The Sage of Einar

Chapter 191 - In Cold Greenland 1/2

In a land completely full of snow, Natukt and his warriors were walking while seeing the whole landscape with a yellow color due to the ski goggles that Einar gave them.


"We have to keep moving forward guys, we are close to the tribe and we need to get there as soon as possible so we can deliver all this food and prevent them from starving before we can get out of this place.


Abandoned by the gods, I don\'t think the snowstorm will subside, on the contrary, I think it will continue and what we once called home will become truly uninhabitable.


Luckily for us, we found a place we can call home, but enough talking and we keep moving or we will end up frozen. "


After saying those words, the warriors began to walk through the snow, following the stream of a frozen river that carried their tribe.


As they walked in the snow, they could see a few frozen animals which were close to where a beautiful river once stood.


The corpses of the animals were completely frozen and well preserved. It was as if they had died in the most peaceful way possible.


But this far from reassuring, the group only caused a feeling of helplessness to overwhelm them.


"To think that just a year ago we could swim in the river. Now everything has turned to ice and we can do nothing to avoid it.


Seeing so many frozen animals is depressing to me, but I guess this will have to be the last time we see this landscape.


But now that I think about it, there wasn\'t a tribe near this place or I\'m wrong. "


Natukt sighed and pointed towards the horizon "The tribe you mean should be in that direction, although with these events I don\'t know if they have already migrated or are still in that place.


Either way, we will have to look for it to try to get as many people as we can or, failing that, seeds or animals.


If there are any that have not been completely devoured in the course of this time. "


After saying those words, silence returned to that group, so they continued on their way until kilometers later, they could see numerous bonfires


From what they knew they had come to his tribe; What made them quite happy was that the fires were lit.


For it was a clear message that his tribe was still alive and that all his efforts were not going to be in vain.


Upon arriving at the tribe he was quite surprised to see many new faces which outnumbered the original tribe. With some curiosity, Natukt and his warriors entered his tribe.


Where as soon as they entered they were received as true heroes by all, although they looked at them with curiosity for their clothes.


But far from asking about them, their attention was on a large amount of food they carry with them, using the barges as sleds.


A young man with black hair and slanted eyes emerged from one of the tents.


"Father and warriors, you have returned, and with food, we must thank our ancestors for their return without problems.


But father, why did they take so long to arrive? Usually, hunting a whale shouldn\'t take more than a week or two if it goes too far ... "


The young man interrupted his words when he saw his father\'s strange clothes and articles.


"Father, what are those strange clothes and those things on your face."


Natukt smiled at his son and removed his ski goggles. "These are goggles so we can walk through the frozen moors without hurting our eyes.


As soon as the clothes were a gift given by Einar, the young leader of our tribe, that means that we need to prepare all the people to be able to start a migration process towards a new fertile land free of snow.


But before I answer your question Ivalu, I would like to know why there are a lot of new people in the tribe. "


Ivalu sighed and put his face quite serious "You see father, 3 weeks ago we had a council between the different tribes of our region and we decided to unite as one in order to keep ourselves well-fed in this land of snow.


Although there were many more of us, I am afraid to say that many have died due to the cold, but I suppose that the new place you found must be a pleasant enough area to live.


Just tell me what you want me to do so that I can start organizing everyone. The faster we get out of this place, the better. "


Natukt scratched his chin. "If what you were telling me is true, then there shouldn\'t be any tribe nearby or I\'m wrong."


Ivalu shook his head "There should be no other tribe nearby, much less an enemy.


In this cold, I highly doubt that you could find someone else, but I think for the tribe movement you should meet up with the other tribal leaders.


Although in theory, you are the leader, it is an issue that concerns everyone because of the union of the tribe that we made. "


Natukt nodded and turned his head so that he could see his warrior brothers "Begin the distribution of the food and try to save as much as we can because we may go out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.


The less time we are in this place, the faster we will be able to establish ourselves on the island with the rest of our brothers and sisters.


That they must be waiting for us right now. "


After saying those words Natukt entered the main tent of the tribe where he could see still a group of large men who were gathered in a circle around a campfire.


"I\'m glad you decided to join our tribe. That will save me a lot of time and we won\'t have to spend any more days in this frozen place.


I want you to know that I found a new home for us, but in order to go, I need you to agree because we will not arrive as conquerors but as members of a tribe even larger and more advanced than ours.


But in order to go, I have to have their approval that they will not try to do anything in that place because they could get our people in trouble.


Just so you know, I want you to see this. "


When he finished saying those words Natukt took out an iron dagger and used it to break a bone dagger. This option surprised all the leaders of the different tribes because just by seeing that silver weapon.


They knew that the tribe they would go to was extremely dangerous and that whatever they would try to do would be counterproductive so as men of few words but only trusting the facts.


They sighed and the oldest of them began to speak.


"Although we can trust what you have told us, it is true I have to say that this information is too sudden. Even your arrival was unexpected.


But in these times we do not have the time to waste, so our tribes are willing to submit to the most advanced tribe.


As long as that guarantees the safety of our people as well as the well-being of all of us, but that is my opinion, it is necessary for the council to decide if it wants to. "


All the members of the council of tribe leaders quickly raised their hands and looked seriously at Natukt.


"Natukt has never taken a vote as fast as it is, but I can agree that staying longer in this frozen land devoid of food and protection is suicide.


So from now on, you are the leader of all our people. I hope you have a plan to get us out of this place before we end up dying.


Well, we can\'t go back to our ancestral lands because of the invaders from the south. "


Natukt, who was surprised by the surprising action of the tribal leaders, understood why they had decided to put their tribes in their hands.


"Very good. Since this was quite fast, I want the first action you to do is to gather as many canoes as you can.


We need enough to be able to take the entire population on a journey that will last about a few days across the sea.


So we also need food, although the food that we brought may be enough to support us for a while, it will not do enough to prevent us from starving on the way.


Also, an important mission that I have is that all of you gather the strange seeds, plants, and animals that you have in your possession because they are a means with which we will guarantee the well-being of our tribe in the new home that we have.


Do not worry as you will receive a payment in salt for all the things that you deliver and before you question if the salt is worth it.


I want you to know that it is a fairly refined salt which is nothing like what we can get.


I would also like you to send a few warriors to the greenstone mine, as we need to bring as many as possible as a gift to Einar, the leader of the tribe, where we will be living. "

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