Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 318 Are you hurt?

Song Xueyun was looking at the party in full swing with a smile on her lips. She saw her old coworker across the hall and raised her wine glass in acknowledgement. She could feel the gazes of everyone around her but she didn’t stop politely smiling at anyone. Although she was smiling, there was an air of aloofness around her that made it difficult for people to approach her.

“Miss Song, how are you doing?” A man in a suit asked and began asking about her. He and Song Xueyun had worked on an acquisition and merger case a few months back. They had gotten acquainted with each other. He knew that this woman might appear cold and unapproachable but she was actually a very kind and sweet woman.

Song Xueyun smiled. “I’m doing good. What about you Mr Xiao?”

Mr Xiao laughed. “I’m also doing great. I heard that you were getting promoted. Congratulations.”

Song Xueyun didn’t let the smile falter from her lips as she said, “No, I didn’t get promoted. Mr Liu did. Apparently, I was too young to get promoted this early.”

“Nonsense, “Mr Xiao said in agitation. “You deserved it. You work so hard for the company and Mr Liu almost messed up our project. Are they still keeping him there?”

Song Xueyun didn’t say anything. Mr Liu was still in the company because his sister was her direct boss and nobody knew better than how family connection and nepotism could alter anyone’s life. And God forbid if you are a woman… the number of difficulties that you face in a man-dominated world multiplied by several hundred.

Do you know what was funny? How women actually never supported another woman. Most of them are jealous and vain. To prove one point, they are ready to go to any extent. She knew quite well about what was going on around her but she didn’t complain as she knew that no matter which company she joined, she would face the same discrimination everywhere. After all, she was a woman and the circle was dominated by men.

“You know you should change jobs, “Mr Xiao said the same thing that everyone else was saying to her. They would tell her to quit. How did she tell them if she quit now her future would get blurry? She would have to return home and she was not ready to go back to An City. That city made her restless. Although she had a lot of good memories there, she was still reminded of what she lost there.

Moreover, Lu Xuan was still there and she didn’t know how to… Did she have romantic feelings for Lu Xuan? Absolutely not! She knew that she and he as a couple was a very bad idea. God, why was she even thinking when she ended up liking him? Maybe, it was her teenage heart that thought the emotional attachment that she had with him was love. Maybe, he was just a childhood crush and she ended up thinking too much.

See, so many conflicts. This was the reason why she was not ready to go back home. She needed to clear her head first.

Mr Xiao left after saying more things. The crux of his topic was the same— she needed to change jobs. She couldn’t understand why everyone was asking her the same thing. First, Lu Xuan, then An Xiulan and now Mr Xiao. The twins would gloat if they found out that someone was supporting their argument.

She placed the wine glass on the table and walked towards the washroom. She checked her phone. Jack, her boyfriend had texted her that he was headed to the same area and if she wanted he could pick her up. She hesitated for a moment before replying.

Jack only wanted to spend more time with her. They both were so busy with their respective work that they never got time for themselves. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she drove here not because she wanted to go home with him but because she was hellbent on pretending that she didn’t see the text until she reached home.

She was ready to apologise that she didn’t see the message when she clearly did.

Lately, Jack has been getting touchy. Of course, she understood the need for a man in a relationship but she was not ready for that step. Once he had tried to kiss her and she had panicked.

It was not that she was a prude. She understood one thing that she and Jack didn’t share an emotional connection and she didn’t want to kiss the person who didn’t share an emotional connection with her.

Blame An Xiulan for all the emotional nonsense she was saying. The girl put it in her head that she should only kiss the boys that she liked.

An Xiulan was playing the role of her relationship guru even though the girl was single and had no hope for romance. Each time she would say that she didn’t need the advice of an unskilled player, her friend would tell her coaches didn’t play on the field.

Yes, that’s how crazy her sweet but salty friend was.

As she was walking to the female washroom which was empty at this time, she heard some voices that she so well recognised but chose to ignore. She pretended as if she was not aware of the indecent happenings inside the last washroom on the row.

She was happily pretending until she heard the voices of the people involved. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped. She was not sure if she was thinking something wrong or if it was the truth. However, to clear her doubts she took out her phone from her handbag and dialled Jack’s number.

The music began ringing in the last washroom on the row.

“Who is it?” The woman asked, annoyed.

“My girlfriend, “Jack said. “Let’s finish this and then I can go to her.”

The woman moaned as he leaned to kiss her bosoms. “Hurry up. Someone will see us here.”

“So, impatient already, “Jack rasped in her eyes.

Outside, colour drained from Song Xueyun’s face. She angrily knocked on the door and a few moments later, a woman came out. It was no one but her boss Miss Liu.

“You not only stole my fucking promotion under my nose for your brain-dead brother but also my boyfriend?” Song Xueyun said in an acidic tone.

“Watch what you are saying, “Miss Liu warned her.

“Really? You think I will watch my mouth now?” Song Xueyun asked with a scoff.

“If you open your mouth, I will ruin you, “Miss Liu threatened her.

A few moments later, Jack emerged. He looked at his hysterically acting girlfriend and said with a frown, “Let’s go home.”

“You are really an asshole, “Song Xueyun said in disbelief. “No, you are not only an asshole but a douchebag too.” With this said, she bolted out of the washroom with Jack on his heels behind her and Miss Liu was calmly setting her makeup in the mirror. It was as if she had nothing to do with the fire that she had set.

When Song Xueyun appeared in the party hall, she sent one last email to the company’s account and announced that she was quitting. The CEO of the firm who was organising the party said something to mike making everyone there laugh.

“Let’s welcome Miss Liu who has put a lot of effort into winning us the best projects, “The CEO said with a smile and the crowd clapped in return.

Song Xueyun walked to the CEO with a graceful smile. She took the second Mike from his assistant’s hand and announced, “Good evening, everyone. My apologies. Miss Liu wouldn’t be able to come here yet.”

The CEO flashed her a look saying what on earth she was doing here but Song Xueyun only smiled sweetly at him.

“Miss Liu is so busy fucking my boyfriend in the bathroom that she can’t be present here in person, “Song Xueyun innocently smiled. “You don’t believe me? I took enough pictures to prove that.”

“Enough, “The CEO boomed.

The crowd began murmuring in disbelief as they looked at the brave woman standing on the stage and dealing with an adulterous couple.

“Oh, did I mention that This is not the first time Miss Liu did something like this?” Song Xueyun further said, “She loves giving bed favours to our clients to get deals. No wonder she is the boss’s favourite employee.” She looked at the CEO’s wife who was staring at her husband in disbelief and poured more oil into the fire.

“Take her out of here, “The CEO announced. The guards caught Song Xueyun and dragged her out of the venue. She was pushed away as soon as they left the arena. As her head was about to hit the wall, someone grabbed her by her arms and pulled her against his chest.

“Are you hurt, Yunyun?”

Song Xueyun raised her eyes and tears started flowing uncontrollably.

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