The City of Terror

Chapter 486 - Breaking Past Three-Star Terror!

This was a mechanical effect. understanding the frequency of an item, you could destroy an entire object by outputting a small amount of force at the correct frequency.

Tesla had once used this principle to create a small earthquake in New York. This verified the terror of the Tesla Effect. The earthquake had terrified the nearby civilians such that they thought the apocalypse was coming. (TN: MythBusters busted this myth, so don’t take this as fact.)

Of course, Wei Xiao Bei wasn’t sure how much this skill had to do with the Tesla Effect. After all, that was science and the power he possessed might be beyond science.

Wei Xiao Bei could easily shatter a boulder that was ten or thirty-meters tall, let alone this three-meter large boulder!

This alone improved Wei Xiao Bei’s power by an immeasurable degree.

Of course, Wei Xiao Bei first had to familiarize himself with his new-found power. After all, a moving enemy in battle was a completely different thing to an unmoving rock.

There was no doubt that [Bajiquan]’s improvement to a higher level had made Wei Xiao Bei overjoyed.

However, what made him even happier was the fact that his creature rank had finally increased again!

Name: Wei Xiao Bei

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Creature Rank: 4-Star (Characteristic: Law Series) Note: Highest rank in 4-Star creatures is Disaster!



Wei Xiao Bei couldn’t help but exclaim in his mind. He had been stuck for a relatively long time at 3-Star Terror.

Now, he had finally gotten what he wanted. Wei Xiao Bei felt inexplicably relaxed upon advancing to 4-Star. An indescribable sensation of excitement rose in his heart.

It was now that Wei Xiao Bei truly understood what was required to break past 3-Star Terror to reach 4-Star. It did not demand pure accumulation of attributes, but the increase of a certain aspect to a higher level.

The Skeleton Bird was the best example.

Apart from [Life Steal], the Skeleton Bird was not exceptional in any of its abilities or attributes. In certain environments, it might not even be a match to a 3-Star monster.

However, [Life Steal] alone allowed it to become a 4-Star monster.

Also, the Young Ba Serpent had probably reached 4-Star due to its bloodline. It was the same for the Citizen of Long Bo.

If that was the case, then the 4-Star generals subordinate to Zhao Yun had all probably had one of their skills reach an extremely high level.

Of course, this wasn’t to say that pure accumulation of attributes couldn’t push an individual to 4-Star.

Rather, doing so would probably require an astronomical investment of evolution points in attributes.

Wei Xiao Bei relaxed for a moment before returning his attention to the status panel and focusing it on the changes that had occurred after his advancement to 4-Star.

Compared to 3-Star Terror, Wei Xiao Bei felt a series of changes happening to him upon reaching 4-Star. The most obvious was the change to his mental strength.

His ability to sense the breathing of non-living objects from earlier was one example. Moreover, Wei Xiao Bei could feel his mind become more focused and concentrated.

It was a change that was hard to describe.

More plainly put, Wei Xiao Bei felt as if his mental power was starting to solidify.

If he activated [Response Search], his consciousness could have material sensations within the radius of the skill.

For example, Wei Xiao Bei’s consciousness could feel the temperature and texture of a stone that was a hundred meters away from him. It felt as if his body itself was touching the stone.

Of course, that was all for now. His mental powers were not at the level where he could flip the stone.

After experiencing these changes, Wei Xiao Bei focused his attention on the description behind his rank.

Creature Rank: 4-Star (Characteristic: Law Series) Note: Highest rank in 4-Star creatures is Disaster!

Wei Xiao Bei’s Characteristic had changed after reaching 4-Star.

Law Series?

Law Series: Conduct disruptive attacks against weaker opponents through the soul, with a powerful soul as the basis of the attacks. This provides the user with a series of Command effects (Death, Dominate, Intimidate, Blind, Silence).

Mm, the description was already very detailed.

So that was what it was. All of the doubts Wei Xiao Bei had about [Law Intimidation] in the past were instantly answered when he saw the explanation of this [Law Series].

No wonder his spirit would always become weak after he used [Law Intimidation].

Consequently, Wei Xiao Bei rarely ever used [Law Intimidation] and [Law Blinding] when he could resolve the problem with his ability.

After all, even though these Law effects could easily deal with 2-Star creatures, they were somewhat useless given Wei Xiao Bei’s power.

It was now that Wei Xiao Bei understood that the Law abilities were unleashed through the power of the soul.

Of course, Wei Xiao Bei still had not figured out what this power was exactly. However, this didn’t stop him from exploring the effects of this improved [Law Series].

A magpie that had flown to a branch and started singing barely got two notes out when it heard a voice.


