Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 618 Child of Chaos!

Chapter 618 Child of Chaos!


It is a term related to any events or objects that are immeasurable and hard to quantify.

As long as an object or an event does not adhere to order, and actually inspires disruption and disorder, it can be considered as chaotic.

Natural disasters, ill-minded criminals, and unexpected accidents are some of the things related to the term chaos.

However, this definition only applies in a metaphorical sense.

Unlike what many people think, Chaos is not just a concept, one that is mean to represent disorder.

The truth is, Chaos does indeed exist, but it lies on a realm way beyond anyone’s imagination....

"The Chaos is a large swathe of space that is located beyond the Multiverse. Here, everything is in disorder, and any fixed objects that ventures to the Chaos are quickly destroyed by the chaotic activities there." Alex said, with his voice seemingly turning back to normal.

"Even the strongest materials will be destroyed easily in the Chaos too, so don’t expect to survive if you venture there. Only those with abilities related to survival can go inside the Chaos, but even they can only last for around a few seconds..."

But even if his voice sounded partially calm now, there was still more anger present on Alex’s eyes, showcasing that he was still pissed.

"According to the brave souls who had dared tread inside the dangerous confines of Chaos, it is actually a place where order is abhorred, and only disorder and chaos are allowed to exist." Alex added with a frown.

"Because of these qualities, not much was known about the insides of the Chaos. But we know that it is impossible for any living creatures to live inside the Chaos. Hence, many treat that place as an uninhabitable zone."

"Since it has no inhabitants, then that place should have no will or soul of its own. But surprise surprise, it turns out that Chaos actually has a will of itself, and it’s actually alive!"

At this point, Alex appeared to be extremely unhappy, which could have been caused by all that he was saying. This reaction of his made Alina tenser, as she realized that Alex was about to say much more important things.

"The Chaos is a place without order and only exists as a place of disruption, yet it actually has a will of its own? That’s an extremely anomaly, which made that place even more dangerous!" Alex snarled, as he was now more angered by his words.

"Do you know why having a will of its own made the Chaos more dangerous? The answer to that is just simple." Alex suddenly said to Alina, although he did not wait for her to answer as he continued talking by himself.

"Alina, since the Chaos is alive, it also had its own desires, something which coincided with its power." Alex mumbled while shaking his head. "It was these desires that made the Chaos dangerous. Specifically, there is one main desire of the Chaos that made many extremely wary of it..."

"..." With Alina’s mind, she can somehow make sense of Alex was trying to say. But even she had an inkling on what is the truth, she still allowed Alex to continue his monologue.

"Alina, the Chaos’s main desire was to turn everything around it into disorder. That includes the whole Multiverse and everything inside it!" Alex may sound calm at this point, but the agitation present on his voice showed the contrary.

"Chaos had personally said that it was sad to be surrounded by orderly things, so it made it as it’s agenda to turn everything into chaos. As long as everything was in chaos, then the Chaos will be contented...

"..." At this point, Alina badly wanted to say something to Alex, but she found herself silent, since she was finding herself more interested about Alex’s topic.

As such, Alina did not do anything to interrupt Alex more, and she just kept on listening to him.


What Alina is doing right now is extremely dangerous, since their enemy could attack them at any times, but Alina had the inkling that their opponent was actually allowing Alex to talk now.

Even if their opponent had all the opportunities to attack Alex since earlier, the enemy Returner actually did not make a move, and he even retracted his aura when Alex began talking about Chaos.

It was as if the Rainbow Dude was allowing Alex to talk about Chaos, a reaction which Alina did not get.

But since things have come to this point already, Alina has decided to just go on with the flow.

"After he made that declaration in the past, the Chaos began to make its moves in order to turn the whole Multiverse into a chaotic place. The Chaos tried extending its body on the Multiverse itself, but it found to its disappointment that its body was actually bound on its current position."

"The Chaos cannot move away from its spot, and it is doomed to stay there forever."

"That limitation basically prevented the Chaos from making any moves towards the Multiverse. After all, if it can’t move its body, then how will it damage the Multiverse?"

"When that limitation was discovered by the beings that live in the Multiverse, they rejoiced, as they thought that they are now all safe. But as it turns out, their celebration was actually too early."

"The Chaos might be obsessed on making things disorderly, but that does not mean that is an impulsive thinker. It can also think methodically, since some things can only be thrown into disorder through a well-implemented plan."

A small glint of approval suddenly appeared at Alex’s eyes at this time, making it appear as if he was actually impressed by the Chaos now.

"With that methodical mind, the archaic Chaos thought of a good way to affect the Multiverse."

"If the Chaos cannot wreak havoc by itself, then it will just create the creatures that will do the job for it! After all, living creatures can move everywhere unlike the Chaos, so they can be good agents that will the Chaos’ bidding."

