Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 312: Rewarding Marvin

Chapter 312: Rewarding Marvin

"Boss." a few soldiers with Thunderbolt Rifle in their hands greeted Zhang Qin Feng.

"En. Continue with what you\'re doing." Zhang Qin Feng simply nodded at them before heading into Marvin\'s room. This department has been growing since the day they controlled Turbine Town. This building alone currently had about 200 engineers working day and night to accomplish what Zhang Qin Feng regularly asked for.

His request was always out of what they expected. Furthermore, to let Marvin get more used to the customary practices back in his modern world, Zhang Qin Feng compiled plenty of information for his studies.

This is all interesting to someone who has shown interest in relics like Marvin. And he did not disappoint Zhang Qin Feng at all, as plenty of his newer designs incorporated what the modern world had and simplified a few parts for convenience.

While simplification was mainly applied to electronics, vehicles, and sorts, Marvin also actively helped Zhang Qin Feng\'s foresight. One of them was the Builder\'s Frame, which could assist in light construction tasks requiring more precision and skill.

And at the same time, Marvin has been helping in redesigning a new Mobile Command Center. Added with what they had currently, the MCC\'s number had increased from two to seven. There are also a few deputies added into the Militarized Forces.

With Satella on the top, assisted by Queenie, Alex, and Shaun, they added seven new deputies to handle the operation from their respective Mobile Command Center. Inside each MCC was a hundred men equipped with the latest Thunderbolt Rifle, which can interchange between solid and charged ammunition.

The new design was sacrificed slightly in the weight department. Still, to the soldiers with the opportunity to receive Grade-H Injection twice a week, a slight increase in weight was not the case.

Unfortunately, it seems that peaceful time would stagnate weaponry development, as the result of fighting arsenal appears to be doing badly during this time. Were it not because of the files Zhang Qin Feng brought from the modern world to Victor for studying purposes, the latter might had lost his motivation already.

(Studying files… Yeah right. In your author\'s mind, Ender Game, Pacific Rim, Independence Day, Iron Man, Captain America, and Gundam Anime were all included in the files. He\'s literally showing Victor all kinds of movies as a reference while designing gadgets and weaponry.)

"Marvin, anything I can expect from you?" Zhang Qin Feng went into the office and decided to serve himself a cup of sweet beverage. This appliance was another intelligence product created by Marvin\'s department after Zhang Qin Feng\'s request.

Furthermore, after coming back from Han Country, he had given the recipe on the dietary supplement he got from Carla Yu for Marvin to improve it with Liam.

The reason he came was precisely to see if there\'s any breakthrough in this.

"Well, I have two things to report to you, boss. If you\'re here for the recipe, it can be said to be 80% complete for now. We had Valerian helping in creating a few enzymes from the data you gave, and this new enzyme can be grown in the lab on either world."

"Since you\'re looking to create a power-food for the soldiers, I believe this new drinkable supplement would be a better replacement. But for now, Liam is researching how to get rid of the green aftertaste." Marvin said.

It seems that the only problem they have right now is the flavor of the supplement. Of course, it was not a significant problem as the taste was the most minor concern in the user\'s mentality here in the post-apocalypse.

But if it was brought back to the modern world, it would be the opposite. The taste would be the importance, followed by the nutritional value it provides. This is because the concerned matter between the two worlds is different from one another.

In the post-apocalypse, survival is all that matters to them. Hence, there was a lack of demand for taste. While in the modern world, filling and taste were the motivation for the user to keep using these products.

"Since you mention this, I\'m sure the second thing is related to food as well, correct?" Zhang Qin Feng made a guess. Based on his understanding of Marvin, this guy never put two different things in his report. They always have a connection with one another.

"Correct. If I\'m not wrong, boss… You\'ve asked me before to improve the indoor farming technology for your world\'s convenience, am I right?" Marvin asked. The remote in his hand pointed at a display panel as it started to play the recording on one of the three most large indoor plantations in Turbine Town.

Shown on the recording is a newer revolving plantation program, where nutritious vegetables in the form of leaves and sprouts were grown indoor without the need for soil and sunlight. Everything was following a systematic requirement. Based on the output, a single indoor farm can produce enough plants for half of Marianna\'s population to consume daily.

This was a significant improvement to the country with limited space for agriculture. With the sudden boost in population, the crisis of food supply will arrive sooner or later.

Rather than importing them from the outside, Zhang Qin Feng would instead invest in indoor farms like this to provide what the country needs.

"Looks like I must praise you for your excellent work as always, Marvin." Zhang Qin Feng put his hand on Marvin\'s shoulder to solve one of the biggest problems Zhang Qin Feng might face in the next few months.

"What reward do you want? Let me know." Zhang Qin Feng said.

"Then… If it\'s not impossible, can I have a few old planes from your world? For my hobbies, of course." Marvin smiled as he made his request.

"Wait… Old planes? What kind of old planes you\'re asking for?" Zhang Qin Feng was puzzled.

"Those with rotary engines and creating propeller noises when it flies. By the way, why is your world still using these kinds of dangerous burning things as power sources?" Marvin\'s words somewhat hurt Zhang Qin Feng.

\'Well, we got no choice for now, of course!\' Zhang Qin Feng wanted to answer Marvin like what he had in mind.

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