Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1895 - Battlefield

Chapter 1895: Battlefield

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

If two commoners being well-matched in strength had a clash of saber, with battle calls and saber lights, one of them would definitely fall down. It would take them only a few minutes at most to end the fight. If one person could be a bit more dauntless with greater morality, he might become the winner through fierce collisions and crazy slashes. The braver one would win when two enemies met in a narrow way.

If two parties became experienced veterans above LV 10, it would take them a bit longer to end the fight. It was similar to the battle between two professional boxers with the same heavyweight in the ring. As both parties had rich experiences and battle skills and had less difference in battle force, such combat could barely come to an end in a short period of time. The combat wouldn’t come to an end until the last stage due to a small mistake, weaker battle force, a bit slower movement, a bit lack of precision or a bit weaker strength, even a pure fluke mind.

If it were two armies with the same strength on the battlefield, it would take them longer time to finish the battle due to more determinants. Additionally, there were more patterns and forms of the battle.

The greater the armies were, the longer it would take them to finish the battle.

It was like how wars between countries, groups and human races. Now that two parties could wrestle with each other on the same battlefield, they wouldn’t be easily defeated.

In Motian Realm, humans and demons had been fighting for tens of thousands of years, of course, they were qualified to confront with demons.

In the past a few years, due to the unpredictable tricks of Versatile Demon Emperor, there were indeed some problems among humans. Demons indeed had taken some advantage in Nine Heavens Big Domain and threatened humans step by step. However, humans had not lost their power of resistance. Their foundation was still solid. Therefore, humans were still able to confront demons in Nine Heavens Big Domain.

When Dark Emperor Immortal Palace was not exposed to the public, it was more dangerous to humans. However, after it was exposed to the public, its dangers had been under control. Humans could always work out methods to deal with it.

Versatile Demon Emperor was indeed the trickiest and most unpredictable demon emperor whom humans frightened most. However, no matter how powerful, smart, able and tricky Versatile Demon Emperor was, it still couldn’t confront all the humans in Motian Realm. Now that humans could live tens of thousands of years in Motian Realm, they must have a deep background and foundation.

When Zhang Tie was receiving medical treatment in Emperor NvWa City, Emperor NvWa’s Palace had gathered talented ones to work out a solution to detect Golden-Soul Rune Virus. However, such detection means required some special tools. Even though it was for an emergency, it could barely be popularized in a short period of time. However, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace had joined hands with each other to work out a solution to deal with Dark Emperor Immortal Palace soon after Zhang Tie was mired in Infinite Immortal Prison.

After getting the specimen of Golden-Soul Rune Virus provided by Star Emperor, Emperor NvWa’s Palace finally confirmed that Golden-Soul Rune Virus couldn’t pass the forbidden system of Emperor NvWa City. Closely after that, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace assigned their own immortal generals to Emperor NvWa City for the test by batches. Of course, it was a piece of cake for those immortal generals who had not been affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus just like taking an immunization injection. However, it was like entering the hell for those immortal generals who knew that they had been affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus. If they went there, they would expose their true identities and lose their lives immediately. Of course, they dared not go there.

Although they didn’t know how Versatile Demon Emperor planted Golden-Soul Rune Virus in the brains of those immortal generals, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace would kill all the immortal generals who refused to go to Emperor NvWa City or escaped on the way there regardless of their titles and excuses! As for those who escaped away secretly before setting for Emperor NvWa City, they would investigate their human relations and actions inside the immortal palaces.

Finally, in the shortest period of time, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace had used this simplest solution to clean up all the evil guys among those immortal generals of the two immortal palaces. Besides those immortal generals being affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus, they even discovered some incarnate demons in their own immortal palaces. As a result, their teams were purified at a stroke; the morality of the two immortal palaces also became stabilized.

After the two immortal palaces accomplished all these, Emperor NvWa’s Palace showed up and invited the immortal lords and powers of the 13 supreme-level immortal palaces who had broken out skirmishes and conflicts with the two emperor-level immortal palaces to Emperor NvWa City to discuss about dealing with the problems facing Woods Medium-sized Domain.

Emperor NvWa’s Palace was definitely more distinguished than the other two emperor-level immortal palaces in Motian Realm. It was definitely the gilded signboard of humans in Motian Realm. After receiving the invitation of Emperor NvWa’s Palace, 12 of the immortal lords of 13 supreme-level immortal palaces arrived at Emperor NvWa City. The one absent was Lord Fengyun Jiang Hengtong.

