Genius Archer's Streaming

Chapter 216. Roaming (1)

Almond wasn’t the only one thinking this. It was a weighty topic that sturred debate in LIL’s history. However, most professionals agreed on the mid-lane’s significance, and Tako was one of them.

‘Sigh… the mid is the problem.’

In LIL’s siege mode, Tako would undoubtedly pick the mid lane if only one lane had to do well. It was the lane that provided its own exp and influenced the entire game along with the jungle.

Being situated in the middle gave it an overwhelming influence on the battlefield. Just as Korea held considerable sway over its region between China and Japan, the middle lane played an important role from the start.

As a result, champions designated to the middle lane had game-changing abilities.

The lane carried an immense burden due to its critical role.

‘If the middle lane sets the stage, the ADC simply needs to deliver the blow.’

The ADC\'s responsibility was to capitalize on what the mid-lane orchestrated within the game.

‘However, we have no one on our team who can do that if the enemy mid-laner is high ranked.’

That was Tako’s current dilemma. The team had no one to set things up for Almond.

‘A mid-laner can lay both the foundation and execute, but not the ADC.’

The middle lane often set up the game and could finish it single-handedly. However, ADCs specialized in finishing off games. They excelled in this capacity more than anyone else, but their impact paled in comparison to that of the mid-lane. No matter how much Almond tried… it was hard to overcome the reality of his role.

‘The limits of the role…’

LIL had a variety of champions and tactics. Tako began pondering whether all ADCs were designed solely to finish games.

‘No. Even if their damage is low… some champions deviate from that mold.’

He began typing notes on his computer as if engrossed with something.

‘If it’s this… the ADC can influence the game as well.’

Tako’s face lit up.

‘If we ban the monk and Miho can keep ForeverAlone occupied…’

A glimmer of hope shone for the second set.

‘We’ll train Almond to play mid.’

The revelation struck Tako when he altered his perspective. He shouldn\'t have solely focused on setting up the game for Almond. Instead, Almond should set the game up for the rest of the team.


“After the first set, now the second set’s champion selection phase has begun.”

The two casters exchanged glances and started talking.

“That’s correct. The focal point of this champion pick has to be the Monk, right?”

“Yes. Will they really ban him?”

“Who knows? Was his stellar performance due to the fact that he couldn\'t see Miho? Or… was the Monk just a fun pick for him. In general, ForeverAlone’s skills overpower Miho, so it must’ve been hard for them to properly analyze the situation.”

[Balloon Stars Ban #1]

[Monk - Zygard]


The ban came out as soon as they finished talking.

ForeverAlone’s team also promptly banned the Succubus.

[Solo Is Back Ban #1]

[Succubus - Sitri]

“What the, they ban the Succubus right away!”

“Was he really doing well in the previous game because he couldn’t see Miho!? Will he struggle if he sees her?!”

“Wow! I can’t believe this is a serious champion banning phase!”

The audience erupted in laughter.

— LOL! Is the monk really that important?

— That’s crazy.

— Does looking at Miho really make you play worse??

— Freaking ForeverAlone…

“Hey, everyone! Please don’t misunderstand! They’re banning the Monk because he’s too strong!”

“Ah~! Of course! The Monk in the mid-lane certainly put on an impressive performance. It must’ve been his joker pick.”


— The casters can’t hide their true opinions~!

— What’s he going to do if he can’t play the monk??

Subsequently, the banning phase unfolded as anticipated by the casters. Once both teams concluded their bans, OrangeKing pointed something out.

“Well, first of all, the Monk’s ban was important. Since he\'s off the table, we need to take a look at the Maniac, who is now up for grabs.”

“Ah, Pollock’s main champion, right?”

“Exactly. He’s very proficient with that champion.”

“Pollock is currently Gold IV, correct? His opponent is a Master jungler, and Miho is Platinum. Do you genuinely think he\'ll stand a chance?”

“Nevertheless, giving the enemy team a main champion is not good. Their skill level will instantly jump from gold to platinum. Especially Pollock, his main streaming gimmick is playing the Maniac!”

“Ah… Is that so? Then that might be a little dangerous.”

The champion selection phase continued as the casters continued. However, an unexpected pick emerged.

“Huh? The Maniac?”

It was indeed the Maniac, but the surprising twist was that it wasn\'t from Solo Is Back.

“What’s going on?”

“Is Strawberry trying to take the Maniac? Ah…”

“Since he’s in Master rank, maybe he can also play that champion?”

“It’s Tako’s strategy.”

StrawberryShooter decided to play as the Maniac to prevent the enemy from securing that champion.

“Ah, based on the data, StrawberryShooter has recently played the Maniac a few times!”

StrawberryShooter had played multiple matches with the champion to gain a proper understanding of the opponent\'s main champion. Tako also decided it would be more advantageous for their team to secure the pick themselves.

‘We need to set it up so Miho can survive as long as possible.’

Tako hadn’t discussed this spontaneous decision in their waiting lobby deliberations. This choice carried considerable risk since the outcome heavily depended on the middle lane’s performance.

‘Based on my calculations, Strawberry should be fine against them as the Maniac.”


“Wait, what? Are they taking the Maniac?”

ForeverAlone was shocked, to say the least. The first pick was the most important one… and they wasted it on the Maniac?

‘What are they trying to do?’

Wasn’t Balloon Stars all about setting up the game for Almond? Was there any reason for them to invest so much in the jungle lane? Pollock had no choice but to play the same champion he picked in the first game, Arachne.

‘I’m feeling uneasy.’

If they cared that much about the jungle, then they must have a specific strategy for the middle lane. Was there any reason to invest so much in Miho? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t have much time to think. He had to quickly proceed with his pick.

