Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 431: A Couple of Minutes

Fujin\'s eyes snapped open. He felt a surge of chakra flowing through his body. The air around him became erratic.

Guy, who was observing Fujin, was surprised. He smiled wryly and thought, \'Less than 4 minutes? He is just like Kakashi. Even he needed less than 5 minutes to open the Gate of Opening. On the other hand, I needed a month to open it.

That said, they did attempt opening the First Gate when they were far older than me and had a far stronger physique.

Still, it looks like Fujin\'s physique is far better than I thought. Opening the Gate of Healing shouldn\'t take much time for him either. At most, it\'ll take a week. However, the Gate of Life is where the real determination gets tested. While he will succeed, it will take a long time. And, he will feel demotivated to work on opening more.

I wonder if he will keep opening more Gates or quit like Kakashi after the Gate of Life…\'

While Guy was lost in his thoughts, Fujin was lost in the incredible feeling he was experiencing. He thought, \'Damn! I have never felt so free in my life. I can feel it. It\'s as if all restraints placed on my body have been removed.

My brain is much more active. It\'s as if my senses are amplified several times. My eyesight is far better. I can pick up the lightest sounds and my sense of smell has improved as well. More importantly, my body\'s instincts are heightened to a whole new level. I doubt anyone would be able to sneak attack on me as I am now. And the cherry on the cake is that my thinking speed seems to have increased as well.

Apart from my brain, my muscles have improved considerably as well. Though there is no observable change, I can sense that my muscles can provide me with far more strength than before. And, I have a feeling that they will be far more responsive. No wonder Guy could make his follow-up attacks that quickly. Increased thinking speed plus reduced response time for muscles.

My chakra also has increased by around 15%. However, the most incredible part about the Gate of Opening is the feeling I am getting. I can get addicted to this feeling! It feels as if this is how my body is supposed to be.

Even those medical sensations with Yoshi and Isamu aren\'t this relaxing. The only thing that came close was when I sensed Nature Energy while riding on Ryu\'s back. But even that didn\'t feel as natural as this! Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I mix Sage Mode with the Gate of Opening… Regardless, it\'s time to test it.\'

Fujin got up. He looked towards a rock that was raised from the ground due to the earlier spar. Fujin disappeared from his spot, appeared in front of the rock and punched it in one fluid motion.

As he expected, his punch decimated that rock! Small pieces of the rock were scattered away from Fujin. He looked at his fist and marvelled, \'This is incredible! The power is far beyond the normal Strong Fist Style. It is almost comparable to concentrating chakra on my fist, but it doesn\'t have the drawback of requiring time and is even faster than my normal punches due to the speed increase!\'

He looked at Guy and said with gratitude, "It feels incredible, Guy! Thanks for guiding me."

Guy looked at Fujin\'s fist and said, "Good work opening the Gate. However, don\'t do that again."

Fujin was confused. He asked, "Do you mean don\'t punch? Why not?"

Guy answered, "This is the first time you opened a Gate. I\'m sure you are feeling restless to test it. Perhaps you even want to spar against me. Unfortunately, this will also be the first time you face the backlash for pushing past the natural limits of the human body. So, don\'t strain your body. I\'m sure it feels incredible, but it\'ll soon feel just as bad."

Guy\'s words made Fujin feel awkward. He thought, \'Ugh, I got carried away. This feeling is indeed great. The desire to experience an epic battle is too intense! I would even want to spar against Hiruzen while I\'m experiencing this. Unfortunately, I don\'t think I can sustain it for long.\'

Seeing his expression, Guy said, "No need to test out what your stamina is. You can slowly explore it over the next few days or weeks by increasing the duration each time. That way you won\'t accidentally overexert yourself. You can close the Gate of Opening now."

Fujin nodded and stopped pushing the chakra through the chakra point. The blockade on his body reappeared. The surge of chakra through Fujin\'s body disappeared and instead, he felt a wave of exhaustion washing over him. His breathing became rough. And, a terrible pain could be felt in his right fist.

Fujin cursed, "Damn! The backlash is intense. It almost feels like I have broken my fist and used up all my stamina!"

Guy nodded and said, "That\'s why I asked you to not overexert yourself. This is just the first time, so your body isn\'t used to it. With practice, the backlash for the Gate of Opening won\'t be this intense."

Fujin nodded. He said, "Regardless, thanks, Guy. I didn\'t think I\'d learn this so easily."

Guy replied, "Well, this technique isn\'t complicated despite being a forbidden jutsu. One just needs to have a strong enough body and know what to do. You will be able to open the Gate of Healing quickly as well. But don\'t try it until you get a hang of the Gate of Opening.

Right now, it takes you around 3 to 4 minutes to locate the chakra point and open the Gate of Opening. In a battle, you won\'t have this luxury. So, you need to work on opening the Gate at will.

In addition, you also need to improve your stamina. Keep working on it until you can sustain it for at least 5 minutes while you meditate and 2 minutes while you fight. It shouldn\'t take a lot of time to do this. Only after fulfilling these two conditions, attempt to open the Gate of Healing."

Fujin nodded and said, "Alright. I\'ll follow your instructions."

Guy said, "Good. I\'ll help you find the Chakra Point for the Gate of Healing as well. You can try opening it later when you fulfil the two conditions for the Gate of Opening."

Fujin nodded and sat down. Guy provided him with another scroll with a diagram and some notes to help locate the chakra point in the right hemisphere of his brain. After finding it, Fujin opened the First Gate and tried to push some chakra through the second chakra point to confirm whether he found the right one. After confirming, he closed the Gate of Opening.

Of course, that caused him to be even more tired. Guy grinned and said, "Seeing you work this hard ignites the flames of youth in me! Take a rest for today, Fujin! I\'ll focus on training my students for the remainder of the day.

You don\'t need to find me for sparring until you become comfortable with opening the Gate of Healing. It\'ll be better if you just focus on training your body and getting it accustomed to opening the Inner Gates instead of sparring with me or anyone else."

Fujin chuckled and said, "Alright, I\'ll focus on the Gates of Opening and Healing. Also, have fun with your students. Let them experience the flames of youth as well. I\'ll see you later, Guy. I\'ll visit after opening and getting accustomed to the Gate of Healing."

Fujin disappeared from the training ground. Guy disappeared as well and appeared where his three students were. All of them were running on their hands. Guy asked, "How many rounds are you done with by now?"

Tenten nearly cried as she complained in her heart, \'3 hours haven\'t even passed! Why is he back so early?\'

Lee excitedly said, "We are doing our 57th round, Guy-sensei!"

Guy said loudly, "Just 57th? That\'s too slow! We will do 300 rounds today! Follow me!"

Guy\'s excitement horrified Neji and Tenten. Both muttered internally, \'We are doomed!\'

Guy too got on his hands and began running upside down in front of his students. Lee followed excitedly while the other two followed reluctantly.

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