Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 190 Please dont say that!

Chapter 190 Please don“t say that!

The skies were gloomy and everyone’s feelings were murky.

That was the general atmoshpere that Anya saw as she stepped on the ground.

"For these Symbolists to be this gloomy, they really are scared the new moon. Hmph, that’s to be expected from these filthy academics already. All read and no class at all!"

As Anya said these words, she resisted to let out a sneer, as her golden robes fluttered across the wind.

Behind her, her female butler gave Anya a worried look.

"Miss Anya... I don’t think you should try to criticize the Symbolists... They can hear you here..."

"And so what if they hear me? Everything that I say is true!" Anya said as she looked back at her butler. "Why Eris, do you think that I should have been just quiet now?"

"...." As her butler Eris struggled to give a reply, Anya started to hmph as she glared at her butler.

"I’m a Celestial, and nobody, not even those Symbolists can make me quiet! You should always remember that."

"...If you say so, Miss Anya."

"Hmph!" After making that her butler has already understood her point, Anya flipped her head around, which allowed her golden hair to glitter against the morning sun.

"So, where are we now?" Anya asked her butler imperiously as she placed her hands on her hips.

Anya had a beauty sleep earlier on her personal flying carriage, making her unsure on where she is right now.

It was only her trustworthy butler that knew where they are.

"Miss Anya, from the information that I have, we are currently on the 13th Polis of the Symbolists, which they also call the City of Marshes." Eris replied as she began carrying two sets of briefcase with her.

"Marshes? So that is the reason for this filthy ground." Anya replied as she looked down at the ground with disgust. "Hmph, this city just shows how inefficient the Symbolists are. They all had that cheating powers, and yet they can’t do something to fix the ground? If they were at our Kingdom, I’m sure that all of them will be as obedient as my kittens!"

"Miss Anya, please keep your voice down. Some of them are hearing you already!" Eris muttered behind Anya anxiously as Anya indeed saw some white-robed people whispering and looking at her direction.

"What are you looking at huh? Is this the first time you’ve seen a noble person like me?" Anya uttered as she gave a condescending smile at the Symbolists looking at her. "If you really want to bask in my presence, then you’re free to come and serve me!"

"Miss Anya, please don’t do that." Her butler Eris urgently hissed at Anya as she looked around warily. "This is not at our Kingdom, where everyone will be scrambling to serve you. Miss Anya, remember that we are at a conference, and not a casual meeting. If your father hears what you were doing here, I don’t think he will be happy by it."

"Eris! Why are you using my father here?" Anya hissed back at her butler as the butler started to gently pull Anya away from the spectating crowd. "That’s a low blow!"

"Miss Anya, it will be better for us to just attend this conference and then leave after it." Eris replied as they almost reached their flying carriage. "Your father warned me that there could be some people that might try to take your life here, so we should always be careful."

"But why would they try to attack me? I’m a powerful Celestial, so there should be no one that stupid to just attack me!"

"Miss Anya, you never know the limits of human stupidity." Eris said as she shook her head. "Even if you have already shown your grace and nobility before, there will still be some people that will think that they could get the better of you. The Grand Minister always preaches that to everyone. Don’t tell me that you have forgotten about it already?"

"Eris, you know that I like to have my beauty sleep everyday. Why would listen to father’s boring lectures?" Anya replied as she tilted her head, as if what she said was the most obvious thing in the world. "Didn’t you also complain before that my father’s voice was like a glass being scratched on another glass?"

"Miss Anya! Don’t say things like that here!" Eris said as her face started to look panicked. "Your father is an important figure, so he must be treated with respect! What do you think will happen if people here hears about what you just said? Do you think they will respect you father after that?"

"But father’s voice is really bad!"

"Miss Anya..."

"...Ok, I will go quiet now." The blonde Celestial, who received the trademark glare from her butler, obediently closed her mouth.

Eris, who looked extremely stressed with the conversation with Anya, let out a sigh of relief, maybe thinking that her ordeal is now finished.

But unfortunately for her, her torment has just started.


10 minutes later, and Eris and Anya were now walking towards their assigned residence.

It will be at that residence where they will stay for the duration of the conference.

"...They better give you a good resting place, Miss Anya." Eris muttered behind Anya as the Celestial started to look around her with interest.

"Of course they will give me a good residence. I’m a noble after all." Anya replied confidently. "If they don’t do it well, then they will just have to face father’s wrath!"


Eris could only shake her head in tiredness and amusement, as she looked at her master with a little irritated but also fond look.

"Miss Anya, you really are enjoying this, aren’t you?" Eris thought to herself as she let out a sigh, feeling a little amused with her master’s personality.