"And that’s how the idea of ’Childs of Chaos’ started..."

"..." As Alina had expected, Alex’s story about the Chaos eventually went back to the Childs of Chaos, a topic which was closely related to their current opponent. This full circle made Alina nod, as she now had an idea on how to deal with the situation.

"Alina, I have no idea on how the Chaos actually created the Childs of Chaos, so I won’t explain that to you. What I can tell you, is that each Child of Chaos carry the power of the Chaos itself, making them some of the most dangerous beings in the Multiverse..."

As if the warning that he made earlier was not enough, Alex continued to talk about the Childs of Chaos, with the wary tone in his voice still present.

"The ability to make powers go berserk or mess up. The ability to manipulate fate and induce chaotic events. The ability to enhance destructive abilities. The ability to know where and when chaotic events will happen...."

"As long as it is related to creating chaos and disorder, a Child of Chaos will have the arsenal and power to induce those things." Alex said while crinkling his nose. "So don’t expect a Child of Chaos to fight fair. All of its powers are meant to be disruptive!"

"..." Alina expected Alex to say some important information about a Child of Chaos, but for his information to actually turn out like this? Even Alina could now understand why Alex was angry.

For a creature that have the ability to practically mess everything up, there is no way that anyone will be happy to see this creature.

Even evil beings would not dare tolerate a Child of Chaos’ presence, as its proximity will just mean trouble!

"Alina, I might sound irritating for saying this, but let me tell you again. A Child of Chaos’ existence was only meant to induce disorder, so don’t trust it. Even if its actions might seem orderly, it is not. A Child of Chaos only lives to create chaos, so as much as possible, it must be killed!" Alex sounded like a nagging mother at this point, although he seemed to not mind it.

"Alina, if my suspicions were right, the weird events that happened here in the Traveler’s World must be related to the Rainbow Dude." Alex said without any hint of uncertainty in his voice. "If it were not for this guy, then this world could be much more peaceful!"

"..." Even though what Alex said was just his pure suspicions, Alina could not help but agree with him. After all, many weird things had indeed happened in the Traveler’s World, and the presence of a Child of Chaos can explain this.

"I get what you say Alex." With her mind in full agreement with Alex, Alina quickly replied to his declaration. "Since the Rainbow Dude is a Child of Chaos, it is highly possible that he used his Chaos Power to manipulate fate, making it happen so that some of the Returners will face misfortune or die. That is the only plausible reason that things became like this..."

"Tsk, I hate to admit it, but I think that’s the truth, Alina." Alex mumbled. "I don’t know what the Rainbow Dude plans to obtain form this place, but I am sure that by the time he leaves, this whole planet will be embroiled in so much chaos, it might as well be destroyed."

W-wait, Alex! It will be that bad?" Alina almost had a spit take from Alex’s latest comment, as she found what she heard to be too absurd.

Someone with the power level of Rainbow Dude has the power to destroy the Traveler’s World? That should be impossible, since the Traveler’s World was a world created by the Endless Monarch himself!

It cannot just be destroyed by a Half-Step Transcendent Being, even if that creature was a Child of Chaos!

"Come on Alex. Even if our opponent is a Chaos Child, surely he does not have the power to destroy a planet like the Traveler’s World..." Alina reasoned out to Alex, who was now looking back at their opponent with his same angry face. "I mean, the Rainbow Dude is still a Half-Step Transcendent Being! With that power, he cannot just do something against this world..."

Alina tried her best to make Alex take back what he said, but to her disappointment, what Alex gave her was just a sad smile.

"Alina, you can only say that since you have never met a Child of Chaos before. But trust me, those who have seen a Child of Chaos before will tell you one thing, which is: As long as you see a Child of Chaos in your place, you should do your best to evacuate!"


"So Alina, instead of doubting the destructive capabilities of the Rainbow Dude, you should instead start treating him like he is the worst threat right now. Because if you don’t, then the power of chaos might wipe you off the existence quickly."

Alex appeared to be seemingly sure of this threat as he said this, which made Alina’s hairs go up in sheer tension. His voice did not help matters either, which sounded like he was also looking down on her.

"Alex, you-"

"Alina, my storytelling is already done. Since you and our allies already know about the true identity of Rainbow Dude, then it is the time to fight him for real." Alex abruptly said.

He appeared to have lost interest on talking now, as his body went back to its serious, fighting mode.

"I know that the existence of a Chaos Child might sound ridiculous to you Alina, but right now, I need your help to defeat the Rainbow Dude." Alex added, with his face still turned away from Alina. "If you want to debate about the existence of Chaos Child later, then do it once we left this place alive. But for now, we need to fight!

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