What The Luck!?

Chapter 354 - 354. Night Watch

"So we set up a watch. Anyone without their card will be told different instructions. They can be told that the on board computer will be kept in a specific place. I am sure that they will want to destroy it to remove any evidence. Then they will have to face us. Anyone playing that role will be taken in to custody." James was trying to take the lead but he felt there were too many unknown variables at play. He had a basic plan and decided that it would have to remain open for the time being.

"That\'s easy. Art can set up a separate tend and say that it is for the computer components from the plane so we can work on a rescue device. Then we can ask everyone to show their cards so we can make sure tasks are done and teams are organized. Those who got rid of cards and don\'t have them will be set to different tasks that can be watched carefully. I will leave it to your trusted team members to act as leaders. My group will work our own way." Asher was sure that he would not be ordered around. He had a better feeling about going his own way to solve the problem. 

"I can agree to that. I don\'t usually like to leave control to others...but I have a feeling that I don\'t need to worry. It\'s odd, to say the least." James turned and left to begin his arrangements. He had never felt that he didn\'t need to worry about someone else\'s actions before. This was a first. Even now as he walked away he could feel that Asher would be the key to solving this and making it through the two days that they were required to be in the woods. 

"I will have the tech stuff gathered as you want." Art rushed off to get his job done. He felt that the night would be very interesting and he wanted to be ready to catch anyone that came after what they had gathered. 

Billy stood with Asher waiting to hear what was next for him. "Are you going to help too? I could use a night guard that pretends to fall asleep." Asher looked almost devilish when he smiled at Billy. He was planning ti have Billy guard the tech so that he could fall asleep and leave it wide open as a target. 

"I can\'t say I am the best actor. But I did drama classes in middle school. I was a tree so I was good at staying still." Billy had no reason to say no. He actually felt much more confident than usual. He also had a strong calm feeling knowing that he was not being asked to fight like other people in his class had done before. It was the first time someone hadn\'t assumed he would want to be a front line attacked in a gym class or martial arts training. His super power may m,nifest his anger and violence, but he was not an angry and violent person. He likes classical jazz for gods\' sake. 

"Just close your eyes and pretend to snore a little and a tree becomes a sleeping night guard. Let me work my magic from there." The two split up and Asher slowly found the rest of the group to let them in on his plan. James and Art did their parts and by the time the sun had set everything was in place. 

The metal wreckage had become shelters along with wood and leaves from the forest. The five fires that burned were nearby to keep the chill in the air away from everyone. The students without cards had been separated in to groups that had been given a plan by James. They did not know the details and instead, knew that they were to watch those without cards. It was a simple mission and one that made them feel important. All they knew was that they were to report to James immediately when they found odd behavior. 

While the night went on those watching the forest began to follow Billy\'s lead and begin to snore or droop their heads. Asher was pretending to sleep himself against a shelter when he finally caught a glimpse of what he had been waiting for. Movement. About six students that had been in Billys\' group were sneaking through the shadows toward the small covered pile of electronics that Art had set up. They were visibly shaking their heads at Billy who was faking slumber by them.

The six students began to sift through the electronic bits and pieces growing more and more agitated and frantic. They were having trouble finding what they had been sent to get. "Huh, and here I thought  that you would have been able to tell I had this earlier when you were sneaking around the camp and trees watching." Asher had known that they must have been watching when Art set up the electronics. 

After Asher had stealthily walked up and pulled the on board computer from his pocket, he had mocked them. "But here you are. Surprised that I am standing here with the computer and all the evidence that you all received cards that placed you as villains. Everyone come out!" Asher shouted and the fires were stoked back up. 

Billy rose to his full height and the rest of Ashers\' group ran out from behind the shelters. They had surrounded the six panicked students who had played the roles of villain. "I will zap them, you guys tie them up with the vines we found and the wires from the wreckage." Louis rand and touched each of the students shocking them. They were still functionally conscious but their muscles were triggered stopping them from being able to stand and run. 

The six were speedily tied up and put in a circle. James strode over to look at them and saw that they were not part of his group making them sure to be part of Billys\'. "They must have all been given the same card, did they have it on them?" 

"Nothing here, I bet they got rid of it in case they infiltrated the camp." Sammy had checked the six to find nothing on them at all. 

"I guess it was good that my group didn\'t stay together. I could have brought you all trouble." Billy felt bad but was also very glad. 

"Don\'t worry about it. We are taking care of it. Just let my group handle it all. Maybe you will get lucky and you can join our group for some missions in the future." Cara was nice as always to Billy who nodded his thanks. 

Art was slightly aggravated but was mostly pushed this way when he heard one of the students laughing. "Hehehe, we didn\'t get the villain card. We got the henchmen card.." the shadows suddenly grew thick and one tentacle of shadows snapped out at Asher\'s hand holding the on board computer.

He was shocked but managed to act on instinct. He lowered his stance and pulled himself away. The shadow missed him and fell back in to the darkness. "Tamara is the villain. I should have known when she wasn\'t in anyone\'s group. But I made the false assumption that she was not caring as per usual." James was cursing himself for relaxing too much. He should have put the puzzle together in such a way but had foolishly thought otherwise. It was a major miscalculation for him that he often would not make. 

Cara let out a small screech that was barely audible for everyone. However, the shadows shivered and a girl wearing all black was revealed from the night. The shadows seemed to hug on t her body and her long dark hair appeared to be made of shadows themselves. Her eyes were closed but as she ran forward it didn\'t seem that she needed to see. 

"Watch out, she can use any shadow she touches to attack and she has amazing senses," James warned everyone as the shadows from the bonfire ceased to dance and instead started to snake along the ground toward the members of Asher\'s group. James sank in to the earth and phased through to try and attack in a different way. 

Asher was watching as Laura dodged the shadows with her speed. Since Tamara was attacking with her eyes closed, Jane found that she couldn\'t freeze her in place. Jackson was frozen and unable to make a move since he was more concerned with hurting someone by accident, he still had a lot of train ign left to do. 

Art used a lot of his mental energy to move some of the nearby metal to block behind Tamara. This cut off any escape. Louis moved with Sammy next but found themselves wrapped by shadows. Their legs were firmly held to the ground. 

Asher was the first to meet Tamara\'s shadow covered fists.. Her goal was to steal away the on board computer or destroy it. 

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