Anya might not look like it, but she was one of the most talented young Celestials living right now.

Anya might be a little childish, but her ability in fighting and the purity of her bloodline makes her an almost perfect representation of what a Celestial should be.

She could have been enjoying many suitors now, but her slightly naïve and childish attitude has turned off many of the nobles that knew her.

Because of this kind of attitude, Eris always looked out for Anya, making sure some of her offhand comments won’t offend anyone nearby.

And right now, she had to use that skills of hers again.

"Eris, look!" Anya shouted as she pointed her finger towards a certain direction. "He looks just like my pet lizard! Do you think we can ask him to be my pet too? Oh, maybe we can make him mate with my pet lizard! I bet they will have many cute kids!"

"’Miss Anya! Please don’t do that!" The panicking Eris said as she hastily pulled Anya’s arms down. "That person that you just saw is a Devourer! That’s why he looked like a lizard!"

"Eh... a Devourer? I thought they will look scary..." Anya replied as she tilted her head, with her still looking at the Devourer. "Didn’t father say that Devourers sometimes eat children for breakfast? Why don’t I see that from that Devourer?"

"..." After Anya said these words, Eris started to feel a little cold, as everyone nearby who heard what Anya just said started to look at her as if she saw a freak.

As for the Devourer that Anya was talking about, he looked at Anya directly with its beady eyes.

"Little girl... you seem to forget where you are." The Devourer said, with its voice sounding like a cord being pulled across metal. "You’re not in your pretty little golden mansion in the skies anymore. You are here among us. So, if you want to live, then you should apologize to me now. If not, hehehe..."

The Devourer, who was now looking at Anya with a lecherous look, continued chuckling as the crowd around them started to move away from them.

Eris let out another sigh, as she realized that her master’s big mouth had landed them into trouble again.

"Why should I apologize to you when I am just telling the truth?" Anya asked the Devourer innocently. "Wait... maybe you are insecure about your appearance! Hey, don’t worry! I, as a noble Celestial, assures you that you look an awesome lizard! So don’t be that insecure about yourself anymore! I’m sure my pet lizard will like you!"

"Miss Anya, you just made the situation worse!" Eris whispered behind Anya as the Devourer, who looked a little irritated and lecherous earlier, was now looking at Anya with a murderous look.

"You think just because you are a f***ng noble, you are free to talk to me like that? You really think your silly laws and customs will protect you here? F***ing Celestials! You always think you are the center of this world!" As the Devourer shouted these words, his body started to morph, as his killing intent started to increase.

"Little girl, remember this day as your last!" The Devourer said as his height started to increase, with the lizard-like scales on his skin thickening and his muscles starting to bulge. "Oh... and that butler of you smells good too... I think I will have some fun devouring you both!"

"..." As the Devourer started to transform, Eris looked around her, realizing that everyone nearby has already formed a ring around them and the Devourer, as if they were watching a show right now.

"Tsk, so all of you don’t plan to intervene here? Heh, I will remember all your faces later. Once the Grand Minister hears all of this, you will all receive his wrath!" Eris though to herself as she stepped forward, right in front of Anya.

"So the butler wants to fight me.... Interesting... Let’s see if you can last against me!" The Devourer, whose mind seems to have been affected by his transformation, started to let out a crazed laugh as wings started to appear from his back. "With that scrawny body of yours, you won’t even last a second!"

"If it is Miss Anya who fights you, you’re the one who won’t last a second." Eris thought to herself as she looked at the 10-foot dragon-like behemoth standing in front of her. "But since I am her butler, it is my duty to protect Miss Anya, even if the threat is weaker than her."


A few tense seconds then passed by, as both Eris and the lizard only stared at each other,

When the silence started to become unbearable, and the two sides were about to make a move, someone’s voice suddenly interrupted their face-off.

"Impetuous Devourer, do you really think that you can just harass some fair maidens in broad daylight?" The one who said these words was a young male who was now walking at Anya and Eris’ direction. "Shame, shame! I thought highly of beings like you!"

This young male was devilishly handsome, with his chiseled face, perfect nose, glowing eyes, and golden hair making him look like a perfect prince.

This man was also wearing white robes, which points out to him being a Symbolist.

This handsome Symbolist was smiling as he approached Anya and Eris.

By the time that he was just 5 steps away from them, the handsome Symbolist gave Eris and Anya an elegant bow as he said,

"Greetings, my fair ladies. You seem to have some trouble with this little lizard here. Fear not, for I will be protecting you two. Well, that is if you want me to do so. Just say the words, and I will be happy to oblige."


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