Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 453 - Targets

The disappearance of the blue core was indeed an unexpected result…

Wallace had never done anything like this before in a battle. 

There were times that he would take some items out of his Dimensional Storage Space like his guns, grenades, Mech Knight, Bio-Armor, or others… However, it never occurred to him to snatch something out of his opponent until now. 

The idea only came after what he heard from the Celestial about the existence of the Core…

\'Well, I guess our plan was canceled.\' Wallace thought as he wryly smiled at this sudden event.

"Hilda… Something happened as you can see… We will move out now."

"I understand. Finally, we will be moving forward with our plans, right?" 

Hilda asked as she doesn\'t really care how they defeated that sea immortal. She\'s more worried about the numerous villages and cities being destroyed by the Mech Frames, Marauder Gears, and Destroyer Ships right now..

"That\'s right. I will be doing something together with the Celestial to end this war."

"Great! Just give us your orders!" Hilda excitedly said as she commanded her team to ascend again.

The other pilots, on the other hand, were quite excited to follow Avalon\'s plan to use the Magic Nodes, so they were a bit flustered for having it canceled immediately. Nevertheless, this seems to be a better result as they no longer have to sacrifices their life-saving item,

While they were all ascending, Wallace was actually thinking of something….

Currently, he is considering whether taking out other items from his Storage will affect the Yorian King\'s Core… Aside from that, he felt a bit worried that it could actually reform his body inside and destroy all his pressure belongings!

Luckily, he didn\'t have to wait long to know the situation inside his storage space. As using his unique connection there to observe what was happening.

The blue core remained unmoving which is good and he could also take things in and out of his space without disturbing the core.

His only concern is that once it was taken out, the Yorian King would probably reform its body…

\'I guess I can just make preparation and throw it in the sun someday…\'

Wallace smirked as he finally decided to face the Celestial. He would have a lot of options to dispose of this creature later on. 

"Sir, we need to end these Aliens… We\'ve already taken out their strongest fighter."

The young man said as soon as they got out of the water.

"Hmm… I guess cleaning them up is necessary… They possess otherworldly power and this world might get destroyed by this."

"That\'s right!" Wallace agreed as his invitation to the Celestial here wasn\'t really for the sake of eliminating the Empire.

It was just to satisfy the Celestial\'s interest in unknown things like how he wanted to learn his Divine Sense before. Nevertheless, he knows that he will be able to persuade him as soon as he learned how dangerous they are on the planet. 

"Avalon… Where\'s the nearest camp of the Empire? We will eliminate them… Ahh! Wait, are there any emergencies that we have to see first?"

[ … ] 

[ No… The Space Beasts are being dealt with by Wallace\'s team while the other groups led by Council have been avoiding direct confrontation with the Empire\'s Crystal Miners. ] 

"The situation is under control then. That\'s good to hear." 

[ No. There are Marauder Gears and Mech Frames that are moving in small groups and decimating villages and towns near their mining site. At this point, the council can only help the people evacuate from their places. ] 

Wallace nodded as he could surmise that something like this will indeed happen. At the very least, these people shouldn\'t be difficult to evacuate as they have been probably educated about the cruelty of these aliens. 

"Alright, show me where the nearest camp we can take."

[ Affirmative. ]

Avalon then immediately pointed an area at Kazan…

This is the place that was first invaded by the Empire and the nearest camp indeed. 

"So they haven\'t left the place, huh… Are they still mining the Crystal?"

[ That is correct. It seems that they have a very slow Crystal Conversion Machine. ] 

Avalon replied. 

The Crystal Conversion Machine is just a name they invented to call that device they\'ve seen in the Flagship. That device was capable of liquifying the Memory Crystal for their own purpose so they easily made such a name. 

\'I see… So mining isn\'t the problem but their conversion.\'

"How many spaceships remained in Kazan?"

[ From the previous 3 Invaders, 1 Conqueror, and 1 Conveyor, only a single Invader Spaceship remained in the country. The others have moved to a place not too far from the Flagship. ]

"Alright… This is a good chance for us."

Wallace then ordered Hilda to head towards Seiji where the next nearest camp of the Empire is located.

"Wait for me. Don\'t attack them yet and just maintain a safe distance. I can move there quickly once we finished dealing with the spaceship left alone in Kazan."

"I understand. Don\'t worry, I think that our Mana Spell still works perfectly. We can still avoid being detected."

"That\'s perfect. We\'ll part from here then…"

Wallace said as he signaled to the Celestial to move now.

After a few seconds, the two powerful beings of the planet disappeared in front of the two Mech Knights Division.

"Amazing… Sir Wallace can actually order around that Celestial!"

"That\'s true… I couldn\'t even speak because of his aura. How scary~ That is no longer within the limits of human bodies. I guess that Celestial is really from outer space as well."

"No… I heard they were originally here on the planet before humans had even existed."

"What? So they are really immortals?"

"Sshh! That\'s enough gossiping… We don\'t know anything about their history. Just ask Wallace if we\'re no longer busy."

"Yes, leader!"

Hilda was also curious about the Celestial Being but it is not important right now. 

"If everyone\'s ready, we\'ll move now… Turn off all the other functionalities of the Mech aside from the float system, communication magic, and optical phenomenon manipulation… We have to move as stealthily as possible."

The group then moved towards the nearest camp of the Empire, it is actually in the capital of Seiji!

As far as they know, their enemies there wouldn\'t just be the Aliens but it includes the magicians who had allied or were brainwashed by the aliens to join them!

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