The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 941: Dark Green Boxing Gloves

Chapter 941: Dark Green Boxing Gloves

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

After reading the series of notifications, Sheyan felt slightly less gloomy. From his point of view, the importance of free attribute points was comparable to the importance of achievement points in a 1:1 ratio. On the other hand, Aziz, who was in desperate need of achievement points, was pretty frustrated.

Only after they contacted the MIB through a senior agent nearby did they find out that the bounties from the six galaxies were actually quite decent. They could choose rare precious metals, genetic-modification medicine or wormhole coordinates.

Among them, the precious metals were all extremely rare metals that were hardly found anywhere in the universe. They were "unknown mysterious items" that could easily be traded to the realm after they returned.

Genetic-modification medicine could increase their base attribute points.

The coordinates of wormholes were jealously guarded secrets most of the time. That\'s because in interstellar trade, a good wormhole coordinate could cut the journey by hundreds, sometimes even thousands of light years. Wormhole coordinates could be sold for exorbitant prices! Of course, the wormhole coordinates the six galaxies were willing to provide shouldn\'t be too valuable, but they could easily be sold for utility points.

Sheyan and Aziz had just taken a big hit to their achievement points, so they chose the rare precious metals that were labeled "unknown mysterious items". The rewards from the six galaxies differed in their amount, but in total, the six "unknown mysterious items" could fetch them 13 achievement points. Aziz finally looked less bitter.

If they wanted to trade with the Arquillians, they must first find the Galaxy to restore the relationship between Arquillia and Earth back to normal. They could only put this off for now.

Jones\'s tail looked a lot like a scorpion\'s stinger - after it was magnified dozens of times, of course. When it pierced into the wall of the womb, the unbelievably tough crimson wall would dissolve and open up, as if the tail was a key opening a door. The tail made it easier for them to continue exploring.

While Sheyan was lost in thought, Aziz came over and raised his hand. On Aziz\'s palm lied a strange yellow crystal that was faintly shimmering. At its front, there was a clear bullet hole with cracks on the edge. This was probably Jones\' core.

"Is this…the key dropped by Jones?" asked Sheyan dubiously.

Aziz nodded and said:

"I\'m activating it."

Sheyan\'s eyes gleamed with anticipation:

"I\'m really looking forward to what we\'ll get."

Aziz thought about it and said:

"Based on Jones\' strength, he has a high chance of dropping dark gold equipment. However, because a lot of storyline characters were involved in the attack and they played a large role in killing Jones, it\'s hard to say."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"These kind of things always depend on luck anyway."

Aziz nodded in agreement. He exerted force with his hand and clenched the strange yellow crystal tightly. The crystal was instantly crushed into powder, which fell from the gap between Aziz\'s fingers. It formed into something that looked like a spider cocoon, resting on the ground like an old linen sack.

Aziz seemed to be very used to checking the spoils of his team, so without much care, he pulled off the "old linen sack" to reveal…a dark green glow!!

(TL note: Equipment grade order: white < light blue < dark blue < black < silver storyline < dark green (set equipment) / dark gold (a complete set of dark green equipment is comparable to dark gold) < light green (upgradable equipment) < gold storyline )

Two lumps of gray, unremarkable things appeared in front of them. Although they appeared ragged, the glow they gave off was unmistakably dark green. When Aziz\'s fingers came into contact with them, a series of information appeared.

[Planetary-Grade High-Energy Mechanical Power Glove (Left)]

[Origin: Any world that may have in-depth communication with alien civilizations]

[Rarity: Dark Green (Set 2/2)]

[Material: Steel wire + Cast carbon + Pilosocereus pachycladus sprout + Boiling materials from planet cores + Singularity fruit]

[Addons: Nuclear power add-on battery (slot x3)]

[Equipment Position: Left hand]

[Equipment Type: Glove]

[Warning: In order to display the full power of this equipment, the wearer\'s DNA must be analysed and bound. Once equipped, it will bind with the wearer\'s soul and can no longer be traded.]

[Weight: 17.3 kg]

[Usage Requirements: Strength 50 points, Physique 70 points]

[Attack Power: 50-180]

[Durability: 350/800]

[Property: This glove will be in an energy-saving state when out of battle. In this state, its weight will drag you down, reducing your movement speed by 10 points (equivalent to the movement speed provided by 10 points of Agility). The effect will only disappear after the glove is activated.]

[Property: The core system of this glove comprised of an internal metal boiling point furnace that can devour and decompose the rare metal in the rest of the equipment to recharge the glove. Of course, you can also pay utility points to the realm to recharge the glove. The glove must be kept charged to display a strong combat power. It is your responsibility to make sure the glove\'s energy is always at full load.]

[Property: The chance of your melee attacks stunning the enemy is increased by 3% and the speed of your hand is increased by 15%.]

