The Sage of Einar

Chapter 101 - Plans At The Thing Conference

In the great hall Einar and his father were meeting with the members of the Thing since, as tradition dictated, a daily meeting had to be held during the days of the Yule festival.

These meetings were related to constructions, expeditions, harvests, and in many cases, they also had to take stock of the tribe.

During the meeting that was being held, the main point that was being discussed was the imminent colonization using the northern military strong as a base.

"It is important that today we plan the arrival of some settlers to Strong North.

This is because we need a point of support to prevent white bears from reproducing, representing a real danger to us.

At the moment we have not been attacked by bears, but nothing guarantees that tomorrow we cannot wake up with a tragedy in the town.

I know it can be a difficult thing for some families, but it is a necessary thing and I can promise that I will do my best when the traders arrive in April.

To be able to buy numerous slaves, and with them, begins the true conquest of our island.

Perhaps one of the most important advantages we have is that we have no enemy near us since no one would launch a campaign of conquest, with the rich British Isles below us.

So we can develop without feeling the same pressure that other places on the continent have. "

Asgot and the rest of the members of the Thing were silent as Einar\'s proposal was necessary.

Because the last five years they had only stayed in the tribe and had never considered conquering the island, they called home.

Grimhilda Madsen, one of the representatives of the Thing, interrupted the silence in place, tapping the table with her fingers.

"I agree with the young Einar\'s proposal and therefore the Madsen family is willing to send a group of 10 slaves.

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to send a member of my family, because, like most of us here, a large part of our family members died at sea during exile.

While my only family, my husband, and son are charged with caring for and training the cubs, I suppose it is the only place where they can use their druidic knowledge. "

Nilsa held her chin and closed her eyes "I am willing to support with five slaves and ten young people from the Hjorth family.

I think that will be more than enough to support the creation of a small fortified town.

Although when the settlers arrive we must send at least five warriors and their families, to be the protective force of the northern colonization.

While the merchants\' slaves bring fresh blood to the tribe. "

Sven, Asgot, and the representative of the other Thing family agreed with Nilsa about sending 5 warriors with their families to the northern village.

So Sven stroking his beard looked at everyone "Since we all agree with the proposal to create a new town in the North.

I would like to use Jarl\'s right to name the new Nordpunkt village because it is the most distant settlement we have, and it is located in the north of the island. "

No one present disagreed with Sven\'s proposal, so with the creation of the new town and the appointment of its new inhabitants, the Thing decided to move on to another topic.

But when they were about to talk about another proposal they were interrupted by Elin, Juni, Kassia, and Helmi.

Those who entered the room where the food was being brought to the meeting.

Everyone who realized that they had spent a long time talking decided to accept the food and take a little break.

Einar, unlike the others, enjoyed a delicious chicken broth, which he ate with some gestures of pleasure.

Because the salty and distinctive flavor of the chicken stimulated his taste buds, not to mention because of his hangover.

The chicken broth made him regain much of his strength, however, due to the look of pleasure he made from eating a chicken broth.

All the members of the Thing asked Elin for a dish just like the one Einar was eating, so in no time everyone was enjoying the taste of the chicken broth.

Which they liked very much because they too had drunk a lot of milk liquor the day before.

After eating and having a talk on subjects that had no value, they put their plates aside and started the meeting again.

"An important issue that I would like to ask for your support is the completion of the construction of her children\'s house.

Which already has half an advance, but if we can work on it this winter, we could finish it by January.

With this, the children would finally leave the great hall.

It is also important to note that the orphan children\'s house is built in a new style of construction very similar to that of ancient Roman houses.

Because it has a natural Hypocaust which uses heat and water from a nearby hot spring pool.

To heat the whole place naturally and if at some point, there is a lot of heat, it will be as simple as closing the water valve so that the house becomes cool.

We can use this method to build new houses when we start remodeling the village.

Perhaps the only drawback is that this system can only be used if there are hot springs nearby or somewhere that gives off heat from the ground.

For otherwise it is just amazing unless it is adapted to use wood.

But if we use that method, it will be dangerous in the long term because trees are a resource that takes a long time to recover.

So once we use them all, we will lose the ability to reproduce instruments, objects, or anything else that requires wood. "

Sven nodded silently and looked proudly at Einar "I think the proposal to create the children\'s house is very good.

Not to mention that the use of this new way of construction can be spread throughout the town if it is shown how useful it is. "

Asgot, who also agreed with the proposal, smiled and looked at his son-in-law "I am also in favor of speeding up the construction of the children\'s house.

Although I also believe that the construction of a true temple for our people would be necessary.

I don\'t know if Einar could design some form of construction that is not overshadowed by Christian churches or Muslim mosques.

Of course, I understand that it will not be something that can be built overnight.

But if my grandchildren can enjoy a real enclosure in which they can feel comfortable, I think they could consider that the construction was necessary.

Furthermore, I am willing to use more than a thousand gold coins and five hundred silver coins for the construction to take place. "

Einar was left with his mouth open because the amount of gold and silver that his father-in-law had offered him was an absolute outrage.

So trying to regain his calm, he breathed deeply and looked seriously at his father-in-law.

"Father-in-law, since you are giving me enough confidence to build a true enclosure that surpasses Christian and Muslim constructions.

I am willing to build what you asked me. The only thing I ask is that the coins can be used for the purchase of slaves and special materials that I do not have. "

Asgot spread his hands and looked fondly at Einar "You can use them as best suits you, as I think you will not disappoint me.

Not to mention that this will be the only gift I can leave my grandchildren since I don\'t know how long Odin\'s grace allows me to live. "

Einar, feeling the confidence of his father-in-law, could only promise himself that he had to do everything necessary to be able to build a building superior to that of any cathedral and mosque that has been built in time.

Fortunately for him, who had knowledge of the future and was very skilled in handling numbers, being able to build a large and resistant building would not be impossible.

Although it might take many years to complete it because it could only entrust much of the construction to human labor.

Perhaps with the help of a few machines, but ultimately the bulk of the work would have to be done by slaves and laborers.

With the finished theme of the construction of the new house for the children and the future project of the construction of the new sanctuary.

The assembly of the Thing reached the consensus that for that day the meeting was over, so everyone got up from their seats and went to the exit.

With the exception of Einar, who, inspired by the project that his father-in-law had given him, did not hesitate to use ink and paper to begin drawing a sketch of a large building.

Which was composed of a modern and layered style, but that maintained the typical style of Viking churches.

After working for some time, he finished his sketch and looked with pride at his result, which had a style that he called Neo-Nordic.

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