Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming

Chapter 699: A High-Risk Advertisement

When they returned home, Qin Guan realized how smooth their adventure at the fair had gone. He had surprisingly not been surrounded by fans, even though the fair had been held at a public area. He caressed his face. Is my skin rough from frying all those noodles?

He had actually overestimated his looks. The delicious food had surpassed his appeal. Chinese food had been the true winner that day! All the customers had focused on the food rather than the cook.

After resting for a few days, Qu called Qin Guan to her office. He had just sat down on the couch, when she threw a large package of chocolate at him.

"I just returned to New York. Is there some kind of job you want to discuss. or did you just want to give me this chocolate?"

Qin Guan took a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qu nodded. "You are kind of right. I reviewed your schedule for this year. You have not agreed to any film or TV series, home or abroad. Foreign investors are waiting for your two films to be released in America, but those movie scripts are not good enough."

"Besides, you are going to graduate this year. You’ll be really busy studying, but that’s no excuse for you to slow down. People get lazy when they rest too much, so I found an easy job for you that will keep you camera-ready."

You just want the money. Qin Guan held his words back and smiled at her.

"No problem. I like advertisements. A lot of money, not much work. You are a good agent. So what is it?"

Qu pointed to the case in his embrace. It was full of Nestle KIT KAT bars.

Nestle was a Swiss brand that ranked third after Mondelez and Mars. However, it was not just a company that produced chocolate. It was actually the largest food manufacturer in the world and one of the 500 top global enterprises.

This was the first time Qin Guan would be shooting an ad for fast-moving goods. Although it was only one Nestle product, it could be considered positive feedback. Qin Guan had become a trend-setter among top luxury brands, so the people in that circle liked him.

The tentative olive branch thrown by Nestle was a form of approval from the global consumer market, which was a good sign. If Qin Guan satisfied Nestle, offers from other retail businesses would start coming in in waves.

Qin Guan smiled at the thought. "When shall we begin?"

"That’s up to you."

"Okay! Right now!"

Qin Guan put all the single packages in his pocket and left the large box on Qu’s desk. Snacks with high calories were necessary for physical work.

He was thinking like a redneck. A big firm like Nestle wouldn’t get stingy about food.

Only when he reached the advertising company with Qu, did he realize his mistake. Besides his salary for the advertisement, Nestle would also provide him with a supply of its own products for a year. The big company was very generous.

In an effort to return the favor, Qin Guan read the ad scripts carefully.

He actually had to shoot several ads. Luxury brands could use one ad for an entire year, but everyday products needed a repeating series of advertisements in order to increase their sales volume.

Qin Guan had to finish all the ads in a short time. That was nothing for him. He was just surprised by one of the ad scripts in particular.

"I will need to work with squirrels?"

He still recalled his miserable adventure on Tasha Tudor’s farm.

"Yes, it’s a cute idea. We trained 46 squirrels especially for the ad," a staff member of the advertising agency explained patiently.

46! Not 4, not 6... 46! That’s a whole battalion of squirrels! Who cares if they are trained? Qin Guan forced a smile.

"Is there any other problem?"

"No, no!" Qin Guan said. He handed one of the scripts to the man. "We could start with this one."

The man took the script and held back his breath. Parkour? He must be crazy!

"This is a little dangerous. It’ll be hard for you to study the movements. Besides, you could easily get hurt during the shooting. If the rest of the ads were delayed by an accident, both you and Nestle would suffer from it."

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