Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1722 Be Obedient

Leonel\'s Dream Force descended upon the tablet from all sides, suffocating it within its presence.

The Northern Star Bronze Tablet had required Leonel to have a dense Light and Star Force affinity before it could show him its secrets. As for the Emperor\'s Might Tablet, Leonel was almost certain that it was entirely reliant on his mental abilities.

Ultimately, the Emperor Might Lineage Factor was one of the minds. It used the presence of an Emperor to strengthen and impose changes onto the real world. It was essentially like a coercion ability, but far more tangible.

Before he purged his King\'s Might Lineage Factor, or at least the humanoid form he had allowed it to take, Leonel\'s King\'s Might was also capable of imposing changes onto the world. In fact, right now, the greatest application of his King\'s Might was actually his spear.

Whenever he spoke a word, or resonated with the sound of the world, or painted an image with his spear stroke, these were all facets of imposing his mind onto the world. This was actually why he was able to grasp his grandfather\'s teachings so quickly, he had a shortcut to doing so others didn\'t have. All of these things were just different applications of his King\'s Might.

Leonel had the idea brewing in his mind for a long time, but if his King\'s Might was able to work so well with his Spear Force, then there was nothing stopping it from working with his other Forces as well. Like that, he should be able to use his King\'s Might Lineage Factor to increase his Force Manipulation.

Of course, this would be the more subtle of the two Force Manipulation types. But it was also the one guaranteed to have a powerful outcome from what he had seen in the Zone.

The trouble was that his grandfather\'s method worked well for Weapon\'s Forces, but it didn\'t translate so well to other Forces.

Leonel wasn\'t actually sure why this was, though he did have a guess.

His grandfather\'s methods required forming the Force into what you willed it to be. The words of poetry and calligraphy were constructed by you, the melody of a musical tune was composed by you, the lines of a beautiful painting were formulated by you… None of these things were inherently unique to the Force itself.

Compared to other Forces, weapon Force were more malleable and fit to the whims of their user. Although there were certain parameters they fell into, they generally had looser restrictions, whereas other Forces were quite focused in their efforts.

A Fire Force would never be able to freeze something. Likewise, a Water Force would never burn something. Or at least, that was what Leonel believed in his own limited comprehension of matters.

Regardless, this was why Leonel was so invested in taking the next step in applying the beauty of Force Arts to his spearmanship, because this would thus allow him to apply said comprehension to other Forces and slowly raise his Force Manipulation capabilities.

Luckily, he had found a clue in how to do this during his battle with the Sword Faction. But it would still take time for him to make it a reality as he would have to start from nothing and build it all up himself.

So, right now…

\'Show me your secrets. You have no right to hide from me.\'

He had let the tablet sit too idly for too long, even letting it get cocky. Since it was residing in his mind, it would have to pay some rent.


Leonel felt as though an explosion of gold had gone off in his mind, but other than shuddering once, he remained unmoved.

Quite frankly, the Emperor\'s Might Tablet had been tricked. It thought that it had met a pure blooded descendant back then so it had rushed toward Leonel with happiness, hoping that its glory would blind the world once again.

However, when it entered Leonel, not only did it find out that Leonel was just a mixed breed, it also found out that his Lineage Factor had mutated from the perfect path.

The tablet had wanted to leave after realizing this, but this mixed pup\'s mind was actually more powerful than it had originally given him credit for. Even it had to admit that Leonel was very suited to the Emperor\'s Might Lineage Factor, if only he was willing to give up this mutated abomination that was his King\'s Might.

But Leonel was just as stubborn as one might expect from an Emperor\'s Might wielder. He wanted all the secrets of the tablet without giving up anything.

Of course, Leonel knew that much like the Luxnix family\'s tablet could bestow Lineage Factors unto him, the Emperor\'s Might tablet could also bestow the Emperor\'s Might Lineage Factor unto him as well, purging him of the mutations he had.

However, Leoenl was unwilling to do this not because he was attached to King\'s Might, but because he knew that the mutation to what was originally his Emperor\'s Might Lineage Factor had happened because of his Metal Synergy Lineage Factor.

Due to this, his King\'s Might Lineage Factor and Metal Synergy Lineage Factor were somewhat linked now. If he purged one, it might cause undo and unforeseeable changes to the other.

The more synergized his Lineage Factors, the better. Leonel already had too many abilities, he didn\'t want them to be any more difficult to fuse into a single power source than they had to be. So this unruly tablet would have to be obedient.

If it could show him a path better than the one he was on now, he would accept its changes. But until it could do that, it could forget about making him change his mind.

Leonel\'s incarnation within his Dream World reached forward, a wild grin on its face.

He grabbed the tablet, finally seeing through to its first layer.

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