[Property: Your melee attack will have a chance to trigger a crash effect when the enemy you attack has less than 50% HP remaining, causing damage to enemies in the surrounding area. The damage value will be randomly selected from the last three damage sustained by the enemy. The true damage value must not exceed 200 points.]

[Property: Strength, Agility and Physique +2]

[Property: When the glove was made, a substance which emits strong, continuous radiation was mixed in, so the chance of you sustaining an explosive hit is increased by 3%.]

[Special Effect: Exquisite - The advanced craftsmanship of the aliens resulted in the high durability of this glove. If you are directly attacked by an enemy, there is a 50% chance of cutting the glove\'s durability consumption by half.]

[Special Effect: Rare - This item is very rare and the materials needed to repair it are very precious. To perform a maintenance of the glove in the realm, in addition to paying 500% of the repair fee, you must also pay 1 achievement point!]

[Equipment Ability: Uppercut! - Use this glove to land a fierce punch on the enemy\'s chin (if they have a chin), instantaneously stunning and launching the enemy into the air for a duration of 2 seconds. The damage value of this ability is equal to your normal attack power, but there is a 50% chance of explosive hit, and the stunning and airborne effects have precedence. Cooldown time: 1 minute.

[Set Special Effect: Accuracy increased by 7%]

[Set Special Effect: Whenever you attack an enemy, there is a chance to absorb 50 points of HP.]

[Description: This is a tool created by the aliens for the purpose of mining. An alien transformed it into a product suitable for combat. With it, he wandered through the universe, robbing and slaughtering wantonly. One day, he encountered Jones who was even more brutal than himself. His body was consumed by Jones to become nutrition for the bugs, while his equipment became Jones\' collection. Now, it has become yours.]


[Planetary-Grade High-Energy Mechanical Power Glove (Right)]

[Origin: Any world that may have in-depth communication with alien civilizations]

[Rarity: Dark Green (Set 2/2)]

[Material: Steel wire + Cast carbon + Pilosocereus pachycladus sprout + Boiling materials from planet cores + Singularity fruit]

[Addons: Nuclear power add-on battery (slot x1)]

[Equipment Position: Right hand]

[Equipment Type: Glove]

[Warning: In order to display the full power of this equipment, the wearer\'s DNA must be analysed and bound. Once equipped, it will bind with the wearer\'s soul and can no longer be traded.]

[Weight: 17.3 kg]

[Usage Requirements: Strength 50 points, Physique 70 points]

[Attack Power: 30-60]

[Durability: 488/800]

[Property: This glove will be in an energy-saving state when out of battle. In this state, its weight will drag you down, reducing your movement speed by 10 points (equivalent to the movement speed provided by 10 points of Agility). The effect will only disappear after the glove is activated.]

[Property: The core system of this glove comprised of an internal metal boiling point furnace that can devour and decompose the rare metal in the rest of the equipment to recharge the glove. Of course, you can also pay utility points to the realm to recharge the glove. The glove must be kept charged to display a strong combat power. It is your responsibility to make sure the glove\'s energy is always at full load.]

[Property: Just like the boxers on Earth, you can use it to block and prevent those hooks, uppercuts, jabs, crosses, and other attacks from hurting you directly. When you use this glove to block, the success rate of blocking is increased by 33%, and even if the block is unsuccessful, it can reduce 15% of the damage.]

[Property: When the enemy\'s melee attack hit the glove, the kinetic energy circulation system in the glove will activate and will try to absorb the enemy\'s power. After the glove blocks 1000 points of cumulative damage (theoretical damage), it will activate the support system in the glove and inject cellulose into your body, increasing your agility by 20% for 10 seconds.]

[Property: Intelligence, Spirit and Perceptive Sense +2]

[Equipment Ability: Tactical Throw - This glove was originally used for mining. It can allow the wearer to explode with a huge amount of energy for a certain period of time. The wearer will be able to lift nearby objects and throw them! The throwing distance is 20-50 meters. The Strength and Physique of the wearer will determine the success rate of \'Tactical Throw\'.]

[Special Effect: Exquisite - The advanced craftsmanship of the aliens resulted in the high durability of this glove. If you are directly attacked by an enemy, there is a 50% chance of cutting the glove\'s durability consumption by half.]

[Special Effect: Rare - This item is very rare and the materials needed to repair it are very precious. To perform a maintenance of the glove in the realm, in addition to paying 500% of the repair fee, you must also pay 1 achievement point!]

[Set Special Effect: Increase blocking success rate by a further 15%, but decrease damage reduction from blocking by 5%.]

[Set Special Effect: \'Tactical Throw\' can be used on living creatures.]

[Description: If an outstanding baseball player obtains this glove, tsk tsk…… Unfortunately, this idea is unrealistic.]

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