Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

The scope of Mr. Huang’s contacts was not to be underestimated. After making a few phone calls, he came back to us about the second-generation rich kids living in the area. But what did a second-generation rich kid really entail? The standards for that assessment were vague at best.

Some people looked glamorous, drive luxury cars and live in beautiful villas, yet they might owe hundreds of millions in loans, unknown to the rest of the world. Based on Mr. Huang’s own understanding, he listed the children of successful businessmen.

Upon obtaining the list, Xiaotao quickly retrieved their information through the household registration database. There were more than one hundred second-generation rich kids within five kilometers of the victims’ home. After browsing through pages of information, we eliminated certain candidates based on age and height, and then removed the eldest sons who had successful careers. Among the few remaining, there was a man named Zhao Dapeng who gave me a feeling of déjà vu.

My intuition told me this man was one of the murderers!

"Don’t worry about the rest,” I said. “Let’s start by investigating this Zhao Dapeng!"

"Should we speak to him first or drop by his home?" asked Xiaotao.

Upon second thought, I suggested, "Let’s meet his father first. It’s best if we drop in by surprise."

Zhao Dapeng’s father was in catering and owned more than a dozen restaurants in Nanjiang City. His phone number was even listed on the Yellow Pages. Xiaotao called him via the bureau’s landline, informing him of the police’s intention to speak to him but the man outright refused, claiming that he was on business abroad.

Xiaotao sneered after hanging up the phone and used the cell phone this time. "Hello Uncle Zhao!" she greeted in a cloying tone.

"Who is this?" The person on the other end sounded confused.

"You may not remember me, I’m Huang Xiaotao, Huang Yunhong’s daughter,” she continued. “I’d like to speak to you if you have some time."

"Wait a minute, I have a client with me right now. I’ll call back later."

"Neither identity worked?" I frowned.

"Don’t worry, just let the bullets fly!" winked Xiaotao.

Five minutes later, Mr. Zhao returned the call with great enthusiasm, "Ms. Huang, I’m on the 16th floor of the Hilton Hotel. You’re welcome to drop by. Will your father be coming with you?"

"He can’t make it today,” answered Xiaotao. “I’m coming with a friend."

Xiaotao’s use of words was very subtle, "Can’t make it today," instead of, "Won’t come.” The subtext was Mr. Huang might visit another day, giving the man false hope.

"Alright then, I’ll be waiting for you!" laughed Mr. Zhao.

Upon hanging up, Xiaotao proudly arched an eyebrow. "Do you know why he hung up earlier?"

"He was checking if you’re the real deal?" I speculated.

"Exactly! These sort of people are most afraid of encountering liars and cheats. After verifying my identity, his attitude did a 180!"

As far as I knew, Mr. Huang had never dropped out of the top three wealthy men of Nanjiang City. You could say he was a business giant. For his daughter to visit in person was very flattering to Mr. Zhao, a small businessman engaged in catering.

If the second-generation rich kids were divided into categories, Xiaotao was simply the creme of the crop! However, applying the phrase "wealthy, fair beauty" and "second-generation rich kid" would almost seem like slander. After all, her titles were earned based on her own efforts. In the eyes of people around her, she was "Officer Huang" or "Captain Huang,” not Huang Yunhong’s daughter or a wealthy, fair beauty.

We soon arrived at the Hilton Hotel to meet Mr. Zhao. Upon meeting Xiaotao, Mr. Zhao couldn’t be more polite and silver-tongued. He didn’t forget to send his regards to Mr. Huang whom he had never met.

Xiaotao cut straight to the point and said, "I’ll be honest with you, I’m a policeman. We’re here to ask you about your son."

Mr. Zhao looked as if he had been slapped in the face. He faltered, "Aren’t you here to talk about cooperation?"

"This is also a form of cooperation,” smiled Xiaotao. “So please cooperate with our investigation."

A trace of panic flashed across his face. After taking a seat once more, he wiped away the sweat on his forehead with a paper towel. "Has my son caused trouble again..."

"No, Uncle Zhao, don’t worry. Young Master Zhao hasn’t done anything disorderly. He’s merely related to one of our cases," came Xiaotao’s cryptic reply.

I was laughing inside, Sure, Zhao Dapeng didn’t do anything disorderly. He directly violated the criminal law of the People’s Republic of China!

With Xiaotao’s reassurance, Mr. Zhao lay everything bare as he spoke about Zhao Dapeng. When Zhao Dapeng was a child, Mr. Zhao and his wife got divorced. Dedicated to his work, he had no time to spare for his child. His only form of compensation was a huge allowance.

Zhao Dapeng’s relationship with his father was stiff from early on. He wouldn’t even call him "Dad.” The most he could last in a conversation with his father was three sentences before losing his temper.

Even in adulthood, Zhao Dapeng spent all day fooling around with his friends. He was already in his twenties yet had no serious job. Apart from asking for money, father and son had little contact.

"Have you met his friends?" I asked.

Mr. Zhao shook his head, "Dapeng and I rarely meet, let alone his friends! I heard some rumors about those friends of his. Apparently, they often bring him to shady places to have fun. Alas, who can understand the heart of a parent? He’s got me so worried even my hair has turned white. But what can I do?"

I couldn’t resist scoffing at his feigned dolour. It was obvious he raised his son that way and was playing the martyr. None of the criminals I ever met had a normal, happy family.

"Can we speak to him?" asked Xiaotao.

"Yes, of course,” nodded Mr. Zhao. “But I have to ask, are you really not here to arrest him? If he has done something wrong, I’ll contact my lawyer immediately to deal with it."

"Look, I didn’t bring my gun and handcuffs today,” said Xiaotao, opening her coat. “It’s a private visit. I didn’t come here to arrest him."

Once again, I was fighting back laughter. Xiaotao had hidden all her equipment behind her in the elevator. She had the makings of an Oscar winner.

Mr. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright then, I’ll call him!"

As soon as the call went through, father and son began yelling before even speaking three words. From the other end of the line came Zhao Dapeng’s raised voice, "I won’t see any important guests! I don’t want to take over your stupid restaurant. Don’t try to pull me into your business."

"Whatever! It’s up to you!” retorted Mr. Zhao. “Come over right now. I’ll pass you next month’s allowance!"

"Don’t try to trick me so I’ll go over. Just transfer it into my account. God knows what the hell you’re thinking, you old fart!"

Xiaotao and I exchanged a look of consternation. It seemed we were dealing with a stubborn and obstreperous young man.

"You little fucker!” Mr. Zhao swore into the phone, fuming with anger. “If you don’t come right now, I’ll freeze your credit card. Do whatever you want then!" Upon hanging up, his expression hastily shifted. Turning to Xiaotao and me, he said, "My apologies, I’ve embarrassed myself!"

While waiting, we had a few cups of tea as Xiaotao chatted with Mr. Zhao about business matters. Although she wasn’t actually involved in business, regular exposure to it gave her unique insights in this respect. Mr. Zhao nodded as he listened to her speak, repeatedly expressing his desire to cooperate with the Huang family if the opportunity ever arose.

After waiting for an hour, the doors opened heavily and a tall, sturdy young man appeared before us, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a T-shirt that screamed rebellious. From that first glance, I was certain he was the one we were looking for!

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