Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 461 Unlocking

Chapter 461 Unlocking




Atticus gazed at the three categories in front of him. \'First is my stuff, the second attacking weapons, third for defense, and lastly for basic necessities.\'

Without wasting time, Atticus clicked on the first one and was met with all his stuff arranged accordingly.

Mana core: 4000 SP

Note: upon unlocking your mana core, you will only gain access to your current restricted rank amount of mana.


Fire; 1100 SP

Space; 1100 SP

Earth; 1000 SP

Water; 990 SP

Air; 990 SP

Light; 800 SP

Darkness; 800 SP

Lightning; 790 SP

Ice; 670 SP

Note: Any unlocked element\'s potency would be limited to your current restricted rank.


Katana: 4000 SP

Exo suit: 5000 SP

Ranks: Three thousand summit points to rank up to the next rank with an addition of (n-2000)+3000 for any subsequent rank up.

Atticus only needed a second to go through every single rule. Yes, he was still pissed about everything that had happened, but that didn\'t mean he wanted to lose.

Atticus hated losing, plus the fact that he had gone through all of this added to the determination to win this competition.

The first thing that caught his attention was his locked mana core. \'Is this what is stopping me from utilizing my arts?\'

Atticus had constantly tried to use his arts but to no avail. What was so baffling about everything was that his art was activated by him simply controlling his mana in a certain way.

And considering the fact that he was still able to augment his body parts and strengthen himself, Atticus had been a little lost as to how this had been achieved.

\'So if I unlock this, I will be able to use my arts?\' Atticus pondered.

What further made him believe his assumption was true was the fact that his art hadn\'t been included amongst the locked abilities.

He had also noticed that the prices of each ability changed depending on how powerful they were, and with how expensive it was, it goes to show its value.

Atticus navigated to the other categories too, checking to see if there was anything worthwhile.

There were, if he had to be honest, but the things he considered worthwhile were expensive as hell.

Other than that, they were mostly filled with cheap weapons like guns and runes. The same was for the defensive category, filled with either extremely expensive useful things or cheap defensive weapons and runes.

Atticus navigated out of there and went back to his locked abilities. This was currently the most important thing he needed to focus on.

\'Let\'s see how many summit points I have.\'

Atticus clicked his artifact a few times and was met with a number that was shocking, to say the least.

Summit points: 3000 SP

Atticus was only shocked for a second before calming down instantly. What shocked him was the fact that he had literally just started the competition and yet he already had this many points.

But considering everything he had gone through, he felt like it made sense.

He did defeat an Advanced rank and multiple other enemies.

Reaching this conclusion, Atticus released a deep exhale, calming his mind as he pondered, \'How should I proceed?\'

\'Since I have about three thousand points, it would make sense for me to unlock my elements, but that would be stupid.\'

The note underneath that category had caught his attention. If he should unlock any element, its potency would be limited by his current restricted rank.

There was no doubt about it; it would be incredibly useful, but Atticus didn\'t place as much importance on it as he placed on unlocking his mana core. To him, it was way more important.

In the meantime, Atticus still decided to unlock at least one element. He pondered on it for a few seconds and ultimately decided to choose the one with a lot more versatility.

Atticus closed his eyes, a surge of relief washing over him. Raising up his right hand, he suddenly felt his connection to the water element back, a bead of water materializing on top of his palm.

Atticus let it swirl around his palm, moving up and down around his body. Atticus could feel that his connection to the water element, along with controlling and manipulating it, wasn\'t affected. The only thing affected was the amount of water he could control at once because of his limited rank.

"You unlocked your bloodline?" Atticus\'s eyes opened to see Aurora looking at him curiously. She still looked a bit wary and down, but her curiosity couldn\'t lie.

"Not exactly, just the water element,"

"Oh, so your bloodline was split and elements getting priced individually?"

Atticus nodded. "What about you?"

"Just the one, fire element. Priced at 820 SP," Aurora explained.

"Hmmm, I see," the bead of water came down from his body and floated on his palm, his mind swirling.

His own fire element was priced at 1100, but it made sense because his bloodline level was higher than hers.

Just as Atticus kept on thinking, a thought suddenly struck him.

Without hesitation, he instantly asked frantically, "Aurora, how long have I been out?"

Aurora was startled by Atticus\'s tone but still answered after a second, "It\'s the morning of the second day, why?"

Atticus\'s gaze widened. He couldn\'t blame Aurora much; according to the rules, the subordinates of the leaders couldn\'t see rules he had seen, about the Hunter and hunted tags.

His hunter knew exactly where they were!

Atticus\'s gaze narrowed into pinpricks, his eyes landing on the form of a red dot on Aurora\'s head.

His actions were immediate.

The world slowed as the air around him instantly became humid.

Tiny drops of water began to form around his form.

Atticus manipulated them with finesse, and as swiftly as lightning, they all converged in front of him, forming a wave.

All of this happened in the span of one second.

The sound of a powerful gun being shot was followed by the large wave of water surging forward.

It reached Aurora in the next instant, sweeping her away from the trajectory of the attack, the massive bullet hitting the floor with force.

Atticus\'s head suddenly snapped to the side with abruptness, a loud bang resounding in the next second as the wall behind where Atticus\'s head had been before was hit by an unknown projectile moving at fast speed, sending earthen debris flying in every direction.

The layer of water that had protected the side of Atticus\'s face suddenly fell as he released his hold over it.

Atticus\'s head snapped to the side, his gaze narrowing as he instantly found his target.

Without missing a beat, Atticus moved.

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