Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 110 110. Personal Teacher

Chapter 110  110. Personal Teacher

As Mr. Hoffman spoke he handed Lucius a stack of paper filled with all the available teachers and their strengths and specialities.

There were Mage tutors, fightersand even some magic swordsmen , each teacher in each area was extremely skilled and each one was different with a specialised fighting style carrying uniquecarrying specialities.

"As Lucius was looking throughoutthe papers he noticed something a little strange and asked

"Mr Hoffman you don\'t seem to be amongst the list of available teachers?"

Hearing this, Mr. Hoffman just smiled

"Whywould I want to do that? I\'m already your home room teacher so there\'s no need. Why? Do you want me to be your personal tutor?

"Eh.. not really. I was just a little curious, that\'s all ."

After getting humbled out of nowhere, Mr Hoffman\'s mouth twitched as he really didn\'t know what to say in response .

Lucius continued looking through the sheets of paper but as he continued looking his frown got deeper.

"Are these all the available teachers?" Asked Lucius

"Well, these are all of the available teachers that have stated their unconditional approval to have you as a student. Whilst there are other teachers available, they have not given their approval and if you Want them as teachers you\'ll have to talk with them personally and convince them yourself."

As Mr. Hoffman said this he gave Lucius another stack of papers to look through.

Lucius sifted through the papers until he finally stopped upon the specialisations of a specific teacher

Name: Serena

Specialisation: Assassination, Dagger arts, movement techniques, shadow manipulation.

Lucius then handed back the papers before finally handing Mr. Hoffman his final choice.

"This. This is my final choice for my tutor."

As Mr. Hoffman saw who Lucius chose, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

"This…. Lucius, you really picked a difficult one for yourself this time. I\'m going to be honest, if you picked anyone else I would be confident to put in a good word for you but she hasspecialised circumstances to the point even my words aren\'t effective and her personality… Lucius I advise you to reconsider your choice."

Despite Mr.Hoffman\'s warnings a confined smile still remained on Lucius\'s face.

"I understand your warnings but this is still my final choice. In my opinion from the descriptions provided, this is the teacher that will improve my strength the most."

Seeing Lucius\'s polite yet Steven insurance Mr. Hoffman just sighed.

"Well, it\'s your decision t. The end of the day. Just remember, the Academy still ensured the effort to get you a personal tutor so even if you fail this time we still ensurethat you can find another teacher."

Hearing this Lucius thanked Mr. Hoffman for the help but still confidently replied

"Thanks for the help but you don\'t have to worry, I\'m fully confident in my abilities to have a teacher accept me as a student."

Looking at the pride and confidence twisting from Lucius, Mr. Hoffman justshook his head.

\'Is this the so-called piece of a genius you alway hear about? Well, it won\'t be bad for the kid to fail once or twice at something.\'

Mr. Hoffman didn\'t have any confidence in Lucius but he didn\'t press his opinions and just smiled and said goodbye to Lucius leaving the Youngmanon his own.

As he watched Mr. Hoffman left the room, Lucius finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though it was just a light investigation it was inevitable for Lucius to feel a little nervous. His guilty heart always kept the possibility of the worst casescenario in his mind. Fortunately, things all went without any major issues and he had even given him a chance to step forward and not just steal another of the protagonists chances but even engage with another sub heroine.

Lucius knew that he had to use this time to power up and learn properly because not too long after the times would really become quite hectic.

But for now before he did all of this, Lucius just wanted to rest.

The meeting with Mr. Hoffman had exhausted his already wounded body. Although he brought him a recovery potion to compensate him it still wasn\'t enough to completely eliminate the after effects of tiredness. So not long after Lucius laid his head back in the pillow he began to helplessly drift off into dreamland…


Several hours into the dayafter the exhaustedasleep and time was already deep into night time, not toofar away from Lucius\'s location in the tinder accommodation district and important discussion washappening

"Oscar.. I have treated you well these past few days to the point you\'ve already become my right hand man so tell me what do we do know in this situation how can we continue to suppress the may monstrous Lucius!"

As Oscar heard Xander speaking, he really wanted to smack that fool around the head.

"Suppress??? Did you see that fucking monster? Xander, I advise you to pull your head out of your ass!"

Oscar really didn\'t want to fight Lucius anymore.

Oscar had chosen smearing Lucius\'s reputation by circulating rumours about Lucius being a gangster not just because it was effective but because it was something he was familiar With

The real gangster had been Oscar all along!

Oscar was a homeless steerorphan who had just been surviving as a beggar by begging and stealing. But due to his cautiousness and smarts Oscar had been appreciated by the head of the beggar gangs that managed the begging children and brought into the main branch.

It was there that Oscar began to show off his skills. Oscar wasn\'t throw intothe violently contested areas as a front line fighter, no what Oscar specialised in were the behind the scenes operations

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