Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 626 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 3 of 3

Chapter 626 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 3 of 3


Although he felt that his death was near, the Rainbow Dude has not surrendered himself to despair yet.

After all, the Rainbow Dude has not seen Alex using the Transcendence Shards in a serious fashion.

Even though Alex could have used the shards to kill the Rainbow Dude already, he still has not done it yet, which leads to the Rainbow Dude somewhat doubting Alex’s power.

"Hey, what if Alex still have no idea on how to use the Transcendence Shards fully? If that’s true, then I might have a chance to survive..." Upon seeing that Alex was rendered silent for a full 3 minutes without making any move, the Rainbow Dude began to feel more confident about his conjecture.

"Yes, I think I really have a chance to survive here! My opponent after all still has not attacked me!"

Although Alex might have owned the Transcendence Shards and was currently using it to suppress the Rainbow Dude, the way that Alex did not use them to immediately kill him just makes it obvious that Alex has struggles related to the shards!

Of course the Rainbow Dude cannot prove this conjecture of his, but the way that Alex acted right now seems to prove just that.

"Yes, I could still survive here. I should just let things go on this way...."

Upon realizing that Alex was still unable to kill him, the sly Rainbow Dude began to formulate a plan that will allow him to win.

Since Alex can’t fully use the shards, then the Rainbow Dude will just have to wait patiently for Alex to be tired. It was only when Alex reaches this point, that the Rainbow Dude will use his remaining abilities in order to escape.

Even if he’s currently experiencing a torturous pain in his body, the Rainbow Dude was now willing to endure it, as he knew that as long as he manages to last until Alex gets exhausted, then he can have his chance to run!

This plan is sure-fire to succeed, so all that the Rainbow Dude has to do now is wait!

"Hehehe, and here I was scared about Alex. I really thought he will be able to kill me!" With his heart now feeling more confident about his plan, the Rainbow Dude began mocking Alex inwardly, with his face still writhing in pain.

Doing this inward mockery gave the Rainbow Dude some semblance of happiness, and he was already imagining the look of shock on Alex’s face once he escapes later!

"Hah~ Just you wait, Alex. Once I escape from here, I will do my best to have my revenge on you! Hmph, maybe I can even ask for my Father’s help to unleash another Chaos Curse on you! Hehehe, I bet you would not happy about that!"

At this point, the Rainbow Dude already felt that he had won, so he did not bother despairing over his pain anymore. Instead, he just waited for that fated moment to arrive.

But to the great misfortune of the Rainbow Dude, this fated moment of his was never bound to arrive.


Unlike what he had expected, the Rainbow Dude did not see Alex continuing his silence.

Instead, the Rainbow Dude saw Alex doing something that made his heart beat in panic!


Out of nowhere, Alex’s face suddenly had a resolute expression on it, which was followed by his hand moving forward.

This hand then grabbed the blue diamond shard, which Alex clutched tightly with his hand.

This shard, which was no other than the Esper Transcendence Shard, began to buzz with activity once it was grabbed, with more and more distortions around the area appearing every second.

These distortions seemed to have brought some pains towards Alex, but Alex appeared to have ignored it as he began pulling the Esper Transcendence Shard towards himself.

"Guo guo guo..."

No, Alex was not actually moving this shard towards his body.

Instead, Alex was pulling this shard toward the direction of his Virtual Body, which at this point, has responded from the arriving Esper Transcendence Shard!


Both the shard and the Virtual Body began to shake as they became close to each other, with countless cracks appearing on the surface of the Virtual Body.

These cracks made the Virtual Body look like it was about to be broken, although it was able to miraculously stay intact at this point.

As for the shard itself, it did not have any signs of damage, but it was obvious that it was getting more and more agitated as it came nearer to the Virtual Body.

This scene made such a cool sight, that even the Rainbow Dude might find it impressive.

But the Rainbow Dude did not feel impressed from what he was seeing at all.

Instead, what the Rainbow Dude felt was panic, as he realized what Alex was doing!

This madman was actually fusing an Esper Transcendence Shard with his Esper Virtual Body!

This realization formed a large pit inside the Rainbow Dude’s heart, as he felt the threat of death looming over him again.

"F***k! Alex has discovered the way to forcefully use the Transcendence Shards! He... he’s actually trying to fuse them to his powers!"

At this point, the Rainbow Dude was now 100% sure that if he stays here any longer, his life will really be in danger!

And this was even if Alex’s current actions are extremely risky!



The panic of the Rainbow Dude continued to increase at this point, as he saw that Alex had already succeeded on the fusion.

What was supposed to be a minute-long interval actually happened only for a few seconds on Alex.

Such speed made the Rainbow Dude astounded, and it just added another pile of fear on his already exhausted heart.

"Argh! He’s done using the fusion! F**k this, I’m done for!"



The Rainbow Dude was not really sure on how he can explain Alex’s appearance right now.

