The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 471: Black fist

Chapter 471: Black fist

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan questioned curiously.

"Who injured him? There are numerous muay thai experts in your village, moreover there is Grandmaster Yabile presiding here. Whose brain was so spoilt they actually ran here in search of death? How could something like this happen, unless the government has mobilized the army."

Naizhu shook her head.

"It was Grandmaster Shama…he is very influential in Chiang Mai’s underground fighting scene. This time, he brought along gunmen with him to compel our members to join his underground fighting arena! Grandmaster Yabile wasn’t willing, but Grandmaster Shama then made a bet with him - that none could defeat his disciples! If we were to lose, then all our muay thai experts would have to listen to him."

Sheyan contemplated deeply before asking.

"Could it be that none of you can rival him?"

Naizhu silently nodded. Sheyan then snorted and revealed a sneer.

"If the disciples he brought along are so strong, why would he still need your village to participate in his underground fighting arena? He is obviously bullying your lack of knowledge of doping stimulants, that’s all."

Having unlocked his seal, Sheyan clenched his fist as his body emanated waves of outstandingly indomitable strength; like that of a surging tide. He leapt out of bed and chuckled.

"Truthfully, you guys have treated me with favour. Therefore, let’s count as I’ve returned this favour today."

While he spoke, he pushed past the door and headed out. "Hey!" Naizhu called out, but also realized the current ‘Seaman’ was rather different than usual. When his legs trampled over the ground, it seemed to leave an impression of deeply rooting into the earth. Not only that, it appeared like an iceberg floating along the vast ocean of arctic; lofty, towering and meteoric on the surface, but beneath the boundless seawater, held a monstrous reserve of volume!!

It was currently noon when Sheyan strided out of his residential hut. He immediately noticed a group crowding around an embankment, normally used for muay thai training in the village. Grandmaster Yabile and Kuchai both stood on the embankment with ashen faces, while several disciples stood beside them; visibly groaning due to fractured limbs.

Opposite them, was a chair. Seated atop that chair was an imposing looking middle-aged male, dressed in military uniform.

That male had extremely thick and black brows, his egg-shaped head was utterly barren, glossy and bright; it twinkled under the sunlight. The combined constitution of his features, left one with a malicious impression. Behind that male, stood 5 muaythai experts, whose bodies were riddled in scars; a thick killing intent emanated from them!

At the periphery of the embankment, a total of 23 soldiers were stationed; each carrying loaded rifles ready for an emergency. They formed a circular arc as they surrounded the embankment, while their black barrels aimed towards every villager inside the area. At this moment, Naizhu had hastily rushed out. Tugging against Sheyan with fright, she pleaded.

"Don’t go there! That is Grandmaster Shama. His sphere of influence is really too powerful, and if he finds you unpleasant to his eyes, he may really decide to kill you!"

Sheyan laughed and answered irrelevantly.

"I’m feeling a little cold, could you help me fetch a coat?"

Naizhu widened her mouth in confusion.


Thailand had a blistering hot climate. 4 seasons a year, its temperature would remain hovering above 20 degrees. Furthermore, it was presently summer. Nevertheless, Naizhu reckoned that Sheyan’s body was feeling frail from his prolonged unconsciousness, and quickly fetched a jacket for him. After putting on the jacket, Sheyan exercised his limbs and felt rather comfortable in it. Smiling at Naizhu, he continued spectating the commotion.

Right now, Caiba was the one engaging in a duel. After knocking Sheyan out cold previously, he became depressedly regretful, and had locked himself up for two days. Meanwhile, he was fasting in his little hut and making confessions. Yet after overhearing someone challenging the village, he hastily resurfaced. He immediately broke his fast, changed his clothes and nursed his energy. Thus, he became the last fighter to duel.

It could be said that Caiba was the most formidable muay thai expert of this village. Shama had brought along 6 muay thai experts, but only two had been enough to sweep across the overwhelming majority of the village experts. Moreover, Shama had constantly rotated those two muay thai experts. They obviously had sufficient rest time; hence, they hadn’t lost a single duel yet.

Strictly speaking, it was due to a shortage in manpower, that Shama had drafted out his plan in attacking this village. The fatality rate encountered in the underground fighting arena way stupendously alarming. It was indeed not a surprise that his 2 muay thai experts could attain such overwhelming victory.

Firstly, those 2 muay thai experts had an abundance of blood experience on their hands. Secondly, they were supplemented with stimulants. Finally, and also the most critical factor, was due to that horde of soldiers that were encircling the dueling zone. Those soldiers had loaded rifles at the ready, and would raise their firearms whenever a duel commenced!

Under the pressure of numerous black barrels aiming in, the average man would be rooted on the spot; palpitating in fright. Timid ones would even slump to the ground, with their minds only focusing on whether those firearms would fire off. What more, they had to spar against vicious opponents with plenty of experience!

