Dark Blood Age

Chapter 671 - You Must Not Linger In This World

Chapter 671: Chapter 671 You Must Not Linger In This World

Chu Yunsheng continued to walk through the surviving soldiers. His speed was not one minute faster than before, nor one second slower than before. He still walked slowly like he was not in a rush.

Behind him was a strip of particles that was glowing in the faint light. It was the residues of a part of the black-ridged insects that failed to merge with him. However, in the eyes of the soldiers, it was dazzling and mysterious.

It was a short street that was less than two hundred meters long, and anyone could walk past it within a minute or two. However, the soldiers felt like they were in purgatory. They anxiously hoped that Chu Yunsheng could walk past them as soon as possible, but they didn’t know that Chu Yunsheng also felt like he was in purgatory.

He couldn’t open his mouth to speak, as long as he opened his mouth, the blood that he tried to suppress in his throat would shoot out like an arrow.

His body was covered with a terrible amount of blood, and every step he made would leave a bloody footprint. Unlike those soldiers thought, those blood didn’t belong to other people. Under the power of Sword Howling, even a single grain of sand would not be able to approach him, let alone other people’s blood. Those blood were all his blood.

It was just that no one knew, and no one thought that way at all.

Even Old Youling also didn’t know. It was still shocked by Chu Yunsheng’s second sword form.

When he finally reached the crossroad, and there was just one street away before he could walk out of the army’s encirclement,

A tank gun’s gun suddenly protruded from the corner, then its body, its tracks... Finally, the whole tank appeared from the corner, and the gun slowly turned, aiming at him.

It was a Type-99 tank. Chu Yunsheng had seen it before, so he recognized it, but he found that his hearing seemed to have a serious problem. The sound of a tank was supposed to be very loud, but he felt like it was buzzing like a mosquito.

He didn’t know who was in the tank. Maybe they were fanatics or someone from the Duo Neng race, or maybe someone who didn’t know what they were doing, and they just happened to drive the tank here, but no matter who they were, such a provocation must not be tolerated, otherwise, some desperate people would react, and pounce on him like a hungry Wolf pack.

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng was still walking as if nothing could block his footsteps.

The backup sword was pulled out in an instant, and an arc of light was drawn in the air. With just one flash, the sharp sword arrived before the tank, and then in a split second, the tank was pierced through and cut dozens of times. When the gun turned once again, the tank cracked into a pile of fragments, together with the people inside.

He looked very cold at the moment, and he must look that way.

After the tank was turned into a pile of junk, the soldiers behind the tank didn’t dare to make a single move, fearing that this devil would misunderstand their intention and kill them.

It was the first time for most of them to participate in actual combat in their lives. It was the first time for them to see so many dead bodies, the first time that they were so close to death, and the first time that they saw someone who could not be killed like the god of war. So it was normal that they were scared, and it was already not too bad that they didn’t turn around and run away.

When Chu Yunsheng finally disappeared into the darkness at the end of the street with a glowing strip behind him, more than half of the soldiers collapsed on the ground as if all their energies were drained from them.

After leaving the chaotic army, Chu Yunsheng wanted to find a quiet place where he could recover from his injuries, but he couldn’t find any.

It was as if the whole city was crowded with people.

He couldn’t hear any voices, but he could see the sorrowful scenes with some people crying and wailing in pain, and some staring blankly in the sky, and the wounded and dead bodies piling up one after another.

Only until now did he know how many people died in this battle!

Not counting those who were buried under the ruins caused by the Howling Sound, the number of dead bodies and wounded people here alone was more than enough to shock him, not to mention that this was just one corner of the periphery of the battle circle. If they all added up, it would be an extremely terrifying number.

The population density in the city was originally more than ten times higher than the upper limit. Then the battle took place in densely populated areas, so the casualties were extremely severe from the beginning.

Most of them were killed by the regular weapons before the sword howling skill was used. Some were killed by stray bullets, some were affected by artillery shells, some were killed by Star Chart energy beams, and some were trampled to death during chaos... Some were killed by the talismans indirectly.

However, he was not sad, because he felt that the world was unreal, but it was not that he completely felt nothing, because he saw a child who was around two or three years old was sitting next to his mother’s corpse, pulling his mother’s cold hand and crying helplessly. Those frightened eyes made him feel that the world was so real!

He could only force himself to stay indifferent. Only in that way, would he be able to stay calm.

“Old Youling, you can come out now!”

After finally finding a corner with fewer people, Chu Yunsheng called out Old Youling, and was ready to let it rush to meet Yu Xiaohai and others.


Old Youling had just said two words after it came out, then its face changed drastically, and it went back into the armor with a fearful scream, and refused to come out again.

