Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Normally, he would look for an ability that matched his acting, but this time was different. 

He had a message that he wanted to convey. 

A message that he hoped would stay in the childrens memories very strongly.

I died in an accident in my first life too.

It wasnt a fire accident, but it was a tragic one that took away many things from him.

He felt regret and resentment for his first life, where he was already an adult. 

How much more sorrowful and painful would it be for the children who lost their lives in accidents, and their parents?

Mom and dad must feel the same way.

Seo-juns eyes slowly welled up. 

He felt tears forming as he imagined his mom and dad crying.

He couldnt prevent all accidents, but if it was an accident that the children could escape from, he wanted to help them not panic and evacuate safely.

He sniffed and remembered a faint trace of his race.

Of course, it wont work for everyone

He wished he had a top-tier ability that worked for everyone, but he decided to do his best with a low or mid-tier ability.

The Moss Tribe.

He stood in front of the bookshelf of the Moss Tribe and began to choose a book.

The Moss Tribe had no written language. 

Their history was only passed down orally from mouth to mouth. 

This stimulated their memory and eventually became an ability.

There were various types of memory abilities of the Moss Tribe. 

There was one that allowed them to remember everything like a photograph, one that made them remember something forever like a scar, and one that influenced their daily lives like brainwashing.

Of course, those were in the Library of Evil.

Seo-jun picked one of them.

This is it.

[(Good)Moss Tribes Associative Memory-Mid-tier]

This is the associative memory ability of the Moss Tribe.

You will recall memories according to the activation conditions.

Activation conditions:

Associative memory. It does not affect your daily life, but it makes you recall other memories when you encounter certain objects, words, or thoughts.

Activation conditions. Fire, smoke, alarm.

[(Good)Moss Tribes Associative Memory-Mid-tier]

This is the associative memory ability of the Moss Tribe.

You will recall memories according to the activation conditions.

Activation conditions: Fire, smoke, alarm.

Seo-jun smiled as he touched the symbol of the ability engraved on his forehead.

Now, the children who were affected by [(Good)Moss Tribes Associative Memory] would automatically recall the public service advertisement or Seo-juns acting whenever they encountered something related to fire, smoke, or alarm.

As long as you know how to evacuate, you can do it.

He didnt know how many people would be affected by his mid-tier ability, but he prayed.

Please, let it work for as many people as possible.


The filming set.

Kim Su-han, who was checking the set and the camera, was approached by Kim Han-seoks guardian, who was playing B role as a child actor.

Excuse me


Arent you Director Kim Su-han?

Uh Yes. I am.

Kim Su-han barely nodded his head as he was flustered. 

The guardian smiled at his answer and said,

Congratulations on winning the film festival.

Thank you. How did you know?

There were a lot of articles and photos when you won the film festival. And you are Na-jins first fan.

Oh. Right.

Kim Su-han scratched his cheek as he saw the guardians and staff members who were searching their phones.

Thats right. 

Director Kim Su-han! Na-jins first fan! 

The whispers from here and there made Park Jung-woo chuckle.

Excuse me


Kim Han-seoks guardian lowered his voice.

Do you have any plans for your next work?


That was his real intention. 

Kim Su-han awkwardly smiled.

There werent many people like this.

When he became known as Na-jins first fan, people were just envious of him. 

But when Kim Su-han won an award at the film festival last year as a director, these people started to appear one by one.

They were one of three types.

The first type was investors and production-distribution companies who thought that there was a possibility that Seo-jun would appear in Kim Su-hans work since he had a connection with Na-jin before.

The second type was actors who wanted to appear in the same work as Seo-jun for the same reason.

The third type was child actors and their guardians who wanted to get the title of the child actor chosen by Director Kim Su-han, who recognized Na-jin.

The third type was because of an article that came out during the college film festival.

[Who is the child actor chosen by Director Kim Su-han, who recognized Na-jin?] The article had a lot of clickbait with that title.

My film didnt even have any child actors

The article had nothing to do with the content, but it had a lot of views. 

The conclusion was <The potential of the child actor who appeared in Director Kim Su-hans work might be similar to that of Actor Lee Seo-jun> and the comments were full of curses.

This one must be the third type.

Kim Su-han said to the guardian who was looking at him with a burdensome gaze.

I dont have any plans for my next work yet.

Then, please contact me if you need a child actor. My Han-seok is good at acting.

Okay. Ill keep that in mind.

As Kim Han-seoks guardian handed him a business card and left, Kim Joo-kyungs guardian, who was waiting for a chance to butt in, quickly approached Kim Su-han and handed him a business card.

Youre popular. Director Kim Su-han.

Bro. Should I tell Seo-jun? That youre a parachute?

Ch, chicken? Should I buy you some chicken?

Kim Su-han, who snatched two chickens from Park Jung-woo, looked at the guardians who were explaining something to their children while pointing at him. 

They didnt know that the real star would appear soon. 

They looked peaceful.

Then, the planning team leader, who was looking around the set, saw his phone and was startled. 

He answered the phone.

Hes here.

As they saw the planning team leader going outside the set, the people who knew about Seo-juns appearance swallowed their saliva and pressed down their pounding hearts.

