The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 984: Continuous Danger!

Chapter 984: Continuous Danger!

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

Then, just as the heavy door was pushed open by a crack, Sheyan and Reef both saw dead bodies - at least ten of them!

Bloodied bodies were scattered everywhere.

More importantly, they were all bodies of dead contestants…

Sheyan even recognised some of them. They were the few who had caused himself considerable trouble in their pursuit of Sarah Connor\'s corpse.

The spectacle in front of him made him come to a realisation, but he also suddenly thought of something.

It was a very important thing!

\'If it were me, what would I do after killing all these people?\'

This thought immediately made him feel an unspeakable horror.

Then, his attention moved back to the door of the warehouse.

The door that looked old and broken, but it was really hard to open! When he had used all his might to push it open just now, he seemed to have felt something…

Several thoughts flashed across his mind.

\'It couldn\'t be the timer type - that guy couldn\'t have known when we would come here. So, it could only be the trigger type! Fortunately, Zi and the rest were very far away in case something unexpected happens. We still have a chance!\'

Sheyan immediately stopped the stupid act of pushing the door open.

The knuckles on the gloves on his hands began to spin wildly while emitting a blinding green glow. Sheyan grabbed the arm of the puzzled Reef and flung him towards the distant Zi with a shoulder throw. At the same time, he screamed, "Use \'Courage\', quick! Get as far away from this damn place as possible! "

It was fortunate that the hidden mastermind had truly pressured them, so every Party Ace member was on high alert the whole time. Sheyan\'s warning won them a few seconds of buffer time, which allowed them to withdraw a few dozen meters further and to find cover for themselves.

After that, a terrible explosion occurred.

More than 20 meters underground beneath the warehouse, a reddish-gold ball of light suddenly appeared. The diameter of the ball of light was more than 10 meters, but it was gently but quickly swelling up, or at least, that\'s what it looked like. Anything that came in contact with the ball of light would vanish , including soil and water…because they were all made of atoms.

Countless atoms started to split, and a frantic energy started to surge up!

The reddish-gold ball of gentle light immediately exuded a vibe of madness, greed, and utterly unspeakable hysteria! It produced a black hole-like suction force in an instant, seemingly trying to suck everything around it into itself. Even the surrounding space was showing signs of collapse!

The warehouse door that was forced open by Sheyan and Reef was collapsing too. It was a huge piece of iron over 10 meters long and 3 meters thick, but it was instantly swallowed inside. The door was completely annihilated without much ceremony.

Of course, if Sheyan was still standing there, he could not have escaped the terrifying suction force either.

But he was not standing there. He had already used the \'Mind Transmission\' ability from the magic ring from the Harry Potter world, \'Entanglement of Victory\'. He had become a rainbow and moved over 20 meters away, thus escaping the core area of the suction force.

Even so, Sheyan was still unable to resist the terrifying force. He could only grab tightly to a broken steel beam with all his strength, barely holding on.

His face was sweaty (TL: arms spaghetti), his muscles twisted, and his teeth rattled loudly. He held on with every ounce of strength he had, but his worst fear soon came true. He could only watch while the life-saving steel beam squeak in protest as the raging suction force forced it to gradually bend!

Just as the steel beam had been bent from a straight line to a 90 degrees angle, the suction force started to die down. Sheyan suddenly stumbled forward. Instead of being happy, he was shocked!

That\'s because he had discovered that the air before him had a strange sense of flowing current. Light smoke rose from all over his body. He was like a block of sugar that was thrown into the water, rapidly dissolving!

Even more frightening was the fact that Sheyan found himself no longer able to breathe. The air flowing into his nostrils broke into tiny pieces like thin icicles. They collided with each other and ran rampant in his respiratory tract, covering his respiratory tract with wounds. All Sheyan sucked into his lungs was blood! His own blood!


Sheyan let out an earth-shaking roar! His fists punched the air in front of him hard, temporarily crushing the air and returning it into its gaseous form! At the same time, he lowered his body so that he lay flat on the ground.

The hard ground in the warehouse area collapsed, falling down towards a burning red sea!!

A cascade of blood-red magma rushed straight into the sky, then came crashing down like a waterfall. It seemed as if it was going to sweep everything down with it!


A huge explosion happened.

For the first few dozen seconds, everything was quiet, as if the earlier peace had been restored. After that, everything slowly unfolded like a slow-motion scene in a movie.

The grand explosion was like a blossoming lotus, slowly and elegantly devouring everything around it! Finally, it shot menacingly towards the sky, forming a huge gray vortex in the clouds!

This power of this explosion was extremely terrifying, exceeding even the destructive force of nuclear weapons at its core, but its scope was not large. It also had a very clear border, which was 20 meters around the warehouse. Outside this core area of 20 meters, the power of the explosion quickly diminished.

Sheyan was just outside the core area of the explosion.

Standing close to such a terrible explosion zone, Sheyan somehow did not feel any pain. Instead, he felt his blood boiling all over. He only managed to hang on for about three seconds before the sacred and majestic pale yellow layer of \'Life-link\' enshrouded him.

That was the reason Sheyan had to throw Reef away. If both of them were trapped in the danger zone, then both of them would have perished, unlike the situation now where Reef could help Sheyan take the remaining damage, which was quite a staggering amount as well.

Reef\'s HP declined at an alarming rate. What shocked Sheyan was that a thin but clear line of crack had suddenly appeared on the \'Life-link\' layer on the surface of his body under the terrifying force of the explosion! The crack, though not very long, was really frightening. If the protective layer was broken, Sheyan would definitely crumble to ashes.

"Hang in there! PLEASE hang in there! I swear, if I survive today, I\'ll definitely upgrade the level of \'Life-link\'!"

Fortunately, the duration of the explosion was short; it left as quickly as it came. And the power of the explosion seems to have been limited, because the shockwave after the explosion did not burst towards every direction, but was concentrated upwards like a volcano eruption. Otherwise, the entire city of Los Angeles would have been destroyed.

At the site of the explosion, a strange pit, shaped like a cylinder, could be seen. The pit was 80 meters wide and at least 200 meters deep. Smoke rose up from around the pit and from inside it. If one were to stand at the edge of the pit and look down to the bottom right now, one would catch the sight of some reddish-gold energy remnant seething like boiling oil underneath, before it dissipated.

This explosion could really be called a "surgical knife strike"; it was precise, effective, and domineering- small-scale but powerful!

Sheyan lay less than three meters away from the edge of the deep pit, charred and blackened. He breathed heavily as his fingers dug deep into the ground.

When Brother Black pulled him up and carried him on his back, Sheyan could still curl his lips into a smile. He said weakly, "Seems like today\'s not the day I die. Even a trap like this couldn\'t kill me."

He fainted after that.

Mogensha was in still shock due to the unexpected explosion. His mind was in turmoil so he didn\'t know what to say. When he saw Sheyan fall unconscious, he turned to Zi for help.

Zi looked really pale too. If Party Ace was slightly careless and had congregated around the warehouse door, there probably would not be many of them left, if any. An explosion of this scale was unlikely to escape the attention of the government, not to mention that the Knox factory was supposed to be a military facility with heavy protection. In order to avoid a direct conflict with the government, they could only withdraw temporarily and wait for Sheyan\'s injury to heal.


Sheyan was having a really agonising dream.

In this dream, he had accidentally slipped into magma. He was hot and dry and in desperate need of water, but he could not find a single drop.

Fortunately, at that moment, a strong hand suddenly supported his back. Sheyan then felt something sweet and cold pouring into his lips. His instinct made him suck greedily until he could not stomach any more. He uttered a sigh of satisfaction afterwards.

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