“Alright. On to the next pick.”

ForeverAlone picked the champion with the most potential to carry the game: The Dancing Ball - Igtan.

This champion, much like Solia, wielded fire as its central element. However, Solia was a human who received her fire powers from the sun. In contrast, Igtan was the elemental embodiment of fire. He wasn’t as agile as other champions, but had the potential to blow up the entire battlefield.


Flames enveloped ForeverAlone as he finished picking, and the crowd went wild.

“Oh! ForeverAlone’s Igtan!”

“Wow. He really is an experimenter, isn’t he? Igtan isn’t used that much in the middle lane either.”

“ForeverAlone’s Igtan is almost as famous as his Solia, right?”

“Indeed. Igtan’s playstyle is completely different from Solia, but he excels at both.”

ForeverAlone confidently chose Igtan as the atmosphere heated up.

However, a selection emerged that sent a chill throughout.


The sound of refreshing water came from the opposing team.

— Woah!

— Wow!

— N-No way!

The cheers for this pick surpassed even the enthusiasm for Igtan.

‘No way…’

ForeverAlone’s eyes lost focus.

[The Calm Wave - Aqua]

The champion named Aqua used the element of water as its name implied. ForeverAlone wasn\'t stunned due to the matchup between a water champion and his fire-based pick. After all, elemental types held no bearing in this game.


“Wow! Can we say that she’s kept her promise!?”

“Pool party Aqua! This is incredible! It\'s like she\'s proclaiming, \'I rule the mid-lane!\'”

“This is already a super play!”

The problem was her skin. Her white skin was visible through her blue hair. A sleek-designed blue bikini was the only thing covering her and nothing else.

— Wow.

— ForeverAlone, defeat…

— N-Noona, I’ve lost!

— “Stop… n-no! Don’t stop!”

— You’re playing dirty, Balloon Stars! Thank you! Balloon Stars!

“S-So… unfair! She’s really playing that champion?”

ForeverAlone’s face turned red.

‘Perhaps I shouldn\'t have chosen the monk in the first set?’

He could’ve done something about it if it was anything other than the pool party skin. Instead, he revealed his monk too early and had no choice but to face Miho now.

‘… If only I managed to grab a copy of her lingerie set!’

ForeverAlone clenched his teeth at the fact that his training had been hindered. Meanwhile, the casters radiated delight.

“Wow~! Unbelievable! But will ForeverAlone really lose because of the pool party skin?!”

“No way… If he does, then he’s basically admitting that he’s never been with a girl.”

ForeverAlone’s teammates glanced his way to see if it was true.

“Hey… this isn\'t affecting you, is it? This isn’t a practice match…”

“Nah, he’s played against her a few times already. It should be fine.”

“A-Ahem. What are you all talking about? It’s just a skin. And besides, I’ve trained for this.”

The picks continued.

[Frost Archer - Leon]

Tako picked the Frost Archer without hesitation even though he didn’t do much damage…

Perhaps the old SoMaek duo would have lost against the Leon pick, but not anymore. That champion wasn\'t strong enough to overcome their bottom lane.

Balloon Star’s approach consistently centered around securing victory in Almond\'s lane, fostering his strength, and subsequently dominating team fights.

What were they up to?


ForeverAlone finally saw what the enemy was planning.

‘Synergizing with Aqua?’

The reason they picked their jungler first and gave Almond a low-damage ADC.


The Frost Archer had a skill that synergized with Aqua. When Aqua\'s water made contact with the frost arrows, it triggered an instant freezing effect. It was one of the few synergy skills in LIL.

“Almond oppa and I are a couple, right?” Miho smiled and asked Almond.

By lore, Frost Archer Leon and Aqua were an actual couple.

“Hm? Ah...”

Almond looked at her without thinking and didn’t know where to look. He hadn’t seen Milo\'s pool party skin because he was focused on the champion selection phase.

‘Think about where you’re looking. Think about where you’re looking.’

He mentally repeated Ju-Hyeok\'s advice about avoiding scandals with her and tried to look away. He had watched her on stream several times, but it now felt awkward to be next to each other.

Tako burst into laughter at the sight of this, “Hahaha! Why are you embarrassed, Almond!? If you’re reacting like that, then victory is surely ours!”


The baffled Almond looked at Taco only to find Tako also averting his eyes from Miho.

“Alright! The champion selection phase is now over!”

The champion pick phase was finally finished.

“Let’s get into the match!”

The environment faded away with a bright white light.


Tako seriously spoke once they entered the battlefield, “If we lose this one, it\'s a true loss. You\'re aware of that, right?”

The tournament adhered to a best-of-three format, and with Tako\'s reminder, Almond realized they were trailing 1-0.

“Almond. The Frost Archer is an ADC with a roaming, support-oriented playstyle. You understand the implications, correct? We\'ll be aiding other lanes in the same manner as ForeverAlone.”

Their experience with this strategy was limited, but Tako and Almond had practiced in the past. Tako’s Fisherman and Almond’s Frost Archer would prioritize helping the middle and jungle lanes just like a mid-laner instead of actively seeking out kills.

‘I wonder if this will give him as much influence as the middle lane?’

Almond was also curious if this would be enough to stop ForeverAlone.

Tako grabbed Almond by the shoulder, “The ADC can carry the entire game as well. I’ll show you.”

It was as if Taco read his mind. To be fair, Tako’s entire professional career had been in the bottom lane, so he had inevitably pondered the same question at one point.

‘It’s a good thing I left the champion picks to Taco.’

Almond was worried Tako wouldn’t have considered these facts, but Tako was always thinking ahead. This realization lifted a weight from Almond\'s mind.

“Let’s go.”


Almond smiled as he ran toward the battlefield.

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