The Demon's Soul

Chapter 67 The unknown stranger- Part 1

The music was running in the background and I saw Luke dancing with Julie, twirling her occasionally. The little girl had a wide smile on her face as she spoke to Luke. My husband was sitting next to me all this time until Julie pulled him for a dance.

"Congratulations to the queen," I heard someone speak next to me and I turned to see Charlie standing with a blue rose.

"Thank you, Charlie," I said taking the rose he offered to me and saw him eye my friend, Gwen, "This is my best friend Gwen and this is Prince Charlie of Salas," I introduced both of them and he gave a curt nod to her as she waved at him.

"I didn’t know your human friends were attending the wedding," he said glancing towards Sam and Rick who were now talking to my parents, "You know there is a saying where they say once a human steps foot into the supernatural dimension they will be bound here for eternity."

"That’s just a saying and it need not be true," Gwen said next to me.

"May be, may be not but if you see one of your friend is already bound to this place," Charlie said taking a glass of wine from the waiter who was passing by and pulled a seat to sit, "You’ll be lucky if you’ll even get to stay here," he murmured before sipping his drink.

Before I could ask what he meant, Jamien sat down with his phone ringing. He turned the cell around and looked at us raising his eyebrows in question.

"Your brother is very persistent," Charlie commented looking at the people dance, "If you get a suitor it might take his mind off in a different direction," he suggested as Jamien gave an annoyed expression in return.

"It isn’t easy to bell the cat," Jamien replied brushing his hair away from his forehead, "By the way did you know that the dragon king was here to attend the wedding but left right away after the ceremony. Hostile isn’t he."

The dragon king was probably a very prideful as he had come to attend the vampire king’s wedding even though Luke was the reason to his son’s death. I was glad he didn’t come to greet us because I wouldn’t know how to respond. I had nothing to be guilty about but yet I felt that gnawing in my mind that I was the reason for it to happen.

Mindlessly my hand moved from supporting my chin to the place where Luke had bitten me. It didn’t hurt when I touched and to check I slowly applied pressure and cringed at one point when I felt a small sting.

Jamien looked at me with a faceless expression and said, "It will hurt if you keep poking it with your nails like that."

"Does all vampire bite feel like this?" I asked them curious. My neck wasn’t bleeding like a fountain like the movies nor did it hurt when I got bit.

"There are three types of bites when it comes to vampire," Charlie explained with a small yawn, which in turn made me yawn a second later, "The first bite is given to a bride which feels like prick with a pin. Give it an hour or two and it will be like you weren’t bitten at all. The second type is the bite used to drink blood from a person. Here there is a noticeable pain for a day. The last type of bite is used as a kill to rip throat or limbs depending on who’s attacking."

"Oh that’s..." I said thoughtfully searching the right word to fit in, "Interesting. I’ll go have something to drink and eat. Do you guys want something?" I asked them politely as stood up.

It was eleven past thirty-six and I was hungry. Bride or not I needed to go food hunting.

"I’m full," Jamien replied placing his behind his head as he leaned back.

"I’ll come with you," Gwen offered standing up from her seat and smoothing her dress.

"I’ll have it later. You ladies can carry on," he gave a small smile and I nodded as I walked with Gwen along my side.

On the way to get food, I saw Luke’s eyes stray from the little girl to me, watching me as I walked. With both my hands busy holding my dress, I used my index fingers to point out the direction I was going in.

"Lilly, I’ll be back in few minutes," Gwen said going towards where Cole stood to talk to Elvis.

"Yeah," I said going to look at the food displayed on the table.

Meat. Bloody meat. Looking at the blood being poured down the meat like a sauce on noodles made me internally puke. As I stepped back I felt my back hit someone and gasped surprised.

"You’re on the wrong side of the table," I heard someone speak behind me and I turned back to see a tall man standing way to close to my comfort.

I stepped to the side to have enough room between us while pulling my gown with me. He wore a black suite with a grey shirt inside, his dark coal eyes peering at me. His lips had quirked up one side as he looked at me just like a scientist would with his experimental object. I felt a nervous chill run down my spine as his smile grew wider. He wasn’t young exactly but neither was he old like a grandpa.

"Congratulations on your wedding with Luke," he said offering his hand and I looked at it skeptically but placed my hand in his cold ones as he shook it with a firm grip.

"Thank you, Mr..."

"I’m sorry I don’t give away my name as it frightens people," he said making me raise my brows at him, "But you can call me as the handsome man."


"You have to be careful with what you think, Lillian," was he reading my thoughts? " Yes, I can."

"Stop reading my mind," I said as I began to think about random stuff like cotton candy and he chuckled darkly.

"If only I had met you first I would have taken you for myself and probably avoided unwanted situations," he said calmly and that’s when sirens began running in my head.

I turned around, searching for Luke but found him nowhere. Where did he go?

"Lucian has gone to see of one of his aunt. Don’t worry I didn’t come here to steal you away from Lucian," the man said smiling at me like he was up to something and dropped his voice low, "Or your soul," and my eyes widened hearing this. I could sense this guy was trouble.

"How do you know?" I asked him in a whisper.

"There is nothing that goes unnoticed by me," he replied taking a plate in his hand and placing the bloody meat on it. He began humming some tune as though he was having a gala time here right now.

As seconds passed by something snapped in my head and I looked at him more closely. He knew about me being the demon soul and he had spoken about taking me. Was late father in disguise? But it couldn’t be so or could it? Gaahh! What has my peaceful life turned into.

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