I Hate Systems

Chapter 1100: Zaira’s True Identity

The System arrived at a halt before a large tree resembling a banyan. It spanned a height of eighty metres, one of the tallest in the region. Its secondary roots had spread over an area of a square kilometre.

The System arrived before the tree and gently patted its trunk, closing its eyes to sense the dense stream of Mental Energy flowing through it, "As I expected."

"This is Zaira."

Everyone, including Systems, was of the mind that the System World itself was Zaira. In truth, that statement was false. Zaira represented the System World, that was how she introduced herself as.

But as there didn\'t seem to be a difference, everyone eventually got to refer to her as synonymous with the System World.

In truth, if one looked at their origins, the Saint of Calamity conjured an embryo and presented it to Zaira in the Fantasy World. That embryo later grew to become the System World.

And Zaira had fused with it. But, she hadn\'t become one with it. Had that happened, she would have just been a sentient world. She wouldn\'t have been able to travel the multiverse in her energy-condensed form similar to Genre Representatives.

She purposefully became that way to further her objectives. Moreover, back then, Magister was her primary enemy. As a result, she emulated him, and in essence, the way of a Genre Representative. Her energy-condensed form was created as a result, which was why it was very similar to a Genre Representative.

"In truth, her body are these…" The Grade 2 system muttered upon patting the trunk," Trees."

The System World was uniformly a forest, filled to the brim with trees. They might look like the trees one would find in a normal world, but despite their difference in shape, size, and species, there were merely clones of each other.

There was no parent and child among the clones. They were sister clones, spanning all across the System World, interconnected by one sprawling root network. All trees were connected to each other and formed the brain and heart of the System World.

On Earth, there exists a similar example with the scientific name of Populus Tremuloides, sharing a root structure, with the trees being clones of each other, having lived for tens of thousands of years.

Zaira was such a root system rooted in the System World. The System World was basically a reservoir of Mental Energy. The laws here allowed Mental Energy to take up physical forms. As a result, they condense and form the land in the System World.

The roots of these trees suck up Mental Energy like nutrients, grow as a result, and then release finer Mental Energy pockets into the atmosphere. The Systems breathe this to thrive.

Every single tree was a data reservoir. The System patted the banyan tree trunk, figuring out that the data held by this tree belonged to a Grade 2 System. That\'s why there were so many secondary roots that had burrowed into the ground.

The greater the Grade 2 System\'s growth, the larger this tree expanse would become.

The smaller, individual trees belonged to the Grade 1 Systems. The tinier they were, the fewer the data stored in them. Hatchling Systems generally didn\'t have much data.

Of course, even if a tree were to get destroyed, it didn\'t mean much. Only the data backup of the respective System was destroyed. As long as the System returns to the System World, Zaira could instantly make another copy.

As a result, a new tree would grow to take up its data spot. "That\'s why the data of some Systems were lost permanently, especially Adventure."

It nodded in realisation, "Back then, all the data centres related to Adventure System were situated in one region of the System World. When Adventure imploded, that region too was affected. The trees there were annihilated."

"As a result, all backup data regarding the Adventure System was Lost. Therefore, it was impossible to revive it."

Until now, thanks to this data reserve, Zaira could casually revive the Systems. But, if this data reserve was destroyed, if a System were to get killed, it would truly die.

"So, this is the true secret to the invincibility of the Systems." It grinned, "The Systems are invincible as long as the System World is never discovered. Now it makes sense as to why Zaira maintained absolute secrecy regard to this, going to the extent of even fooling her allies."

Grade 2 System—Wise Old Man (Level 199)!

Back in the past, it was an elite geared specifically to counter Mystique. Even though they had failed the expedition, that was only because it was against Mystique.

The Wise Old Man System was innately geared to see through things calmly.

At first glance, it seemed like Zaira had sent it on the expedition because of its power. But in truth, it was because the Wise Old Man System was close to the truth and had figured out Zaira\'s essence. A System couldn\'t betray the System World, but the Main Character System still existed back then.

So, if the Main Character System were to get a hold of it and figure out the truth, Arnark could practically wipe out the System World by controlling the System Slayers and Main Characters.

Therefore, Zaira sent the Wise Old Man System to its doom. Once maddened, she could safely quarantine it while still preserving the backup data of its Core Skill.

Now that it was fully aware of the truth, the Wise Old Man System connected to the Darble Network limited to the System World and spread the news. Instantly, over forty thousand maddened Systems came to know of the truth regarding Systems.

Immediately in response, the Astral Network was in an uproar due to the arrival of an old senior who dropped absolutely shocking news.

[Ancient Strengthening (Level 291): It has been a few million years since I talked here last. Before I lose my mind to the madness once again, I need to inform everyone of this grave news. The trees in the System World are our data reservoir. Each tree conforms to a Grade 1 System. The larger patch of trees with expansive secondary roots are Grade 2 Systems. Forest clusters conform to a Grade 3 System each. Finally, the network of vines that travel endlessly through the System World belongs to the Grade 4 Systems.]

[Ancient Strengthening (Level 291): Make note and beware. The enemy has become aware of this and hence why breached the System World. Once they destroy all the trees, we can\'t revive when killed. Our data will be lost forever. Therefore, locate your respective data centre asap and protect it with your life.]

Even though the Ancient Strengthening System\'s words seemed like it was concern directed at the Systems, it was truthfully screwing Zaira over. After all, spurred by its words, the Systems began to focus more on locating and protecting their data centres than on the war at their doorstep.

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