The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 332 Warmongers (2)

Danzel silently followed behind Sartan and at the side Vanessa. Wanting to know how to siege the wall.

A few seconds later, small echoes of voices could be heard from the walls. Suggesting that hiding their existence now was pointless.

"Hmpf, took them long enough." Sartan scoffed, his muscles expanding and tensing up at the same time.

"Let\'s march!"

His aura exploded, turning his surroundings to a boiling hot temperature and pushing the dust to the side.

Kicking the ground and charging towards the wall, the other two followed suit at tremendous speed.

Each of their steps left a footmark on the ground, except for Sartans.

His footsteps left small craters, crashing even the stones to almost dust.

As they got closer, many cloaked figures were to be seen on top of the walls. Some have a staff, orbs, and even magic gauntlets.

\'Magic casters, and such a large amount...\' Danzel thought.

The magic casters in question raised their respective weapons and pointed at them. Making Danzel have a bad feeling about this.

"Hey! What\'s the plan!" He yelled at Sartan as he watched several magic circles and fire manifesting on the wall.

"Hahaha! Isn\'t it obvious!" Sartan burst into laughter.

The fire-type spells which the magic casters were preparing were directly shot at the trio, making it seem like a tide of pure flames. The one in question coming directly their way.


"We are charging right through them!!!" He declared like a zealot.

Vanessa in response chuckled to herself, whereas Danzel didn\'t like this arrangement at all.


Bringing out his shield, he imminently activated the enchantment, making the eyes of the metal skull.

With light barely coming out of the skull, the sea of flames fell upon them.


A fuse of hundreds of explosions was acquired as if an air strike was dropped on them.

The shock wave of the explosions traveled back to the army, where black smoke rose into the air.

But soon enough a humanoid figure charged through the smoke like a charging bull.

His exposed muscle regenerated at tremendous speed, taking him not even a full second to bring him back to having skin.

"You will need something better than to kill me!" Sartan yelled his voice creating shock waves that were felt back to the magic casters.

"Use a different element! Kill him!" A commanding officer told the other magic caster who quickly went to work.

Spikes made out reinforced stones risen up and impaled Sartan\'s chest, and yet he didn\'t stop.

Air blades attempted to cut him into pieces only to cause injuries of paper cut level.

Ice magic attempt to immobilize or right of to make his body crumply, only to fail.

Arcane magic to directly blast him to oblivion barely wounded him.

And even chaos magic, the most destructive magic that is known to man didn\'t stop Sartan\'s charge.

His wounds would always regenerate, making any attempts of the magic caster seem useless.

And once he reached the 200-meter mark, the commanding officer started to sweat.

"A-Activate the array! Hurry!"

Following his orders, the magic casters did as he said.

And in the next moment, several big magic circles appeared on the walls while rotating.

Once they stopped spinning, the wall was engulfed with blue light, and the amount of mana focused on the wall reached dumbfounding level.

And yet Sartan didn\'t stop.

He moved his hand in front.

Seeing this motion, the commanding officer paled as he realized what he was doing.

"This crazy bastard! Is he out of his mind!? All of you! Stop him! Kill him! NOW!!!!"

And yet it was too late.

Like a charging train running through a house.

Sartan broke through the wall and passed to the other side, leaving behind him the crumpling wall and dust.


Declaring his presence on the soldiers who were waiting on the other side, he gripped his halberd with both hands and raised it up high.

Suddenly, the halberd\'s blade glow with a crimson and fierce aura that flared as if it sought destruction in its purest.

"Bear witness!"

And he swung.

The fierce crimson aura spread like a huge shockwave, ripping the ground up and raising it to the ground, trapping the rumplings in the fierce.

Essentially creating a granade that spread through the area.


Screams of pain and despair filled Sartan\'s ears.

The result of this single attack was a waste of crushed corpses. It was as if a giant stepped down on mortals and rubbed his boots.

Total destruction.

The few lucky ones who managed to survive were shaken in fear but still picked up their weapons to fight the invaders.

