Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 152 Asking For Help

Chapter 152 Asking For Help

The three people who had evaded the police officers, had been looking for Norman everywhere in New York City, but they couldn’t find him and it was already midnight. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if his father might not be hiding in the properties owned by his family.

“That church is the only place in the city where my father might go. After my mother died, my father always came here when he remembered her.” As they walked down the street, Harry pointed to an old church. The church, in the middle of New York’s not-so-remote downtown, would have been demolished if Norman Osborn hadn’t bought it a few years ago, along with the land nearby.

“If Norman Osborn is here, it shows that he still has a normal personality in him, which might actually persuade him to give up his destructive work. Still, the black shadow in his body is a serious problem.” Hearing Harry’s words, Lin Rui thought silently.

However, when the three of them searched the church very carefully, they could not find any traces of Norman. It seems that he did not come here.

“Looks like my father isn’t here. Maybe he’s hiding someplace else.” Harry whispered as he sat down on the old wooden bench in the church, looking at the statue of the virgin in front of him.

Peter and Lin Rui also sat down next to Harry. What Harry needed right now was not a word of comfort, but a friend’s most sincere companionship.

In this way, Harry sat in the church until the sky began to light up, and Lin Rui and Peter accompanied him until the sunrise. When the first light of the morning fell on Harry’s face from the church window, he finally made a move.


The old wooden stool creaked as Harry got up from it and Harry’s legs went limp after sitting there all night. But he had two good friends who had been watching him. As Harry’s legs collapsed, one hand after another reached out to catch him.

“Come on, let’s go back. Maybe the police have a new lead.” Standing still for a while and waiting for his body to adapt to the old familiar feeling, Harry said faintly.

“Well, let’s go.” With a quiet promise, Lin Rui and Peter accompanied Harry back again.


The police have nothing special to say about Harry and his friends who have been missing all night. They seem to know that Harry didn’t find Norman. But despite extensive monitoring, there was no sign of either Green Goblin or Norman. The guy in armor was fleeing so quickly on his hoverboard that there weren’t enough surveillance images of him to figure out where he might be hiding.

“Harry, have a good rest today. Leave the search for your father to professionals, and I’m sure we’ll hear from your father soon.” Accompanying the exhausted Harry back to the house, Lin Rui and Peter help him to the sofa and tried to talk him out.

“I know, but I may not be able to take a good rest right now. The police outside treat my father like some super-evil criminal, and although I knew it could be true, I feel powerless and unable to do anything.” Sitting on the sofa, Harry felt helpless.

“Harry, even if uncle Norman did do something wrong, it’s not your responsibility. You can count on me to help you find uncle Norman! I’ll stop him from going wrong!” Seeing Harry’s face, Peter said seriously.

Looking at Peter’s assurance to Harry, Lin Rui is already feeling that something bad might happen. But he couldn’t say much, and Lin Rui couldn’t have predicted what would happen between Peter and Green Goblin.

Then Lin Rui and Peter persuade Harry to rest. They also left Harry’s house after some time as they had spent the whole night with nothing to gain, but neither Lin Rui nor Peter felt they were wasting their time. Being with Harry was more important to them than finding Norman.

After leaving Harry’s house, Peter and Lin Rui separated again. Peter is eager to find Mirage Knight to discuss countermeasures, and Lin Rui needs someone’s help.

No sooner had Lin Rui entered the subway station that his mobile phone, the one he uses for his Mirage Knight identity, rang. When he gets through, Lin Rui tells Peter at the other end of the line that he is looking for help, telling him not to worry for the moment and hangs up. Lin Rui has not been home since he came out yesterday. Although he had contacted his parents, he still needs to go home now. Moreover, Lin Rui plans to use his real identity to seek help from Iron Man.

“Asking for help? Mirage Knight is going to tell Daredevil and Jack about this?” At the other end, Peter, who had hung up the phone, was puzzled.

But Peter also felt that the situation needed more help. Maybe Jack could use the influence of the Frankenstein Family to look for Norman. Sometimes the police can’t match these Mafia families. Peter hasn’t thought of asking Tony for help. After all, the last time Tony came to his house, he exposed his identity and said that they were a group. But Peter didn’t really think Tony was a group of his own.

“Forget it, I’ll just continue to look for him!” Not knowing what to expect from Mirage Knight, Peter kept wandering around New York, hoping to find Norman Osborn.


Not long after Lin Rui returned home, he was not ready to call Tony when Tony called.

“Hey, magic boy! You didn’t call me the other day when you ran away? Is that what you do to your rescuer?” On the line, Tony’s voice comes quickly.

Lin Rui hurried home that day after hearing about the Green Goblin problem, dragging his recovered body. Later, he had been paying attention to Norman Osborn, but he did not contact Tony. Meanwhile, Tony’s luxury car is still parked outside Lin Rui’s house. Every day these days, children come to play with it. This kind of real luxury car is much more shinner than their toy car.

“Mr. Stark, I am so sorry, I have some things going on these days.” Lin Rui apologizes, but he didn’t feel sorry at all.

“You don’t mean to avoid me, do you? After all, that day you were flying out of the door in a hurry, that is a very wrong thing to do. I was worried that your body was not recovering, but now your tone is completely ok.” Tony’s voice was teasing, but Lin Rui could hear his concern.

“Thank you, Tony, for your concern. Actually, I just wanted to call you, but you just called first.” The corner of the mouth was slightly upturned, Lin Rui continued.

“Well? What did you want to call me for?” Tony knew that this guy wouldn’t call him to see if he was okay, so it must be something else.

“Well, did you watch the news yesterday? With regard to Mr. Norman Osborn, I would like to ask your help to find Mr. Norman. If you could, I would like an Iron Man Armor to be on the lookout, because Mr. Norman can be a dangerous Man right now.” Without beating around the bush, Lin Rui made his request directly.

“Oh, you mean that guy in the green devil mask is really Norman Osborn?” From Lin Rui’s words, Tony can easily judge such a situation.

“So, can you help me in this?” Without affirmation or denial, Lin Rui just asked again.

“Help, why wouldn’t I help, I will let JARVIS keep a close watch on him. Once I find him, I will let Iron Man take him. Rest assured, the armor on Norman is no match for the Iron Man Armor. But…” Tony promised. Down, but when it comes to the back, it seems that there are still any requirements.

“But what?” Lin Rui asked quickly.

“I have a visitor who wants me to show him around in his old age. You know I’m tired of old people, so I’ll help you this time, and then you’ll show the old man around.” Upon hearing Lin Rui’s worried tone, Tony soon made his request.

“No problem, I am very patient with old people and your choice is right!” Lin Rui quickly agreed after hearing Tony’s request. Lin Rui will take care of even the most difficult old man.

“That’s it then, I will help you find Norman Osborn as soon as possible.” The deal between Lin Rui and Tony was stuck and Tony hangs up with a smile.

“Old man? Is there any close elders in the Stark family?” Although he agreed to Tony’s request, Lin Rui was very curious about the old man. “No matter, anyway, it is just such a small request, As long as I can solve Norman’s problem, I will agree to any request that is not excessive.”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Rui mumbled to himself and soon didn’t think anything about the old man. Now what matters most is…. Norman Osborn.


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