The Sage of Einar

Chapter 126 - An Angry Princess

"But speaking of loyalty…"

Adelaide drew her sword and placed it around the village chief\'s neck.

"All the information you said was too accurate, not to mention the fact that for making a village head you know what you\'re talking about.

Who are you and why do you know so much information about the empire? "

The village chief raised his hands and turned his head to look at Adelaide with a smile.

"Princess doesn\'t have to be so aggressive otherwise she will look too much like her grandfather.

My name is Guido, I was a member of the Praetorian Guard of Emperor Charlemagne, a group of people loyal to your grandfather.

But as you know, he died a long time ago and your father did not want to trust us because of that he expelled us from the capital.

As for why am I in this place… "

Guido raised his head and looked at the sky "My wife was originally from this town so I decided to live here as our children had died a long time ago.

For which it is the only memory I have of her. "

Adelaide looked seriously at Guido "How do I know you are not lying and more importantly how do you know that a siege was made on the duchy of Dithmarschen."

Guido sighed and took a necklace around his neck, he showed Adelaide a beautiful ring that was covered with diamonds.

However, the most important part was the inside of the ring which contained descriptions in Latin that Adelaide understood very well.

Because his grandfather had a secret phrase that only family members or trusted people knew.

Adelaide, seeing this, did not lower her sword because she was not completely sure of the man\'s words.

"I spent a large part of my childhood with my grandfather so tell me why I could never see you and if you really knew my grandfather you should know the nickname, he gave me."

Guido put his ring away and turned around, "You could never see me princess because I always worked with his grandfather at night since the topics we talked about were related to the empire the emperor was forging.

But your grandfather affectionately called Iris to you and always boasted to the members of the guard that you had a strong character like him.

Not to mention that many times he even thought of giving you a fiefdom, but due to the presentations that the nobles and soldiers had, he had to give up.

Although the greatest gift he could have given you must have been the right for you to become a knight, you are the only woman in the vast Frankish empire who can lead troops and fight side by side with other nobles.

But it is a real shame that his father and brothers do not think in the same way as his grandfather did.

Fortunately for you princess, none of them is such an idiot as to try to change the edict that your grandfather made before he died. "

Adelaide under her sword and smiled at Guido "I never thought that I would meet a person who got to know my grandfather and who is not a damn nobleman who despises me.

I have to thank you since you made me remember all the good things I experienced with him.

But unfortunately, I don\'t have enough time to stay and keep talking because I need to see those bastards.

Since they should have inside information on some nobles who are trying to reveal in retaliation for the attack on the duchy of Dithmarschen.

Although from what you told me and what you know, it is possible that Duke Hippolyte could betray the empire, right? "

Guido turned around and continued walking towards the stable. "It is very possible that the duke revolted to the empire because he is, after all, duke Dean\'s uncle.

In addition, it would be too convenient for him to isolate the emperor from the rest of the empire since that way the nobles and your brothers could give free rein to the solution of their quarrels.

This means that the empire would enter a time of civil war, so it could be said that the end of his father\'s reign would be at that precise moment.

Since even if he is the emperor by name, I doubt very much that the nobles or your brothers will continue to recognize him as the guide of the empire.

Perhaps the only person that your father could finally trust would only be you since due to your origin you cannot fall into the temptation of power.

Because simply no one would support you first for being a woman and second… "

Adelaide interrupted Guido, "You don\'t need to say more, as she considered that it would be disrespectful to my mother.

She did not deserve the fate she suffered, but in the end, God wanted her to be born from the fruit of that relationship.

But in any case, my father already suffered his punishment at the hands of the pagans who were led by traitors.

In a few months, the news will be made public, but you should know that my father lost an ear and an arm to a Dane named Anders. "

Guido was deeply surprised as he kept walking "If your grandfather were still alive and knew that someone dared to harm your father, it is possible that many heads will roll.

Since the guards are supposed to sacrifice their lives to protect the emperor ...

Although I think that is none of my concern, and I have not belonged to the spheres of the imperial family for a long time.

But we have already reached the stable princess, the three men should be inside, do you want me to accompany you or do you want to go in alone? "

Adelaide shook her head, "From now on I will continue alone as I have to check if it is duke Dean and if it is.

His luck ran out because my father will make him pay for his betrayal. "

After saying those words, Adelaide entered the smelly horse stable and could see three men in the hay on the ground.

One of them was too fat while the other had a long beard, but the one who caught their attention was the young man who was quite pale and who had a piece of wood tied to his foot.

Crouching down in front of the young Adelaide, she looked curiously at his leg.

"According to the reports of the emperor you should be the new Duke of Dithmarschen, but what the hell happened to you that you will end up that way."

Dean opened his eyes and looked down at the woman who was wearing a gentleman\'s clothes, "That doesn\'t concern you, woman!

You should not be in front of me, better bring the person in charge before I report you to the emperor.

For the audacity to speak to a duke without showing due prestige. "

Adelaide at that moment smiled evilly and with her hand squeezed the duke\'s leg with all her might. This caused the duke to scream in pain.

"You should be able to bear this duke is just a small token of affection that I am giving you.

Maybe it will help you to remember that in this place you are not a duke, in fact, you do not even belong to the nobility you are nothing more than a treacherous piece of shit.

But if it comforts you and makes you feel better, my name is Adelaide and I am the Emperor\'s daughter, therefore you are screaming like a green man in front of a princess. "

Dean started laughing like crazy as he glared at the princess "Haha ...

I know you are the bastard daughter and tomboy of the emperor ...

By the way princess how is your mother, I\'m sure she enjoys being raped every day in that convent where your grandfather and the former emperor abandoned her.

To prevent her from opening her mouth about what… "

Dean can not continue speaking because he felt Adelaide\'s hand squeeze his broken foot with force.

Adelaide continued to squeeze the stupid duke\'s leg hard, not thinking of forgiving him for insulting her mother.

"You know I was just thinking of taking you to my father so you could enjoy beautiful torture where you could meet god.

But from your words, I think you can agree with me that your foot is in very bad condition and to see the emperor you must be in perfect condition.

So I just decided to save your life, so get ready… "

Taking her sword, Adelaide began to repeatedly cut duke Dean\'s foot, causing his screams of pain to be heard throughout the town.

While she was enjoying cutting off Dean\'s foot, she slowly screamed.

"Someone bring a piece of red-hot iron because the duke may bleed to death!"

Chaplain Amis and the soldier gulped as they watched the blood festival that the princess was doing. Because it was so bloody for a few words.

Her fate with the emperor could only be depressing enough.

When two soldiers entered the stable carrying a red-hot iron, Dean who was wallowing in pain did not even pay attention because the pain he was feeling prevented him from thinking.

He only reacted a little when he felt the stump of his foot being tied, but the next moment he simply passed out from the pain.

For the red-hot iron burned his stump, causing the blood that came from his foot to stop immediately.

Chaplain Amis who was already trembling with fear only smelled with nausea the smell of burnt meat that came from the duke\'s stump.

\'I\'m sorry Bishop Prisco, but your son made a person angry that he should not have angered.


He himself brought misfortune to his body .... \'

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