What The Luck!?

Chapter 189 - 189. Getting Attention

Asher continued the lead them in the direction that the fake prisoner had pointed them. There were signs of broken branches that created a path. He had learned that this was a good way to remember where you had been when lost in the wilderness. The staff members had utilized this perfectly.

"There are a bunch more footprints here, it\'s like someone has been going back and forth. I can\'t even tell where they were coming from." Asher realized that his tracking ability was just too low. He needed to fully rely on the broken branches.

"What about the noise?" Asher ha sheen so focused on the footprints that he had missed the sounds of muffled conversation nearby. 

"You\'re right Louis. I wasn\'t paying attention." Asher focused on his hearing and found that he could hear campers talking about how much longer it would take and complaining about the dark. 

"It\'s only natural, we can\'t see but we can focus on listening. I\'m sure you can hear the person I\'m hearing." Sammy had a slight tease in her voice as Asher started to recognize Art and Jane\'s voices in conversation.

"How did Jane get captured? She has the same mini flash bombs as I do. They should have been the key to victory." Asher was about to rush in and demand answers from his two best friends when he realized his actions. 

"If you didn\'t tell us to cover our eyes we would have been left there blind. She was probably with too many people." Sammy easily saw the logical reasoning behind why Jane may not have used her ace. 

"Then what about her power to stop people in place?" Louis was wondering this most of all. He knew that Jane had a much better ace than mini flash bombs.

"It\'s dark man, how would the staff see her face?" Asher was a little blunt, but it was an obvious answer. 

"Oh yeah…" Louis just looked away not wanting to show that he hadn\'t even thought of it being dark as the reason. 

The three were creeping slowly to the noise. When they finally approached the sound had become louder and they could all make out the words that the other campers were saying. Some were complaining that the set up for night training was lame, while others cursed their bad luck to be cornered by multiple fake prisoners. 

"Almost everyone is here. I thought that there would be a ton more campers out in the woods." Asher whispered this to Louis and Sammy. He didn\'t think that everyone had been caught so easily in the dark.

"Well, It makes sense since there were so many that ganged up on students. They traveled in packs." The three nearly jumped out of their skin as Laura showed up behind them with out so much as a sound. 

Asher had an irritated whisper, "Where did you come from and where did you get the night vision glasses?" He was sure that Laura hadn\'t been at the storage area and that he had not seen her with a pair when they all started running.

"Jane gave them to me. They look good, right? She said that they didn\'t work well with her mask and that I should lead the way since she might be able to freeze people in their tracks anyways." Laura looked like she was unhappy with this phrase and soon explained why, "But then she tried to freeze one of them in place and nothing, what a way to learn that her power doesn\'t work without the right amount of light." 

"I had a feeling it wouldn\'t work and I am sure Jane did too, but that\'s a rough way to go about proving or disproving the theory." Asher sighed as he knew that Jane needed to test it. The only question he had was why she had tested it this way instead of any other night.

"Anyways, what are we going to do? There are four staff members guarding the tent and Garnet is there?" Laura continued on like nothing had happened while Louis and Sammy just looked at the shadow they knew was Asher. 

"Well...ummm. We free them?" Asher hadn\'t thought of a plan yet and was having trouble making one on the fly. He was a little stuck and just stared at the tent with all the campers under it. He could make out the four fake prisoners and barely make out Garnet\'s head from across the group of campers. 

"That\'s all you have after bringing us all the way here?" Louis was less than impressed. 

"Just let him think, can\'t you see Garnet over there? We will have to get past here and she is tough." Sammy could see that Grabet was standing calmly on the look out for campers escaping. It was her steady gaze that was keeping every camper in check. 

"Alright, let\'s get Jane and Art\'s attention. We will need to get their help to make this happen." Asher had begun to form a plan and had a pretty solid idea of what he wanted to do, however, it would all bank on a distraction. 

The three were trying to be as sneaky as possible and managed to get their way nearer to the tent. They were crouched within a bush as close to where Jane and Art were as possible. "Psst. Art. Jane." Asher tried his best to make them notice his hard whisper.

"Let me try." Sammy sent a small gust of wind using her super power. It wasn\'t much but on a night where the air was still, it was enough to draw the eyes of a decent amount of campers. 

Most couldn\'t figure out where it had come from but Jane and Art had some confused looks. They knew that this wasn\'t normal and were trying to find the cause of the disturbance. The two looked out at the edge of the forest from the clearing they could see that there was an unusually dark bush. They soon noticed the small hand like shapes that were waving at them from the bush and knew that it had to be their friends. 

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