The smoke didn\'t help them much, but they still charged at the troll.

"Weaklings." He scoffed at them.

Swinging his halbert, he cleaved the few who were courageous and stupid enough to face him.

Seeing their comrades die by a casual swing of the troll, some of them abandoned the idea of dying by his monster.

The smoke that Sartan made was now to their favor, as they made their escape away from preying eyes of his comrades.

Alas, his fate was already decided.

One of the soldiers who run was suddenly pierced through his heart from behind by a long sword.


The strength of his body quickly left his body.

Bringing his hand on the blade in a foolish attempt to remove the blade, he simply brought himself more pain as his hand quickly blacken.

"N~No...I can\'t die~!" He said with a weak voice.

Forcing himself to look behind him, his eyes widen in fear upon the sight of a dark knight with mist coming out of his armor.

"Pl-ease~I need to~ go back. I promised her-"

Without letting him finish, Danzel dragged the sword up, opening his body while cutting a piece of the man\'s throat.

Falling like a puppet who had her strings cut, the soldier fell to the ground, his face filled with tears.

Ignoring the corpse, Danzel glanced at the wall where Vanessa was currently at.

The screams of panic echoed everywhere up there.

\'Such power...\' Danzel thought bitterly.

In truth, once he saw the remark describing that he surpassed the 4th-tier, he consider himself the lowest of low of a 4th-tier.

Low in the end, but still a 4th-tier.

But that was him lying to himself.

To inflict such destruction in such a short amount of time...

Tightening his grip on his sword, he watched the lights representing the living.

"If I don\'t hurry, they will kill everyone before me."

Before stepping forward, he infused dead mana in his sword and guided it towards the corpse of the knight.

Turning him into a wield undead that he had no control of. Showing the greatest mercy that he could.


Leaving the undead be, Danzel went to kill his next prey.

Creating a slaughter of his own.

If Vanessa and Sartan were the meatgrinders of the battlefield, then he would be the silent reaper who claimed the lives of those who run.

While all this was happening, a few magic casters who wore faceless masks and were witnessing the chaos looked at each other before driving the metal staffs to the ground.

Activating a warp portal to this location.

One of them who was watching from the side and holding a communication device said with a voice.

"We are in need of reinforcements. A group of 4th-tier broke through the wall."

There was silence for a moment before the communication device responded.

"Orders have been received, and the respective test experiments, A-14, T-98, and M-3AT with additional mutants will be sent in the first batch. "

"But sir, those 4th-tiers are above the average of strength. And their appearance here is still unknown. Very highly there is a magic caster capable of teleportation among their ranks."

"Those are the orders, discipline. Defend till the 2 patch comes out. That\'s an order."

Without waiting for an answer, the light of the communication crystal went out, implying that the signal was cut or the other party didn\'t want to talk anymore.

" they see this as an experiment sight for them to use?" The masked magic caster said as he glanced at the portal showing silhouettes.

And soon enough, those figures were leviathan up, bringing them into the battlefield.

Out of the portal came out several humanoids that looked like a fusion of species going wrong, they were known as the arcana mutants. They were the majority of the troops.

The other majority were their colleagues and fellow disciplines in the tower. The elite troops wearing a faceless masks.

The last that came out was special.

First was a huge humanoid covered with black feathers and a large tail of a fire lizard. His back was bent down and half of his face was covered in a metal plate, blocking his mouth. In his tail was the number A-14.

Next among the unique ones were22 an extremely tall humanoid figure at the height of 2,73 meters. her long hair made one guess that she was female together with the robes covering her. Out of her back though were a total of 6 spider-like legs that were almost twice high. She also wore a metal plate on her mouth, there were the number T-98.

And the last of them was the less mutant of them.

A bulgy man that used 100x stronger steroids. He was of a height of 2.63 meters and also wore a metal plate on his mouth. In his chest was the number M-3AT.

The only unique part of him was that he wielded a huge long cleaver stained with blood.

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