Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 78. Proof (3)

Season 2: Chapter 78. Proof (3)

Payment: 1 gold

Bonus: Additional 1 gold for each surviving siege weapon

Role: Spearman

Mission: Protect the siege weapons from enemy cavalry while infiltrating enemy lines (highly favorable)

"Ah... Spearman."

The commander assigned him as a spearman again. Did he have no other choice?

Almond was still a wandering C-rank mercenary with only one battle on his record and had to accept the harsh reality. Mercenaries usually received predetermined assignments with specialized roles like archers or cavalrymen who required mounts being quite rare. Mounted archers were even rarer. Spearmen were often employed in various ways due to their versatility, especially for beginners.

— Spearmen are commonly used.

— What bow for a beginner? Carry a spear!

— Just go for it. You were a spearman last time anyway.

Indeed, starting at the bottom with menial tasks was the norm in every game and society.

Almond accepted the request with resignation and embraced being a newbie tasked with menial duties.


He regretted not being an archer, but he also started as a spearman in the first game that he won. That game had started unfavorably and their mission had been to physically block the enemy cavalry invading the base. Almond could have met a similar end as the other dead spearmen if it weren\'t for Jessie.

"The mission is more favorable this time. It should be manageable, right?"

The viewers agreed with Almond\'s remark.

— Yeah

— Right

— Last time you almost got crushed immediately lol

— True

[Starting in 5 seconds.]

The game began.


The setting was a training ground for foot soldiers. They were lined up and ready to head out.

"Hey, rookie! Over here!"

Almond looked toward the middle-aged man who shouted.


\'Maybe he\'s the leader?\'

Rinak wore an armband, which likely indicated that he was the squad leader. He barked orders at them without wasting a moment, "Hurry up and join!"

Almond quickly fell into line as instructed. This game seemed to have more foreigners than the last one.





It appeared to have more Southeast Asian and Chinese players. It was hard to tell exactly where everyone came from just by their appearances.

"This commander doesn’t seem to be Korean."

— Nope

— Seems Mongolian or Russian?

— Only two Koreans lol

Only two players, including Almond, were Korean out of more than fifty spearmen.

"There are Koreans, but..."

They were too far away to interact with and he had no particular reason to do so. They would part ways after this game anyway like he did with Jessie.

Rinak climbed onto a higher spot once the spearmen assumed their formation and shouted, "You\'ve all been briefed, but we\'re at a great advantage. We\'re responsible for the final rush and protecting the siege weapons!"

— A bit show-offy lol

— Will Almond have to do this as he ranks up? Hard to imagine lol

— Feels like the army lol

The previous game had leaders, but they didn\'t have much presence compared to Rinak who enjoyed taking charge.

"Now, for the siege equipment... We have trebuchets, battering rams, and stone slingers..."


Almond missed most of the speech as he became lost in thought.


One thing Rinak said bothered him.

‘The final rush?’

That meant he could possibly not have much to do.

Almond knew from watching RTS games that all remaining forces usually mobilized in a ceremonial assault to destroy the enemy\'s base when victory was secured. What could he show as part of this ceremonial force?

‘This is bad.’

The battle’s outcome was favorable, but Almond needed to prove his skills. He only had three chances and the first game was already shaping up like this...

‘We don\'t know yet. Let’s just wait and see.’

Almond held onto some hope as he marched with the others. A reversal could still occur in a battle they had already seemingly won. He could still get a chance to shine.

"Let\'s gooo!"


The soldiers were in high spirits as Rinak\'s speech ended.

"Was the speech that good?" Almond wondered if the speech he half-listened to was actually impactful.

Everyone was just excited over an easy win.


Ping! Ping!

The commander marked the map.


The orders were clear: attack.

Ping! Ping!


Ping! Ping!


The commander only gave them attack orders.

— The commander is a real man lol

— No holding back lol

— Anyone seen any orders other than attack?

The foot soldiers had little to do and their success was highly likely.



Only the operators of siege weapons that resembled catapults and those firing cannons were busy.


The enemy\'s walls and buildings scattered along with the smoky gunpowder residue. Almost half of the visible buildings had already turned into ruins.

‘Why isn’t there any response?’

Almond tightly gripped his spear and waited for the enemy, but no one came. He worried whether the enemy forces were already annihilated or not.

“... Why aren’t they defending?”

He couldn’t hold back anymore and sought advice from his viewers.

— Not sure...

— Give me a million!

— Really, what’s happening?

[CivilFanboy has donated 10,000 won]

[The enemy won’t come out with their weak forces now. They’re gathering to strike later. This is typical in 4th era combat.]

Ah... Thanks, CivilFanboy.”