When those immortal lords gathered in Emperor NvWa’s Palace, Force Emperor had joined hands with the powers of Emperor NvWa’s Palace to raid the headquarters of Fengyun Immortal Palace in Fengyun City, Fengyun Medium-sized Domain and discovered Tortoisesnake Palace, a branch of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. Jiang Hengtong’s true identity was the president of Tortoisesnake Palace. After this news was exposed to the public, it aroused great shock in Motian Realm.

Even an immortal lord had been under the control of Versatile Demon Emperor. This discovery shocked all the other immortal lords of 12 supreme-level immortal palaces.

What happened next became smooth. After the two emperor-level immortal palaces, facing the urgent sense of crisis, the other 12 supreme-level immortal palaces also adopted the same measure to assign their immortal generals to Emperor NvWa City by batches for the test. After that, the two emperor-level immortal palaces and the 12 supreme-level immortal palaces made a roster and delivered a common notice to the public. All the immortal generals from fierce immortal generals to supreme-level immortal generals of all the sects and clans in all the big domains, medium-sized domains and small domains in Motian Realm must go to Emperor NvWa City for the test. Those who didn’t go there before the time limit would be taken as moles of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace and killed regardless of your clans or sects. Even those guys who had escaped should also be hunted with high bounty and become the target of the public.

Although such a straightforward solution was simple and rude, it was the best method for them to deal with Dark Emperor Immortal Palace and discover Golden-Soul Rune Virus. No moles of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace could make a narrow escape. Those immortal generals who had been affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus, those moles of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace in human domains, even those incarnate demons who hid among humans could only expose themselves in such a strict condition.

Besides Tortoisesnake Palace in Fengyun City, Whitetiger Palace in Nine Heavens Big Domain, Rosefinch Palace in Red Sea and those sects and clans under the control of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace were also destroyed by the three emperor-level immortal palaces and 12 supreme-level immortal palaces. Those lackeys of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace were either killed or escaping everywhere. They couldn’t hurt people like before anymore.

Even though Versatile Demon Emperor and Dark Emperor Immortal Palace had used many tricks to stop it, they still couldn’t reverse the overall situation.

Over the past 7 years, human domains and immortal palaces had been in turmoils due to Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. Therefore, demons got opportunities to attack humans in Nine Heavens Immortal Palace on a large scale. However, Dark Emperor Immortal Palace also suffered a destructive strike during this period due to humans’ defensive mechanism. It interpreted how Dark Emperor Immortal Palace became prosperous secretly and be destroyed overnight.

Although Dark Emperor Immortal Palace had not been completely uprooted among humans and many personnel of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace were still being chased, its force had been much weaker than that 7 years ago.

Perhaps only Versatile Demon Emperor itself was clear whether his Dark Emperor Immortal Palace had accomplished the target that he had set to disrupt humans during the past 7 years. If Dark Emperor Immortal Palace was not exposed by Zhang Tie, it would not arouse the vigilance of all the human immortal palaces and forces so early; if Dark Emperor Immortal Palace didn’t get the secret impartation method of Yin-Yang Sect, it would not be able to transfer the battle force of those immortal generals who had been affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus to the others; if Dark Emperor Immortal Palace could control Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace and Dragon Emperor Big Domain secretly, Dark Emperor Immortal Palace might have a brighter future.

Humans were scrambling for each inch of the land of Nine Heavens Big Domain. They would never allow demons to predominate this region. All the human elites knew how significant was Nine Heavens Big Domain to humans.

If a country wanted to resist the foreign forces, they had to ensure peace domestically. After basically solving the threat from Dark Emperor Immortal Palace, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace mobilized their armies of immortal generals to resist demon’s vanguards in Deities Plain.

When two armies were confronting with each other, the war could not come to an end in a couple of days; especially that both parties could receive constant assistance from their back.

The war between two armies was not as simple and straightforward as a brawl between two people.

The army of demons and the army of humans had been confronting each other in Deities Plain for many days. Over these days, the combats had never ceased, the participants of which varied from fierce immortal generals to supreme-level immortal generals; the population of participants also varied from 3 people to 10,000 immortal generals. The commanders-in-chief of two armies were in their own camps with rigorous barriers, each of which was composed of over 100,000 immortal generals. Besides observing the situation of the opponents, they were also commanding their own battle formation of immortal generals like how powerhouses fought each other. In interactive attacks, they defended strictly in case of being raided by the opponents; meanwhile, they were seeking loopholes of the opponents for launching a lightning strike.

In the collisions between two armies, combats between generals could inspire morale the most!

Combats between immortal generals and demon generals on the same level in front of hundreds of thousands of immortal generals at the cost of their own lives on the battlefield were the best pattern of individual heroism in Motian Realm.