Therefore in such circumstances, a person’s psychological quality was tested to its limits! Duelling under such a situation, it was essentially totally unfair! Furthermore, those muay thai experts under Grandmaster Yabile hadn’t finished their apprenticeship. Where would they even encounter such an impasse before, becoming only capable of exhibit 50-60% of their ability. With all these factors, how would there be a chance for victory?

When the duel begun, that muay thai expert directly volleyed out with torrents of crazed assaults, evidently striving to resolve this as quickly as he could; repeatedly forcing Caiba into consecutive retreats. Nevertheless, Caiba was Grandmaster Yabile’s proudest disciple, and was implicitly known as the village’s number 1 expert. Being youthful and sturdy, though he was pressured right from the start, he managed to persevere on.

Muay thai was a martial art that consumed a tremendous amount of energy, employing explosive burst of attacks to inflict damage on one’s foe. After consecutive moves, that muay thai expert who had already engaged in 2-3 duels beforehand, became vividly exhausted.

Caiba was all along an individual that could easily engross himself into fighting. Noticing a gap, he inched in with a throttling slam and sent his opponent stumbling backwards. Charging up towards him, he executed a front somersault and crushed down onto his opponent with his knee; directly dealing a severe blow to that muaythai expert!

Following that, Caiba became lost in his fighting state, as he consecutively defeated 3 opponents!

Grandmaster Yabile and Kuchai unanimously released a long sigh. With Caiba stepping forward bravely and battling till now, it was more than satisfactory to everyone already. Moreover, Caiba became bolder as he fought. At present, Shama’s fourth muay thai expert was overwhelmed, without a chance of retaliation; but at this moment…a soldier encircling them had seemingly received an order, and suddenly pressed his trigger!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Gunfire sounds pierced into the air. Even though Caiba’s eyes were red with bloodlust, he still couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the rumbling gunshots; distracted by the possibility of Shama firing at him in rage! Instantaneously, he couldn’t help rolling towards the side to evade. After all, muay thai was a physical clash of fist against fist, and definitely not comparable to veterans who fought a hundred battles in war!

Instead, that muay thai expert who was utterly suppressed by Caiba issued a sinister smile; identifying Caiba’s weakness while he was rolling away! He dashed forward as he twisted his body, and delivered a round kick over!

Executing round kicks was a mandatory training course for muay thai, and allowed one to unleash a threateningly large killer move. Sheyan’s previous training with the wooden stick, was for the sake of training to execute round kicks! It is rumoured that the strongest muay thai experts could deliver round kicks that could topple power supply poles, but of course, wooden ones. Speaking in this manner sounded rather exaggerated, but one could fathom the might of powerful round kicks.

Having his superior advantage turned on him, Caiba could only watch on with widened eyes as he raised his arm to receive the incoming kick. His complexion immediately turned pale. Yet when he was about to spring up from the ground to counterattack, another gunfire resounded!

Fiery bullets streaked past his face! Though Caiba was an excellent fighter, he couldn’t prevent the fear of death rising within him, as his instincts caused him to shrink back. At this moment, that muay thai expert dashed up instead, unleashing both knees high into the air. 5-6 of Caiba’s ribs probably fractured in that instant, as he was sent flying 5 metres away! Spitting out a mouthful of blood in midair, Caiba crashed to the ground and tumbled for several rounds; then, his eyes shut tightly and he passed out.

Shama licked his lips, as he lifted the coconut beside him to drink. His eyes squinted faintly, and was clearly extremely pleased with Caiba’s combat skills. His dope enhanced fighters could triumph with the aid of the encircling soldiers. However, back in the underground fighting arena, that was absolutely impossible. If major fighters wanted to kill them, it would be as easy as squeezing an ant!

Thus, if he could bring Caiba back to train, then undoubtedly, Caiba would become an ace for Shama; earning rolls of dollar notes for Shama! Not only that, he had also identified several disciples of Grandmaster Yabile with great potential. With some time in drilling them, he would no longer need to fret over the problem of manpower.

Pondering about these matters, Shama faced to the sky and laughed heartily. Then, he slapped his thighs and stood up, before casting a pitiful and malicious glare at Grandmaster Yabile and Kuchai.

"You guys have lost. There isn’t anyone else dares to step forward right?"

Kuchai fumed as he stood forward.

"You despicable bastard, resorting to such shameless means. How can this be considered a win?"

Who knew that when Kuchai’s words faded, a bang resounded through his ears, while his vision turned blurry. When he stretched his hand up, he immediately realized his spectacles had been struck flying with a bullet! Glass shards spraying in all directions, some slicing against Kuchai’s face. Instantly, blood streamed down his face. Shama then lazily pronounced.

"Youths are always reckless, be careful lest you die without knowing it. I’d already announced to allow them to duel without touching a single strand of hair on anyone else, then I’ll surely abide by my words! Kuchai, you are an individual that have experienced the real world, have I touched your men at all? It is only that your people are cowards, wetting their pants upon hearing a gunfire. Forget it, if you can’t even train to proper standards, could it be my people are deaf and cannot hear the gunfire as well?"

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