The magpie was shocked to find that it could no longer sing with its merry voice.

Wei Xiao Bei looked at the bird that had turned to fly and thought for a moment. He then turned to a sparrow on the other side and simply thought in his mind, “Blind!”

The sparrow that had been hopping about the grass vigorously to look for seeds immediately fell to the ground. It then started beating its wings wildly and running frantically.

Fortunately, the Law abilities that Wei Xiao Bei used were now easier to control.

Both the magpie and the sparrow would recover to normal after a while.

After a series of tests, Wei Xiao Bei had a basic grasp over the effects of this [Law Series].

Compared to the [Law Intimidation] and [Law Blinding] of the past, the [Law Series] now appeared to have more freedom and allowed for more control. When Wei Xiao Bei used its command effects, they were more accurate and therefore, required consumed less energy.

More crucially, even if Wei Xiao Bei didn’t speak, he could secretly activate this ability in his mind.

This way, the [Law Series] becomes a lot more convenient in situations where it wasn’t appropriate for him to expose his powers.

In his own words, this skill was good for dark dealings, things like assassination and robbery.

It was only fine for him to throw his weight about recklessly in the Dust World. If Wei Xiao Bei started killing everything in the real world, his peaceful life would be disrupted in a matter of days.

It was much more convenient now. With the [Law Series], he could silently accomplish a lot more things.

Wei Xiao Bei had intended to improve [Shooting] and then sacrifice it to improve [Electrical Work]. However, he never expected it to be hurt so much after his first sacrifice. Even focusing to improve his perception sub-attribute hurt his head incredibly, let alone sacrificing another ability.

It seemed like he would have to wait a while until the side-effects of the [Sacrifice] had faded before he could attempt the next sacrifice.

After familiarizing himself with the [Law Series], Wei Xiao Bei took out the thirty-four Pedestal Fragments of the Fountain of Youth from his storage bracelet.

Wei Xiao Bei already wanted to merge the fragments in the Dust World, he was just afraid of being discovered.

There was no one around right now, making it just the right time to do it.

He took out all thirty-four fragments and placed them on a smooth piece of rock.

These fragments were like the finest of jade. Every piece might be of a different size, but they were so green that it drew your eyes toward them.

Wei Xiao Bei had no information or reference for the merging of these fragments. As such, he could only try to piece them together like a puzzle.

It was unclear if it was some sort of disruptive ability inherent to the fragments or the original severity of its damage, but the edges of the fragments were incredibly complex. Just finding two matching edges took Wei Xiao Bei a long time, even after activating [Deductive Reasoning].

Fortunately, Wei Xiao Bei did manage to find two matching pieces in the end. As he put the two fragments together, a green circle of light rushed one meter into the air along the broken edge. It was shockingly bright.

If Wei Xiao Bei hadn’t had his eyes closed out of habit, this sudden burst of light would have rendered him temporarily blind.

Even so, Wei Xiao Bei could still see the bright green sun before him through his eyelids.

Once the green light faded, the fragments had merged into a single piece and the original crack was completely gone, smooth as ceramic.

Wei Xiao Bei opened his eyes and looked. The status panel of the fragment appeared before his eyes.

Name: Pedestal Fragment of the Fountain of Youth (Severely damaged, Immortal Quality)

Introduction: This item is a fragment formed after the pedestal of the Fountain of Youth was shattered. It can produce Lesser Spring Water of Youth.

Effect 1: Produces Lesser Spring Water of Youth. Can produce three drops of Spring Water per day.

Effect 2: Merge. This item can merge with other Pedestal Fragments of the Fountain of Youth.


This fragment was formed of two smaller fragments that could each produce one drop of Lesser Spring Water per day.

However, upon merging, its effects became producing three drops of Lesser Spring Water per day.

Of course, some of the fragments here could produce three drops of Lesser Spring Water per day as well. They were about the same size as this fragment.

It seemed like merging was indeed effective.

This wasn’t the end of it. Wei Xiao Bei closed his eyes and started searching for fragments whose edges lined up.

He had to close his eyes. Otherwise, the various status panels that appeared just from looking at the fragments would be enough to disrupt him and keep him from finishing his work.

After spending half an hour, the second piece that matched the first two was finally found.

Wei Xiao Bei put it together with the earlier fragments and another circle of green light shot into the air.

The green light that appeared this time was much stronger than before and rushed two meters into the air.

Wei Xiao Bei did not waste any time. He looked at the status of the merged fragment. Just like before, this fragment produced increased Lesser Spring Water after merging a new fragment. Moreover, the total amount of Spring Water produced was more than the total amount of three fragments added together.

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