Commanders-in-chief liked this mode of combat too; because whenever a party won such combat, they would sap the morale of the opponents. If they won many such combats, they could make a big triumph in the end.

Ordinary immortal generals and demon generals also liked such a mode of combat. Demons were always belligerent. There were many brave humans too. Those who could win such combats were real heroes. It was the best shortcut for an immortal general or demon general to accomplish both success and fame.

As wars between humans and demons were common, of course, the same combat pattern between humans and demons would lead to the same mode of war.

The so-called combat between generals was called Combat of Honor in the world where Zhang Tie came from.

The combat between the two heavenly knights in the air above Deities Plain had entered the fiercest stage the moment it broke out. The collisions between their battle qi strikes and the relevant sonic booms were reverberating in the sky like muffled thunders.

On such a remarkable occasion, even though the immortal general or demon general could fly fast, they would not take advantage of this strong point on the battlefield. Otherwise, once a man flew away at a high speed, it would look like that he was chased by the other and would sap the morale of over 100,000 population of their own. Commanders-in-chief didn’t like to assign such a guy to fight the opponent. Even though such a guy could take the upper hand in the end, he would still afflict a great loss to his own party.

Combat between generals referred to that the two participants should clash against each other, teeth for teeth and blood for blood. The one who could kill the opponent in the shortest period of time in the most domineering and powerful manner would be the hero. Only such a combat could display the power of the winner.

Additionally, given the tacit agreement that the two commanders-in-chief had made, none of the demon generals or immortal generals who participated in such combat was lower than 8 changes realm on their level. Those who participated in the combat were all in the peak stage of their level or were going to promote to a higher level soon. Of course, such combat would be more thrilling.

After over 1 hour’s fierce collisions, the participants had started to bleed.

Star Emperor had already heard the growls, battle calls of over 100,000 immortal generals on his side and over 100,000 demon general in the distance. Like hurricanes, they caused the air within thousands of miles to rock.

The protective battle qi of that wind demon general had already been broken for the first time. Due to the great shock from its protective battle qi, the powerful ox-headed demon general had started to spew out blood. At the same time, the immortal general intensified his attacks. Watching this scene, immortal generals’ morale soared.

At this moment, Star Emperor received a piece of news from Dragon Emperor Big Domain. Star Emperor became temporarily stunned. Closely after that, he looked at Force Emperor on his side. Star Emperor knew that Force Emperor must have already received the same news given the power of Force Emperor Immortal Palace.

Force Emperor looked at Star Emperor too with a bit of surprise in his eyes——he’s still alive. I wonder whether Six-Armed Demon Emperor...

Zhang Tie had made a great meritorious deed to humans in Motian Realm. Only by drawing Six-Armed Demon Emperor into Infinite Immortal Prison, he had already helped humans a lot in the eyes of immortal emperors like Star Emperor and Force Emperor. A wind immortal general who was actually more powerful than all the wind immortal generals, also the incumbent Dragon Emperor could perish together with Six-Armed Demon Emperor. That was a great contribution to humans from any perspective. If Six-Armed Demon Emperor was still alive, the process of exterminating Dark Emperor Immortal Palace would not be that smooth in the past 7 years and the situation facing Nine Heavens Big Domain would further deteriorate.

A demon emperor was definitely more threatening to humans than a total of 10,000 ordinary demon generals.

Six-Armed Demon Emperor was the first demon emperor being killed after Rune Emperor. The death of Six-Armed Demon Emperor was a piece of very good news for humans because it narrowed the difference between humans and demons in the number of top powers. Therefore, Star Emperor and Force Emperor heaved a sigh of relief.

——How could he come out of Infinite Immortal Prison?

——Perhaps he’s got a stroke of good luck!

——Where’s Six-Armed Demon Emperor?

——Perhaps we could only ask him about it!

——Given the reputation of Emperor NvWa’s Palace and Grand Dragon Emperor, and the fact that he had made some contribution to humans, I will keep him alive as long as he behaved obediently. However, he must hand the items that he had got from Infinite Immortal Prison and the method that he used to enter the Motian Realm. By then, I can share them with you!

——Are you sure you could have him hand them to you?

——No matter what, he’s just a supreme-level immortal general. If he had promoted to an immortal emperor and lit his immortal chakra, we would have definitely sensed it the moment he came out of Infinite Immortal Prison. A supreme-level immortal general might have some trump cards. But it’s just average in front of us...

——Let nature take its course. Such a person has made meritorious deeds for humans. He shouldn’t be killed by us...

After exchanging a glance with each other, Star Emperor and Force Emperor had communicated a lot and got the bottom line of the opponent...

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