it will be years before we can do anything.

But enough talking, Ibssen as one of the best carpenters in the tribe you will have to create gear molds.

They won\'t be as large as those used on cranes, but if they are roughly the size of your face, there may be some smaller ones.

Either way, I will give you the exact measurements at night so you can start making them.

Those gears will serve as a mold for making gears out of steel, although our experiments with iron and coal have come a long way.

They are far from perfect, not to mention that we can\'t make a lot of steel, plus the experiment we did three weeks ago using a concentration of carbon and seal blood.

It resulted in a resistant steel which is hard but not brittle, unfortunately I do not remember what is the substance that blood has to be able to make it resistant to iron.

But whatever it is, we will use that process to make the gears and mechanical parts of the machine.

For the exterior and the rest, we will use bronze to prevent rust from damaging the machine. It may not be very resistant but it will work.

Seren, I will give you the scheme and the size of all the pieces that we need, you will have to work with some craftsmen so that they can help you.

If they ask, just tell them that it is an important tribe project for which their work will be rewarded, with pay according to what they do.

We have to finish all this before the end of the month, because it won\'t take long for the animals to destroy the grass and we can\'t be taking care of them all the time so they don\'t escape. "

Taking a deep breath, Einar relaxed a little and looked at everyone "I hope you can count on all of you to make this project a reality. You must know that when it is built, you will know the power of technology.

Now we have work to do Hakoon, Gerd and the craftsmen accompany me to the military barracks so that I can give the orders of where they are going to start working.

Because the project is very important, they will use materials destined for the construction of the walled palace, so they will have absolutely nothing.

Although it is a project that needs to be done on time, I don\'t want bad things produced, because a mistake would be very expensive for everyone. "

When he finished saying those words, Einar left Hakoon\'s workshop in the direction of the military barracks.

While this is happening in the tribe, in the sea, Nelda\'s ships were moving back and forth.

This is because the swell was quite raging by the storm that was happening near where they were, although luckily it was far from them.

They couldn\'t escape all the aftermath of the storm, so Nelda, who was sitting on a chair, could only vomit into a wooden bucket.

"Damn pregnancy dizziness and damn storm, I swear when…"

When she emptied his stomach of what little she had, she could only look with hatred at the bucket full of vomit "I think I should avoid the sea with pregnancy or otherwise ..."

Her crew just looked at her with some empathy, as there weren\'t many things they could do to help her because all of them were also suffering from seasickness.

Although for them it was not so serious because they were not pregnant or had hearing problems.

For his part, Ashraf was not bothering the storm. On the contrary, he stood on the prow of his ship and with a smile watched as it advanced.

\'This feeling of being able to fight against nature will never cease to please me.. Send me everything you can nature I because I am ready to fight against you.\'

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