The Sage of Einar

Chapter 228 - The Treaty Of Constantinople

In the morning after cleaning their bodies, Guido and Gautier emerged from Bennu\'s hiding place and his Horus order, where a group of five guards were waiting for them as they would be their bodyguards the entire way.

Because they had to go towards the great Mesé avenue in which the hippodrome and the great Augusteon square were located, where they would have to walk towards the bronze gates or better known as the Chalke gates.

On his way through the immense crowd of people who were pacing the avenue, Gautier pointed to some large buildings.

"It is fascinating to be able to see the constructions that the Romans made fully functional, don\'t you think Guido?"

Guido just smiled "The first time Emperor Charlemagne saw the city he also said something similar, maybe that\'s why he built so many buildings in Aachen to imitate this city."

Gautier scratched his beard and looked at Guido with some curiosity "I have always had the doubt but why did he never decide to repair the ancient capital Rome and why did his son change the capital to Parisii."

Guido sighed and took from his bag a silver coin which he showed to the duke, "For this ...

The cost of repairing the ancient city of Rome was too much, not to mention that the church has complete control of that city.

So it is likely that the power of the emperor and the church would have been in constant dispute, as to why Ludovico changed the capital.

It was due to the civil war against his brothers, but I suppose he never told his subjects why. "

"He never meant to tell us, but I think I was lucky to get the answer I was curiously looking for many years ago."

When they finished speaking, the two came to a crossroads where Mesé Avenue was located. So Guido guided the Duke and his guards to Augusteon Square.

As he walked, Gautier gazed steadily at the great building of the racecourse, which was a true wonder in his eyes.

\'To think that if I want to build something that size it would be so expensive that it just wouldn\'t be feasible to build something like that.


What kind of mentality did the Roman emperors need to build these great buildings... \'

His thoughts were interrupted when he reached a kind of military checkpoint in which numerous soldiers were taking care that no one undesirable entered Mesé Avenue.

Guido, who knew that it was a filter to prevent commoners from entering, approached who seemed to be in charge of guarding the entrance to the military post.

"I am Guido and I have been accompanying Duke Gautier of the Frank empire. We have come to request an audience with Basil.

We come on behalf of Princess Adelaide, daughter of emperor Ludovico and heir of the empire. "

After speaking, Guido took out of a bag a scroll that had gold ornaments and a wax seal which was in perfect condition.

The guard, seeing the scroll, turned his head and looked at Gautier, who was dressed in noble clothes, but what caught his attention the most were the five guards behind him.

One of them carried the banner of their noble house, while the other four were well dressed, wearing chain-mail armor and ornamental swords.

"I can allow passage, but they will have to wait in Augusteon Square, until it is ascertained whether you are legitimately noble.

If your entrance to the palace is authorized, you must leave your guards at the door and only the two of you can enter.

I hope you understand this warning, as we do not wish to have to hurt any of you, and I will take the scroll. "

Gautier nodded and from his bag took out an ornate scroll, which had been delivered by Charlemagne himself. The soldier, seeing the scroll could only sigh.

Because he was able to recognize the veracity of that parchment, so he would only need to check if Basil intended to attend to them.

"Come by this side while I do my work. Remember not to go near Chalke\'s door, we will send someone for you."

After this Gautier, Guido and their guards entered Mesé avenue, where the panorama was completely different from that of the normal avenue.

For they could see nobles who were taking with them some wild animals as pets, from a man who had a lion on a chain.

Even a woman who was on a small elephant, which seemed to be guided by two soldiers in golden armor.

"To think that what I get from my dukedom would not be enough to pay for the life of luxury that many of these nobles are leading."

Guido laughed, "If I told you how embarrassed Emperor Charlemagne seemed to be a beggar the first time he came to this place you would not believe what I ended up doing."

Gautier looked at Guido seriously, doubting how the emperor had reacted.

Guido, seeing Gautier\'s face, nodded silently "The emperor did some shopping because he also wanted to look quite elegant for Irene.

That day he spent over 1000 gold coins just to get gold armor and some other things that would make him look more masculine, according to Byzantine customs.

Of course his accountant asked him not to, but he still ended up wasting the gold coins. "

Gautier could only shake his head. "That explains why there was a season that increased taxes and canceled the expedition to the Iberian peninsula to expel the Muslims."

Guido just stopped and patted the duke on the shoulder "That time it was something else the emperor did, but it had nothing to do with Irene, as to why to cancel the attack on the Iberian Peninsula.