After all, the fusion between the Esper Transcendence Shard and Alex’s Virtual Body brought for changes that only a Transcendent Being can detect.

Because of that, all that the Rainbow Dude can see behind Alex was a blurry silhouette.

This silhouette appeared to be as slim as a reaper, with what looked like to be swords sprouting on its back. Each of these swords did not have a clear appearance at all, although the Rainbow Dude could feel the intimidating power pouring out of them.

So much was the intimidation that he can feel right now, that the Rainbow Dude had the feeling that one touch by this blurry silhouette is enough to kill him!

And that, was only a touch.

"Huhuhu... from what I know, successfully fusing with a Transcendence Shard does not really grant a person with a Transcendent Power. Instead, that person will only gain a Trace of Transcendence." The Rainbow Dude thought sourly as he trembled under the gaze of the blurry silhouette.

"This Trace something that is weaker than Transcendence, which many powerful Sixth Stage Beings can survive from. I should be able to survive this too, but I am Child of Chaos! Anything related to Transcendence is my weakness, so even this Trace is enough to kill me!"

With this added discovery, the Rainbow Dude felt that his death sentence had loomed closer.

But actually, he does not even need to wait for his death sentence anymore. Because he knew that at this very moment, Alex will make his attack already!


"There are a lot of limitations that are attached once someone fuses their power with a Transcendence Shard. These limitations are so limiting, but in my current situation, these limits might be enough to keep me alive!"

With his panic going back into a full-scale mode, the Rainbow Dude’s mind began to whirl again in preparation for what Alex was about to do.

Even though he knew that he’s bound to face a deadly attack from a powered-up Alex, the Rainbow Dude forced himself to calm down.

After all, even if Alex was about to get stronger, the limitations attached on the fusion might pave a way to let the Rainbow Dude survive!

"One of the limitations is simple. Once your power was fused with a Transcendence Shard, the fusion state can only last depending on your power level. In Alex’s case, he can only make the fusion last for a fraction of a second. That fraction is enough for him to attack once!"

"Yes, just once. He can only attack once... That means that once he has attacked, he won’t be able to attack again..."

"If that’s the case, then I should just find a way to let a portion of my body survive once Alex makes his attack! Even just 1% of my body surviving will be enough! I can use that... to recover to my peak state in the future!"

The Rainbow Dude knew how taxing the usage of the Transcendence Shard can be on one individual, especially for someone like Alex.

Just one use of a fused shard will be enough to bring Alex to the brink of death, so the Rainbow Dude was confident that Alex cannot attack one more time...


"Chaos Technique: Chaotic Fission!"

Without waiting for Alex to unleash his attack, the Rainbow Dude began to make his own move.


The Rainbow Dude’s body suddenly transformed, turning into millions and millions of cockroaches that began to fly everywhere.

These cockroaches seem to contain a portion of the Rainbow Dude’s power, although they did not act like the Rainbow Dude.

These cockroaches just continued to scatter everywhere, eventually creating a cloud of cockroaches that covered a whole continent.

This instantly turned the whole Imperial Edict Continent into an area of darkness, something that made the residents feel fear.

But while they are feeling fear, the Rainbow Dude was feeling the opposite.

He was now happy, as he knew that his escape technique has succeeded!

"Hehehe, this technique of mine is my last resort technique, as it will make me drop into a 0th Stage Being. But it was worth it at this point, as I might have a chance of surviving!" The scattered mind of the Rainbow Dude thought as he urged his cockroaches to continue spreading. "Hehehe, so even with all the risks that you took Alex, I am still the one who won! Hahaha!"


With the speed of the splitting technique that the Rainbow Dude used, it gave him a few nanoseconds of escape time. This allowed his roaches to reach the ends of the Traveler’s World, something that is a good news for him.

The Rainbow Dude could have continued making the roaches move at this point, but it was at this moment that Alex began to attack.


With his voice sounding like it was of a god, the dazed-looking Alex uttered these words, which filled the whole world with the presence of the Fundamental Laws.

These Laws made everyone shiver, as they felt that someone infinitely more powerful than them was making its appearance.

Even the Rainbow Dude felt suppressed too, but he ignored it as he willed his body to scatter more.

This was the right move for the Rainbow Dude, as the words uttered by Alex brought forth a catastrophe unlike any other.


With a sound comparable to that of a planetary explosion, the blurry silhouette behind Alex unleashed an energy storm that covered the whole planet.

Fires, lightning, kinetic energy, light, and many more types of energy wreaked havoc on the whole Traveler’s Planet, with everything on their path destroyed and razed like they were trash.

"Boom boom boom!"

The raining hail of fire and the unrelenting descent of the lighting made the whole planet look like it was in apocalypse, something that brought so much fear from the whole world.

Nothing seemed to be able to resist the power of this energy storm, and those who tried resisting it were quickly defeated.

"Boom boom boom!"

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