Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

What are elves?

In most fantasy stories, they are a race that has beautiful appearance, can manipulate spirits, lives in harmony with nature, and uses bows as their main weapon.

In his countless past lives, Seo-jun had encountered races that shared the same name but had completely different personalities. However, half of the elf lives that he experienced were similar to that concept.


Seo-jun, who went to bed early today, looked at the door of the Library of Life and let out a suspicious laugh.

One of the protagonists of Escape, the character that Seo-jun would play, was Go Ju Won, a middle school archery club member who always ranked first in the national youth tournament.

He was amazed when he found out that the role he would play was an archer. 

It was a rare profession in both fiction and reality.

Seo-jun, who enjoyed various sports as hobbies, had never tried archery before.

But he was confident.

Elves mean bows! Bows mean elves!

Not only Seo-jun, but his aura was more sparkling than usual, as if it was showing his excitement for the [Basic Breathing of (Sun) Elves] that he had practiced since he was a baby.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and entered the library.

There were many books and bookshelves of life, but Seo-jun did not stop and walked towards somewhere. Unlike his usual self who carefully looked at the titles of each book, he walked without hesitation.

The library that was combined with other libraries of life was spacious. 

Seo-jun, who wandered around the large library, arrived at his destination. 

He stood in front of a bookshelf with a happy but empty face.

Its really easy to find.

He glanced briefly and saw that there were many abilities related to bows.

The bookshelf in front of Seo-jun was a shelf where elf lives were gathered. 

Not only this bookshelf, but all the bookshelves around here were elf lives.

Just on this bookshelf alone, 30% of the abilities were related to bows, and now all he had to do was choose a suitable book from here.

He had worked hard to find the right ability until now, wandering around the library of life here and there, but it was too easy to find the ability this time, so Seo-jun laughed emptily.

I really need a search function.

But Seo-jun still didnt have the ability to change the library of life. 

He thought of the huge doors that were tightly closed and the abilities that would be inside them. 

When he could use the ability to touch the library of life,

I have to add a search function first.

Seo-jun firmly resolved and did his job again.

He took out books related to bows from the bookshelf where elf lives were full.

There were similar abilities as well as different abilities among many lives. 

He liked some abilities, but he liked the abilities of the lives he read later more.

He found the bookshelf easily, but

Its hard to choose because there are so many types!

Seo-jun looked at the books he had picked out in the first round with a bored face. 

There were still many books he hadnt read yet, but they were already piled up as high as his sitting height. 

At a glance, it seemed like more than 10 books.

Hmm. What should I do?

This one looked good, and that one looked good too. 

Seo-jun, who sat among many lives, fell into trouble.


A weekday morning when there were few people. 

An outdoor archery range in the suburbs.

Cocoa Entertainment rented an outdoor archery range for a few hours. 

Cho Young Hoon, an archer who was hired by Movie Dream Production Company to help with filming, unknowingly applauded at their scale.

Seo-jun bowed politely in a neat sky-blue tracksuit.

Hello! Im Lee Seo-jun. Nice to meet you.

Im Cho Young Hoon. Nice to meet you too.

Please speak comfortably. Sir.

Cho Young Hoon also smiled brightly at Seo-juns words.

Have you ever tried archery before?

No. I tried Korean traditional archery for a while when I was filming as an extra.

He was younger then and couldnt even shoot an arrow. He just fiddled with it a few times.

Then you have to learn from scratch.

Cho Young Hoon started training right away after talking briefly and figuring out Seo-juns skills.

Anh Da Ho, who was standing on one side of the archery range, brought equipment that fit Seo-jun. 

They were equipment recommended by Cho Young Hoon and used by most middle school archers.

Cho Young Hoon checked Seo-juns equipment and explained them one by one.

This is an arm guard that protects your wrist. You can wear it over your clothes.

He wore a hard arm guard under his elbow. 

It was summer, but Seo-jun wore long sleeves to protect his body from the hard bowstring.

This is a finger protection that protects your fingers.

A black finger protection was put on Seo-juns fingers. 

He clenched and unclenched his hand a few times. 

He was excited by the unfamiliar archery equipment. 

Cho Young Hoon, who felt his mood, continued to explain with a smile.

This is a chest guard. You can get hurt if the string gets caught on your clothes.

He wore a triangular chest guard on his chest and put on the equipment one by one. 

Cho Young Hoon nodded his head after checking everywhere.

Good. Then lets practice holding the bow first.


Cho Young Hoon brought a long bow that was on one side. 

It was a bow prepared by Movie Dream Production Company for Seo-jun.