— Even with such info, he’s just “CivilFanboy” lol

— Siem\'s house seasoned chicken lol

— Laughing at CivilFanboy lol

Civil Empire featured four eras. The first era barely had wooden structures, but the fourth era had massive stone walls that could be quickly constructed and even cannons. The firepower of fourth era siege weapons was so overwhelming that the battle often boiled down to who could better protect them. At this stage, the commander’s capability mattered more than the players who simply had to defend the siege weapons.

“This is a breeze. Just protect this and we’re good?”

“Exactly. Plus, we get bonuses for just standing here.”

The other spearmen smelled an easy victory and excitedly chatted, but Almond’s expression remained gloomy.

— Isn’t this bad for Almond if he doesn’t fight? lol

— Still, he has two chances left lol

— What a stroke of bad luck for this mission :(

Then, the moment arrived.

“They’re coming! Enemy cavalry approaching!!!”

Thud thud thud...

They could hear the enemy cavalry charging from far away through the forest as a cloud of dust rose.


All the soldiers tensed up and gripped their weapons tighter.


The commander sent a ping right next to Almond\'s siege weapon.


For the first time since they entered the game, the commander issued a defensive command.


Almond’s spirits lifted.

Thud thud thud...

The enemy cavalry fiercely charged toward them.



Most of the enemy cavalrymen carried large torches as they rushed forward.

— What’s with the torches?

— Trying to set the siege weapons on fire?

— Is that even allowed?

Torches excelled at destroying siege weapons and could also ignite dry plains, effectively setting an entire terrain on fire. Commanders often used this desperate tactic in dire situations.

“Torches! They don’t have lances! Spearmen, advance and attack!”

Using torches had its downside. Each hand could only carry one item, so the cavalry had to give up their lances. This significantly reduced their combat prowess. In contrast, the spearmen already assumed a favorable position and had even more of an advantage now in this fight.

“Advance! Pierce them before they reach the siege weapons!” Rinak shouted orders at them and charged. A wave of spearmen followed him.

Almond was eager to make the most of this opportunity and rushed to the front. It felt exhilarating to charge against the oncoming cavalry.


The excitement was palpable as they neared the charging horses.




The opposing forces collided. Horses fell, and the spearmen turned them into pincushions.

Thud! Thump!

It was a one-sided onslaught. The spearmen had the advantage against the charging knights without any lances.

“Turn the horses! We’re here for the siege weapons!”

“Turn them! Jump over!”


A few skilled cavalrymen managed to jump over some spearmen and maneuvered toward the siege weapons.

Almond spotted an opportunity since he wasn’t in the front row and ran toward the most skillful looking enemy.

‘I need to take down the toughest one...’

Almond intentionally aimed for the strongest opponent.


His spear struck the enemy, but he missed the throat and got the armpit instead because of their height difference.


The knight staggered and halted in his charge. The spear had dealt lethal damage to him.

The wounded knight shouted instead of counterattacking, “Retreat! Ignore the spearmen and target the siege weapons!”

Apparently, he was their leader.

‘I chose the right one.’

Almond lunged again with his spear and aimed for the knight\'s vital point. The knight parried with his sword and sliced Almond\'s spear in half.


‘Thunk!? Not clang!?’

Almond\'s cheap spear was useless against the veteran knight\'s sword.

The knight looked at Almond and asked with some surprise, “A newbie?”

He confidently approached Almond and readied his sword for a decisive strike.

Almond swiftly ducked, grabbed the broken spear, and slipped between the horse’s legs to evade the sword strike.



The knight, momentarily taken aback, turned his horse toward Almond again. However─


The horse suddenly reared and threw him off.


The horse reacted wildly on its own and toppled over.

“What the...?”

Upon closer inspection, a broken spear had pierced and lodged itself in the horse\'s belly. The fallen knight clad in heavy armor struggled to stand.

“You\'re not a newbie, but a scav. Still, you picked the wrong opponent.”

Almond finally noticed the knight\'s sword, which looked obviously expensive.

— Wow, that\'s a 50 gold sword

— He picked the wrong opponent

— That knight is all-in with his equipment lol

The viewers remarked that the knight’s sword cost fifty gold.

‘It doesn’t look as good as Jessie’s.’

It didn’t look as impressive as Jessie\'s wave-patterned sword, but it was still a high-end item.

“That sword is worth fifty gold?”

— Yep

— It’s expensive

— Just run away

However, Almond smiled and only saw an opportunity to stand out in this game. He picked up a random sword from the ground and said, “That\'s good.”

— He actually likes it lol

— Almond intended to pick a tough opponent lol

— Indeed, he found a golden goblin

— lol

— ???: You picked the wrong opponent >> ???: That\'s good.

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