Only a powerful enemy would scare Old Youling to such an extent.

Chu Yunsheng immediately became alert and unsheathed the sharp sword. He closed his eyes and tried to feel the fluctuation.

At this time, he suddenly “heard” the neighs and hooves that seemed to be made by horses. There seemed to be one of them, no, two, three... more and more of them appeared, like powerful torrents rolling forward!

Chu Yunsheng thought of several possibilities in an instant. Among them, the most likely one was that the insects took the opportunity and entered the city, but he didn’t know which of the three parties was it because he couldn’t feel any obvious energy fluctuations.

As he dashed out and came to the main road, he raised his head to find out what it was. Then he was instantly stunned.

In the dark sky far away on the other side of the battlefield, a gate of light with a hazy white glow just opened out of thin air. Thousands of green glowing chariots galloped down the steps from the gate. Each glowing chariot was pulled by three sturdy horses, and the three sturdy horses that pulled the chariot were all made up of green glowing lights. Behind them was a long coffin, on which there seemed to be a man in ancient armor steering the chariot.

Thousands of coffins swept across the battlefield like a flood, turning the whole world green. Countless green fluorescent particles were sucked into the coffins in the sound of ghost-like howling noise, as they flew past the city one after another.

As they got closer and closer, there was a gust of cold wind howling sorrowfully, like a thousand horses from the netherworld, rushing towards Chu Yunsheng!

At this time, an old woman suddenly said with horror, “Soldiers of the netherworld crossing the border, once in a thousand years!”

Soldiers of the netherworld crossing the border?

Chu Yunsheng seemed to have heard it somewhere before, but he didn’t have time to think about it. The horses dragging the pitch-black coffin were about to arrive before him. Seeing their menacing appearance, it was definitely not just passing by!

Chu Yunsheng immediately drew the sword and was prepared for a fight.

However, the old woman carried on with a trembling voice, “quick, quick, I, I need to write it down, otherwise...”

She glanced around, and couldn’t find a pen and paper. In the end, she simply picked up a broken brick and used the tip of the brick mark something on the ground. Her expression was extremely nervous as if she was racing against death.

At this time, a majestic reprimand appeared.

“Since you are already dead, why do you still obstinately persist? You must not linger in this world any longer to harm other creatures!”

Chapter 152 If They Had A Second Choice, They Would Definitely Abandon Us.

Chu Yunsheng looked around, no one else seemed to have heard this sentence. Everyone seemed to be shocked by the green glowing coffins and chariots that were heading toward them.

“Is it talking about me?”

Chu Yunsheng snorted coldly. No matter what it meant, from this sentence alone, it was obvious that they were hostile toward him. So he wanted to release his sword qi and attacked the green glowing coffin chariot first.

Old Youling inside the battle armor hurriedly stopped and said: “No, wait, Boss, don’t attack, we have black gas to protect us, as long as we don’t take the initiative to attack, they will not be able to locate us!”

There was only a small amount of black gas inside Old Youling’s body, so it didn’t want to fight, and it just wanted to avoid it.

At this time, the green glowing chariot suddenly accelerated, and when the first green horse neighed, and when it was about to hit Chu Yunsheng, a transparent and light cube appeared, covering Chu Yunsheng in the center. Then the chariot simply flew past by him, as if the cube and Chu Yunsheng did not exist, and even the black gas energy did not have any reaction.

Old Youling’s eyes were wide open in surprise, “what, what’s going on?”

No one could answer its question, because Chu Yunsheng also didn’t know what was going on. The chariots stopped one after another, and then turned around to carry on wheeling in the air as if they were searching for something. At this time, another light gate appeared in the sky on another side of the battle field, facing at the first light gate. As if the chariots had to leave immediately, they turned around again and headed toward the second light gate with the coffins.

When the two light gates facing each other at the opposite side of the battlefield finally closed suddenly at almost the same time, everything returned to the original status. It was still that cold, dark, and ruined city filled with sorrowful cries.

Chu Yunsheng’s hearing also recovered to almost a deaf state in an instant, and even if Old Youling got out and said something to him, he still couldn’t hear anything.

He could only tell it with gestures that he couldn’t hear it temporarily.

The appearance of the mysterious coffin and chariot made Chu Yunsheng worried. Thinking about what the old woman had just said, a thought suddenly came into his mind and he started to walk toward the old woman.

However, before he even arrived in front of the old woman, he saw the old woman was yelling and seemingly asking the people around her in a very excited and confused manner. According to how her lips moved, it seemed like she was repeating the same question.