It was due to a vision that he had where he said that a saint told him not to attack because it was not the time to take out the Muslims.

Because of that, the attack was canceled, but also because of that anecdote was completely kept secret so that no one could make fun of the emperor.

Not to mention that if the church had found out about the fact that a saint prevented attacking Muslims, it would have been a real scandal.

That it would have led the emperor and the church to a great schism. Of course at this moment I can tell these things because you and me.

We could tell this without being called liars, so it is information that is completely useless but that will make you look a little different from the emperor.

Although in any case we only have to offer loyalty to the Emperor Lodovico and his heir Adelaide. "

After hearing those words Gautier felt a lump in his throat as many things he believed about the Emperor Charlemagne were questioned.

Although he could refuse to believe the information, he knew it made no sense, as he could not corroborate the information.

When they finally reached Augusteon Square, they could see many noble men and women who were enjoying the shade of some trees.

Also in the beautiful fountain that decorated the square there were a few noble women sitting waiting for some suitor to come towards them.

"It\'s quite beautiful to be able to see such a peaceful scene. It reminds me of when I met my wife in Aachen.

Of course, the square where I met her was not as beautiful as it is, but the essence is the same.

For the moment, I think we should sit down and wait for Basilio\'s response. "

In a building under construction, Basil Theophilos was enjoying a time of peace because he had managed to defeat the southern Muslims in some skirmishes.

As he watched his throne room, the Trinconcha was being built. One of his trusted guards approached where he was and handed him a gold-embroidered parchment with the seal of Charlemagne\'s family.

Looking at the parchment with curiosity, he used a dagger to remove the seal. After opening the parchment, he began to read the content. At first, his look of curiosity became a fear that later became one of concern.

"Let the envoys of Princess Adelaide come to see me, we must not waste time."

After a few minutes, Gautier and Guido entered the throne room under construction, who when they arrived in front of Basil, knelt down to pay respect.

Basil Theophilos made a sign for them to get up "I could read the scroll that the princess sent over Kassia. I want you to tell me how I can help you to eliminate that threat."

Gautier swallowed a bit of saliva and looked seriously at Basilio "We know that he fled north with a group of Vikings but then something happened in the tribe where he was and possibly he ended up escaping to the west.

I need a few troops and some well-armed ships to start a journey to the land of the Vikings in order to get to where the tribe that took Kassia was supposed to be.

In case she is dead, Princess Adelaide wants to retrieve the body to rest in the imperial family mausoleum, but if she is alive, the princess wants us to take her back home. "

Theophilus held his chin for a moment "Which guarantees me that your princess does not want to use Kassia to destabilize the empire I rule."

Gautier took out of his bag a medallion with the symbol of the Charlemagne family which showed Basil "The princess authorized me to use the seal of the imperial family to be able to speak on her behalf.

I understand that your majesty has problems with the southern Muslims, but if you can help find Kassia, the Frank empire is ready to help your campaigns against the caliphate.

Although we cannot offer much help either as it will take us a while to recover from the civil war that is occurring at this time. "

Basil Theophilos closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and with a smile, he looked at Gautier.

"I am willing to support an expedition to recover, Kassia, but I can inform you that it can only be delivered to the princess.

If Kassia renounces her rights to the Roman Empire, when she does that, I can hand her over to your princess.

As for aid, I will wait two years after your civil war ends to launch an attack on the caliphate, so I look forward to your full support for my campaign.

Well, I will attack the entire coast of the Caliphate until I take Jerusalem, but I will need a lot of resources and a lot of food for the campaign.

If my campaign can be successfully executed, I will allow you, the Frank empire, to have the privilege of having a place in the city of Jerusalem.

Which is currently under the control of the caliphate. "

Gautier nodded "I am willing to accept your conditions, but my partner Guido must always be with Kassia to guarantee that she will not suffer any damage.

He is a member of the Praetorian Guard of the Emperor Charlemagne, so he knows how to behave and follow the rules. "

Basil Theophilos looked with some curiosity at the old man, who was still next to the duke, before laughing.

"I can accept that. You will have to stay in the city for a whole month as I will have to prepare soldiers, scouts and meet many Vikings so that they can help them in their search.

Remember your words, whether Kassia is alive or dead you will help the empire against the threat of the caliphs. "

Gautier put his hand on his chest while holding the medallion "For the honor of my family and the imperial family of the Frank empire, our agreements will be honored."

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