To be honest, who here isnt here for the first time

The staff members of Cloud, who knew about Seo-juns appearance, were also wandering around the filming set with the excuse of looking for something to help.

Well, there was one person who wasnt. The one person who had heard his acting in person. Kim Su-han, who was standing next to Park Jung-woo.

Kim Su-han felt awkward. 

He wondered if he should tell Seo-jun that he was Na-jins first fan.

Kim Su-han honestly wanted to tell him. 

He wanted to say that he was really happy to work with him.

Is that too much?

As Park Jung-woo was about to introduce him, at that moment,

Oh. Is that you, Su-han hyung?

Seo-jun smiled brightly and asked. 

Kim Su-han and the others were surprised by his question. 

They didnt expect his favorite actor to remember him.

Seo-jun was also surprised by the familiar face. 

He thought he might meet him someday since he heard that he became a film director, but he met him sooner than he expected, and in an unexpected place. 

He didnt think he would meet him at the filming set of a public service advertisement. 

It was a strange coincidence.

How did you know?

I saw the photo you took when you won the film festival. Congratulations on winning the gold prize. You can speak comfortably with me.

At Seo-juns words, Kim Su-han clenched his fists. 

His chest felt tight and he wanted to scream. 

My favorite actor remembers me! It was a good decision to win the prize.

Thank you.


The planning team leader introduced the two child actors. Kim Han-seok and Kim Joo-kyung, who were in fifth and sixth grade respectively, had been wondering who would play A role. 

They had been frozen with their mouths open since Seo-jun entered the set. 

Their guardians were the same.

Oh my god.

They came here just to add a line to their resumes, but they found an unexpected treasure.

I thought it was lucky enough to see Director Kim Su-han But Lee Seo-jun!

The child actors who had performed with Seo-jun in the childrens play Spring were still active regardless of their success. 

In that sense, todays filming would be a great help for their acting careers, even if it was not as impressive as that.


At Seo-juns greeting, the two children quickly opened their mouths.

Hi! Im Kim Joo-kyung. Im in sixth grade.

Im also in sixth grade. Nice to meet you.

Hello! Im Kim Han-seok, in fifth grade. Can I call you hyung?

The eyes of the two child actors sparkled. Seo-jun smiled brightly and nodded his head.

Come to think of it. 

Seo-jun and An Da-ho thought at the same time.

Is this the first time Im acting with younger actors?

Seo-jun felt a ticklish feeling as he saw Kim Han-seoks eyes that looked at him with admiration.

Lets check the movements!

At Kim Su-hans words, the filming set that was excited by Seo-juns appearance gradually calmed down.

In the middle of the indoor filming set, there was a set made by Clouds production team. 

The background was a coin karaoke room that children often went to these days.

Coin karaoke rooms were dangerous places because they had many rooms and loud noises that could prevent people from hearing big sounds in case of an accident.

Park Jung-woo, who stood in front of the children and their guardians, opened his mouth.

Ill say it again, but this acting is not harmful to your body. We got the products from Baekho Fire Safety Experience Center. The smell might be unpleasant, but you dont have to worry.


The children answered bravely.

Then lets go in.

Kim Su-han took the children to the set.

We start from this room.


Seo-jun and the children entered the room and looked around. 

The coin karaoke room number 7 had one wall open like a drama set. 

Beyond the open wall, there were cameras and staff members.

Kim Su-han checked the movements with the children, and then they practiced their lines together. 

Smoke with a bad smell also rose up.

While the children were resting after the rehearsal, Park Jung-woo watched the rehearsal scene on the camera and tilted his head.

Thats weird?

What is it?

Kim Su-han, who was looking at Seo-jun on the monitor with a pleased expression, asked.

Hes easier to film than I expected. Hes good at acting, but he doesnt have the charisma of Gray Vini or Jin Natra, does he?

Ah Now that you mention it, youre right.

The planning team leader, who was watching the monitor next to him, agreed. 

The eyes of the staff and guardians turned to the monitor.

The children in the monitor were trying to get out of the coin karaoke room that was filled with smoke.

Seo-jun was acting along with them, but his acting didnt seem as impressive as they thought. 

Park Jung-woo, who had been very nervous, felt a bit disappointed.

Was that all his directing?

No, hyung.


Among the people who nodded their heads, there were two people who disagreed. 

Seo-juns manager An Da-ho and Na-jins first fan Kim Su-han. 

Kim Su-han didnt take his eyes off the monitor and said.

You wont say that if you see Seo-juns acting in person. Hyung. Its different from Jin Natra and Gray Vini. This is a public service advertisement and the roles that these three children play are ordinary children.

The people nodded their heads.

They are not villains with a tragic past or genius violinists. They are just elementary school students.

Kim Su-hans eyes sparkled.

Isnt that amazing? He could have shown his presence, but he suppressed it for the sake of the work. To the point where you think that way, hyung.

At Kim Su-hans words, Park Jung-woo and the others looked at Seo-jun. 

He was chatting with the two child actors and looked like an ordinary sixth grader.

An Da-ho nodded his head. 

He had thought so from before, but he had a good sense.

But he still doesnt know Seo-jun well.

Seo-jun wouldnt be satisfied with being an ordinary kid. 

He would show his uniqueness without breaking the character of the script. 

There was no doubt about it.

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