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t hear it, but he could still speak. Suppressing the blood in his throat, he said with difficulty: “Old Youling, find out what she is talking about, and write it to me.”

Old Youling used a wisp of smoke to form words in the air, “She was asking what happened just now? Did you see anything? And those people said that they didn’t see anything, but she didn’t believe it. She asked what happened to the handwriting on the ground and who wrote it?”

Chu Yunsheng said in a confused voice, “Didn’t she write it herself?”

Old Youling wrote, “Yes, but she doesn’t remember it.”

Chu Yunsheng squinted his eyes, and asked, “Doesn’t anyone else remember it? Go and ask around.”

Old Youling wrote with a bitter face, “Boss, you and I have already scared away a bunch of people just by standing here. Before I can ask them anything, they are already scared away by me. But from their conversation just now, I guess that no one can remember anything. ”

Chu Yunsheng thought of the white-dressed figures that held bloody rulers. After that weird incident, Professor Sun and Zhao Ling also lost their memories. He couldn’t help but wonder and palpitate: “Find out what is written on the ground. It’s not convenient for me to go there.”

Old Youling nodded and floated there quietly. After a while, it came back and wrote, “There is a date written on the ground, but it is illegible, and the last sentence is the soldiers of the netherworld crossing the border, the world will be in chaos.”

Chu Yunsheng was very confused, “even if they didn’t cross the border, the world was already in chaos. So what is the point of this message?”

Old Youling nodded and wrote, “you are right, boss. I heard from other people just now that this old lady came from Nanjing, and she used to do fortune telling or something like that.”

Chu Yunsheng pondered for a moment, and said, “Although I never believed in these things, what happened just now was indeed very strange, so we need to take her with us later on.”

Old Youling was surprised, and then wrote, “You really believe it?”

But Chu Yunsheng didn’t see it. He looked up and saw Yu Xiaohai approaching with an armored vehicle, and whispered: “Xiaohai is here, get ready to get in the car.”

Yu Xiaohai could see Chu Yunsheng at a glance on the roof of the armored car from far away. After all, with his current look, it was hard to not notice him.

“Brother Chu, are you alright?” Yu Xiaohai asked nervously as he went through the crowd.

Unlike others, seeing Chu Yunsheng’s body was covered in blood, he thought that Chu Yunsheng must have been seriously injured.

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t hear the sound. After Old Youling wrote it down, he said in a deep voice, “It’s okay, find a bigger car, and let’s talk about it after getting in the car, don’t ask anything now.”

Although Chu Yunsheng didn’t know how Yu Xiaohai did it, in just a few minutes, he got a larger military vehicle and dispersed all the surrounding people who didn’t know what was going on.

Sitting in the car, Chu Yunsheng first vomited a big mouthful of blood, took a few deep breaths, panting, and then spit out a few big mouthfuls of blood again, there were even bloody organ pieces in the blood!

Yu Xiaohai and Old Youling were taken aback. Seeing Chu Yunsheng look like he was dying, they suddenly became nervous.

“Brother Chu...”

“Boss, are you okay?”

Chu Yunsheng did not speak; he closed his eyes, and took a rest for a few minutes before seeing the words that were written by Old Youling and said weakly: “It’s okay, I just need to rest for a while.”

Seeing that he was seriously injured, Yu Xiaohai said anxiously: “Brother Chu, I think we should take you to Professor Sun as soon as possible. They have special doctors-”

Chu Yunsheng shook his head slightly and said: “I’m fine, and I can’t leave at the moment.” Then he asked, “Whose unit is this?”

Yu Xiaohai helped Chu Yunsheng to wipe the blood and replied: “Fang Yuehou’s son, Fang Baixiao, those fuckers wouldn’t move until you showed up, and they waited until the last moment before taking action.”

Chu Yunsheng smiled bitterly and said, “You can’t blame them. With the current situation, one small mistake would be a huge disaster. Even Old Youling and I almost died. It is already not bad that they are willing to come out in the end. Originally, I thought it was only you, but now, it is better than I expected.”

“Brother Chu, why don’t you remove the armor first, let me help you to deal with the wound inside?” Yu Xiaohai said with a first aid kit in his hand. Seeing Chu Yunsheng shake his head, he sighed, “You are too optimistic. You think they are willing to come out by themselves? They were forced to do it. If they had a second choice, I am sure that they would definitely abandon us.”

Chu Yunsheng said in surprise: “Since when did you become this smart? You even know this?”

Yu Xiaohai smiled, and said embarrassingly, “It was auntie Su, who told me this.”

Chu Yunsheng did not react in time, and said in confusion, “Which Auntie Su?”

Yu Xiaohai gave him a weird look and said, “Song Ying’s mother.”

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