Its a model from a company that most middle school players look for. I heard youre going to use this for the movie shooting too. It might be awkward at first, but youll get used to it later.


Seo-jun nodded.

Cho Young Hoon had already heard what he had to teach Seo-jun. 

He didnt know the details of the movie, but he said that there was a scene where he had to shoot an arrow, so it would be enough if he had the correct posture.

So Cho Young Hoon taught Seo-jun the basic posture of archery, from stance to release, slowly.


It didnt take long, but Cho Young Hoon was amazed.

He had heard a lot of stories about Seo-jun.

He was very good at sports like soccer and taekwondo, and he was also proficient in violin that he learned for a year. 

He admired that there was such a talented child, but he didnt expect it to extend to archery.

Seo-jun, do you want to try it by yourself?


Seo-jun held his posture as Cho Young Hoon taught him. 

It was a bit different from the way of the elves, but the essence did not change.

Balance yourself, lightly. And breathe.

He spread his feet wider than his shoulders and balanced himself. 

He took out an arrow from the quiver on his thigh and put the tip of the arrow on the string.

He put the string on his right hand fingers and lightly held the bow with his left hand.

The bow was still pointing down until then.

He exhaled lightly and lifted the bow up and aimed at the target with the tip of the arrow. 

He maintained his breathing so that his posture would not be distorted and slowly pulled the string toward his body. 

Then the string was pulled tightly near his lips.

Cho Young Hoon unknowingly applauded at Seo-juns perfect posture.

Even Anh Da Ho, who knew nothing about archery, could see that he looked like a pro. 

Anh Da Ho asked Cho Young Hoon.

Is Seo-jun good?

Of course. Its not just good. Hes really good. His posture is no less than a player.

The bowstring that had been pulled tightly slowly returned to its original position. 

Seo-jun, who hadnt learned how to shoot an arrow yet, returned to his original appearance.

Cho Young Hoons eyes sparkled at his appearance.

Can I let Seo-jun shoot an arrow?

Will he be okay?

Its okay. Hes wearing protective equipment well and hes so accurate that he wont get hurt.

Then lets ask Seo-jun.

At Cho Young Hoons suggestion, Seo-jun nodded his head quickly. 

He had been practicing his posture diligently as his teacher and Da Ho hyung told him to, but his hands were itching.

Cho Young Hoon checked the equipment again for safety. 

He firmly fastened the chest guard and arm guard to prevent injury from the released string and said.

Do you see the 15m target over there?

He saw a colorful target in the distance. There was a sign that said 15m in front of it.


Lets aim for that first.

Seo-jun nodded and stood in his place.

His heart was pounding. 

He calmed his breathing and spread his legs naturally to balance himself. 

He picked up an arrow and placed it on the bow. 

He inhaled and gently lifted his upper body with the bow.


He aimed at the target with the arrow that said 15m and exhaled lightly, pulling the tight string back without hesitation. 

He never took his eyes off the target. 

The string that was close to his lips and chin pressed against Seo-juns cheek.


[Basic Breathing of (Sun) Elves] eliminated Seo-juns trembling.

The distant target seemed to zoom in like a camera, becoming bigger and bigger.

Seo-jun stood still, and Cho Young Hoon and Anh Da Ho held their breath. 

It was definitely his first time, but he looked like he had been handling a bow for years.

In the silence where even the sound of insects and birds was quiet, Seo-jun moved.

He let go of the fingers that were carefully holding the string. 

Shoo- The sound of wind cutting through the air and thud! 

The sound of an arrow sticking into the target was heard.

Cho Young Hoon shouted reflexively.


He shouted and seemed more surprised than himself.

Ten? He hit ten on his first try?

Cho Young Hoons eyes shook.

Is that all X-TEN?

He uttered an unbelievable truth with difficulty.

X-TEN, hitting the center of the target. 

It used to be where the camera was in the previous Olympics. 

Cho Young Hoon had hit it a few times when he was in good condition, but Oh my god.

Seo-jun, try one more time. Ill record it on video this time.

Are you sending it to mom and dad?

Yeah. Theyll both be curious.

Yes! Please take a cool picture. Da Ho hyung!

Seo-jun smiled brightly at Anh Da Hos words and moved his hand to the quiver again.

I have to show it to mom and dad, so I have to do better!

Unlike Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho who were excited, Cho Young Hoon, who had seen many archers, lost his words at their peaceful conversation.

No, he hit X-TEN consecutively on his first day! And at different distances!

He moved his mouth slightly, and Cho Young Hoon barely spat out a word.

What kind of movie are they trying to make?

With this kind of skill, wouldnt it be enough to make a movie about conquering the world with archery? 

He wondered.

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